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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. NATO Marches on Moscow's Red Square

    It's a huge square, I don't think they'll be marching down, just up
  2. Yeah FE uses TE too(agony even rhymes lol)
  3. Recent Jan Tuma's FE tileset would fit perfectly for Balkans, it would look much more realistic than Germany as we don't have our cultivated areas shaped like that...
  4. Well yeah but I prefer smaller errors that my, I have to admit not so observant eye can't spot(I really don't know what's off on MF's A model) to the whole vertical stab being about 1/2 meter too long and some not small either bulges that belong on the C being on the A model, those errors are not small. I wish MiGBuster never pointed that out, now it's just poking my eye lol Look here: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=7417 Not what I would call a small error...
  5. Maybe but old MirageFactory F-16A's do not have those errors...
  6. This I agree with, no-pit planes are AI only in my installs. I'm a pit nazi lol but I still like to have good no-pit models very much, variety is a great thing... HornetA pit is very old now, and still apart from the not so curved canopy frame it's in the same league as TW cockpits in detail, but when it came out TW pits couldn't compare with it IMO. Gripen pit on the other hand is perfectly accurate, ofcourse it's flat as the real thing basically consists of 3 large MFD's it can't leave the impression of a Tu-95 cockpit with a thousand switches and gauges, it would be utterly wrong... As for other planes from the list, the F-35's are brutally detailed, EF-2000, TornadoF3 and AV-8B series are also incredibly detailed, MF's MiG-29 looks like it's from another super-HD game that is yet to be realeased! TW's F-16A is a mutant of F-16A and F-16C, not so accurate at all either... Truth be told I wouldn't notice that but MiGBuster showed it perfectly and the error is not so small at all... This is true but I've rarely seen polycount abuse, most of the time higher polycount means much better looking model, there are exceptions ofcourse, but on many TW models(expecially AI) you can see immidately where the savings are...ofcourse they have to keep it light becuase they need to take care for a wide spectrum of users, but some models are a bit too early 2000's era if you know what I mean... Well buddy we all like nice looking models, it's not like I'm attacking you for your comments or anything like that, I just find this discussion interesting :)
  7. Everything about Balkans is made into a joke now, and the biggest joke is on us who live here...
  8. Well that's ok, I can't see how or by what method of measure people decide on that but more accuracy, better and more detailed textures and models with more polys simply can't miss with me. From your list all external models are better than stock if you ask me, some of them have now pretty old cockpits but even those are still atleast as good as stock SF1 cockpits - atleast! Also you have Mirage3/5 by TW, externals are not quite up to my standards as I rather use 7 years old MF models but the cockpits are very good...you would probably like both external and cockpit model
  9. He plays the game on a stone age office laptop, and when you set everything to low, for example default F-4 will scale better as it's mapped on many small textures while MiG-29 for example is mapped with much bigger textures that the game ruins when it sizes it down... So all in all try setting everything to low and check out stock and 3rd party planes, stock will appear to be less blurry.
  10. LOL buddy where have you been we have about 90% of those at quality of at the VERY least stock flyable planes...
  11. This is the fix you need buddy, snapper21 posted it: http://forum.combatace.com/topic/40081-cockpit-fixes-for-sf2/
  12. I felt your pain buddy, it really should run MUCH better, however there's a solution Follow this link: http://forum.combatace.com/topic/43231-yo-check-this-out-great-speed-boost/page__hl__HDR%20Plug%20in The fix described in that thread will give you up to 100% performance improvement. Also I can tell you that SF2 series runs much better than SF1/WoV/WoE but only if you run them in DX10 so if in time you decide to buy SF2 you will get much better performance out of the box.
  13. F-15E has it's cockpit and if I may add, much better looking than that on the link. Check out the new F-15 Pack
  14. Is there such thing and if there is can you please share the call out for the ini? I checked like 20 ini's and searched both TW and this forum, my head hurts lol Basically what I need is this, on a plane according to the manual the light goes on if you pass the maximum AoA limit, and right now I have no idea what should I use in the ini...
  15. Cockpit indicators, it has indicators for combat flaps, take off and landing and also 3 positions for slats...
  16. Cool stuff, I didn't get it work yet, probably messed up the hierarchy or something... Still don't know what to do with slats, and multiple flaps positions...
  17. Happy Birthday Sony T.!

