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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Buddy if you are cooking 1024 Taiwan I think it can't be any better than that, my tileset is rather old now, it's 512 and it can't be made into 4 seasons... Actually I use "Korea_xx" naming on the latest(which is now uber old lol) version...
  2. Hmm did we look at the same Korea? Sure I can't tell how did it look 1949-1953, but today it's pretty much relatively low hills and mountains that are completely green and full of forests. Cultivated areas are all in small parcells, even tiny compared with Europe. Ofcourse achieveing 4-seasons tingy would be easier not to say effortless with GermanyCE tileset...my tileset is based on South Korea in IIRC October 2007. In the mean time GoogleEarth updated that area and they now offer April 15th 2009.
  3. This is not correct. That was the plan but it didn't end up that way. All we got from Romanian "upgrade" was new paint, GPS and NATO compatible communication system, and they even managed to F that up so some planes had to be returned for correction. Other than that they are plain old Bis and UM, this is also why it's called BisD and UMD instead of "Lancer". Cockpit is also nearly completely unchanged, we just got the new GPS and comms control panel - that's it.
  4. Dude it's about copy-paste and maybe some minor plain text file editing
  5. SF2 WOE Style Hangar Screens Version 1.2

    Awsome work, thx!
  6. I knew that, actually I didn't know it was a problem on Vista sorry, had I knew that I would report sooner
  7. AIM-120 on Hornet wingtips?

    I saw a picture of USN F/A-18(A or C I can't tell) with wingtip mounted AIM-120, maybe it was a test only but I did see it...
  8. Place your Christmas greetings here!

    Merry Christmas guys
  9. Place your Christmas greetings here!

    Not that's the Santa I never stopped believing in
  10. Thx, I needed the IL-10 badly for my Korea install but was too lazy to make it out of IL-2
  11. The Gen2 section could had been much larger by now...
  12. Some stuff on graphics issues since SF2I overall: If you are not on a DX10 compatible OS and hardware, try to force DX9 via main options ini. I had issues with MiG-21 pits in SF2I when I reduced effects setting to medium, that turned off some DX10 functions but since I do have DX10 OS and hardware it probably caused some confrontations and thus glitches like theese. Also if you do have DX10 OS and hardware, do not use HDR mod, it will most probably only cause problems and it can't up your fps. If however your DX10 hardware is low end and you are NOT happy with performance, then force DX9 via main options ini and only then apply HDR mod. Just to get this strait: You either go fully with DX10 or fully with DX9, don't mix as you will end up in errors!!! If you want to use DX9, find "ForceDX9=" in your main options.ini!
  13. Yessss I've been waiting for this one since the first pic I saw And massive respect for not giving up, I shamefully admit I gave up on a few projects myself... But now I'm off to download this awsomeness
  14. I can confirm the bug with the missing planes I also can't open CAT #3 Error: Cat file size-data does not match (2).^A Since that is the CAT all F4 stuff is, I guess this is where the problem is
  15. How to ensure that new shiny patch will not mess up your install: 1. Rename your MOD folder, just put a "_" in front of it 2. Create New Folder and name it the same way you named your MOD folder 3. Start the game then exit 4. Delete the newly created MOD folder, rename your original mod folder the way it was before patch.
  16. What may be the reason for exporter no to export AT ALL? I'm not talking about errors in the LOD, the exporter refuses to export ANYTHING(it simply closes and that's it), however it exports my other project fine so I know it's something about the model...anyone have a clue?
  17. Too much polys per mesh, I didn't know this can be the cause but it can
  18. All are set as Editable Mesh as per 3DExporter recommendations. Something is F'ed up in the model...I didn't make it I just found a great free model and went into TW adjustment adventure lol
  19. Yeah that's what happens when you put Stuka engine into a ME-109G10 airframe...it's slow, but it can't climb
  20. Two is better than none But anyway I don't know, I think we would probably know about it by now...

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