    Happy Birthday!
  18. Is that A-10 in FE/FE2 or FE/FE2 terrain in SF2E?
  19. What basically needs to be done for NF4+? Just AB and HUD's?
  20. File Name: EF-2000 Eurofighter SF2 File Submitter: Brain32 File Submitted: 1 Jul 2009 File Updated: 3 Jul 2009 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft ****EF-2000 Eurofighter For SF2**** by Bongodriver Credits part of original ReadMe: A BIG BIG thanks to USAFMTL (and various partners in crime) for his help and guidance and support. Jimmybib and Sundowner for initial consultation on skinning and all credit to Sundowner for producing the final skins which are superb. Moonjumper for his advice on some avionics matters All of you for you encouragement and kind words through it's development My Producers....etc...etc :) Oh god I'm going to cry.. Anyway I decided to release slightly early because I'd like some of you to enjoy tweaking this thing, theres alot of talent out there who can make this thing great. Absolutely no part of this is to be used in payware but moddify the model any way you wish and re distribute in your own freeware mods as you wish with no permission required from me, just give me the relevant credit. The skins are Sundowners so ask him if you wish to make mods of them. Enjoy... ************************************************************************** INSTALL: Simply extract contents of "EF-2000 Typhoon" folder into your MOD folder NOTES: Includes recent pilot and seat fix for SF2 series posted by Sundowner so this pack is as up to date as possible. Also, again please note I only did the conversion, the guys above did the hard work. 03/07/2009 - added afterburner effects! Until the next time I bore you to death with my uniform ReadMe's that are basically an edited copy of original ones - enjoy. xD Click here to download this file
  21. File Name: GermanyCE Terrain Tiles REPAINT v1.0 File Submitter: Brain32 File Submitted: 10 March 2008 File Category: Tilesets *****GermanyCE Terrain Tiles REPAINT v1.0***** by Brain32 Terrain objects, trees and houses by CA_Stary 1.Requirements - Wings Over Europe are required in order for this mod to work!!! 2. Installation. Un-ZiP "GermanyCE" folder into terrain folder(X:\....\Wings Over Europe\Terrain) of your Wings Over Vietnam installation. As before with my VietnamSEA repaint I offer trees and objects in separate folder to enable simpler instalation for users that either don't want it or can't take the performance hit :) To install the trees and objects, simply copy all the files from "Objects" folder to x:\...\Wings Over Europe\Terrain\GermanyCE. 2. Overview. The tiles are made with help of satelite imagery taken mostly from central - west Germany, mountain tiles were taken from Alps area, and shoreline tiles...well, from German coast lol. Nothing was hand drawn, all those shapes exist in nature but were violently connected together so they fit... 3. Known issues First ofcourse it will have some errors, however the number of those is on par with default terrain if not even better, if however you do find some eye-poking errors please report them with a small image in file announcment thread. Again same as with VietnamSEA, I didn't work much with the cities, you will notice some improvement in transition city texture but nothing dramatic, it is planned for future update though I simply didn't have time for it now and didn't want a completely functional mod sit on my HDD for maybe months at 99% completition 4. Did I forgot something? I sure hope not... Click here to download this file
  22. @Raden Hey buddy, I saw the problem, it seems you are either using some other TOD file or you have an error in your data.ini callouts. I'll attach the data.ini I'm using for SF2 series if that can help, as I no longer use old series games I can't replicate the problem. My suggestion is to try completely re-installing the mod first to make sure you don't have any leftovers from the orig files or other mods... @hi ho silver I planned to do something like this but check out Stary's mods, he has done that and much more since he released his latest GermanyCE tile and object mod I don't even use my mod for Germany terrain anymore, it's THAT good... For anybody trying to use my GermanyCE mod in SF2 I'm attaching the ini.
  23. Funny how other fighters in the video don't even use chaff and flares not to mention other available technology Anyway as for anything regarding F-35 I'll believe it when I see it, so far it leaves the impression of a bottomless money pit...

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