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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. img00009.JPG

  2. img00007.JPG

  3. img00006.JPG

  4. img00004.JPG

  5. Yup they were stationed in Turkey and performed strike ops in northern Iraq, I also replaced the E's with Arni-E's I just didn't have the proper skin...I hope you plan to release it
  6. If you fly on "Hard" FM setting then tough luck as AI flies on "Normal", they can't stall or spin and can pull insanely tight manouvers, try flying the F-104... The words "turn" and "F-104" should not be mentioned in the same sentence and that's how it will work when you try flying the 104, but when AI flies it - It's Spitfire - Starfighter F-104 lol
  7. Well that mod was made for SF1 series, so I didn't include the vietnamS1 and vietnamS2 as I didn't change the water in it. However TK somehow changed the water in SF2V so the consequence is that outside of shorelines you have different water. C5 made a fix for that, it was attached in SF2V discussion thread on his subforum... I should do something for that mod together with CA_Stary to make a simple SF2 install version...
  8. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=8744
  9. Yup that's true, no more re-install required if you "over-mod" the game
  10. What do you listen to drive?

    Radio, custom music I like would hype me up and I already have the "heavy leg" syndrome so I prefer calm, relaxing music in everyday driving
  11. And if you dial 1-800-Ultra RIGHT NOW, you get an extra set of AIM-120D fillings to further enhance your Ultra clean airspace. But that's not all, on this very special day we offer an additional pair of JDAM's for only 99.95. Call NOW!
  12. Well the latest SF2 version is like that, and I can't blaim the man because I couldn't make them work the way they should to save my life lol
  13. The current problem with the HAWK's is that every launcher acts also as radar. Now when you encounter an installation of 4-5 launchers that's actually 4-5 radars you need to fool, if you enoucnter two installations or more...well you can count. Other than that SEAD and strike missions on the Red side are nearly impossible, on Blue two harms can close down a huge area, you just kill the radars and you're good to go. I tried to make HAWKS act as Sa-2/6 (that would be one radar on 4-5 launchers, with launchers being just that - launchers) but couldn't make it work properly to save my life, I have no clue what might I possibly do wrong
  14. I would say this is F-15 ASE - Active Silent Eagle
  15. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=5300 File Name: VietnamSEA Tile Repaint v1.0File Submitter: Brain32 File Submitted: 25 Sep 2007 File Category: Tilesets This is a complete higher resolution(512x512) VietnamSEA tileset repaint with added trees. ReadMe and Installation instructions are included in the file archive. Click here to download this file
  16. It should work as per the readme instructions, it's just too simple for anything to go wrong You either have: a) serious problems with your computer b) are unaware you are doing something wrong I can't think of anything you can do as the installation is reduced to simple file extraction
  17. Close Encounter

    Those freakin' sams aren't fun even in games lol
  18. Pretty model, very nice skins and multiple lods - VERY, very nice
  19. Umm don't judge by the game screenshots, especially not the 6DOF ones. I believe you would have to sit left of the HUD with your head between your knees to get this view in the real plane lol
  20. Wrench you just made my day...never knew about that one
  21. Unfortunetly no, I actually wanted to make a set for every aircraft and limit the weapons with "SpecificStationCode" entry. For example I would take MiG-21tank,R-13,R-3R,R-60 s few bombs MiG-21_ReconPod and give all those weapons "SpecificStationCode=MiG-21", then I would put the same entry on every weapons station and voila... That is possible , but I would have to copy every single of those weapons for every such edit(skins,LOD's everything) and that would make a huge weapons folder so I gave up.. What would be cool is if we could have multiple entries for every weapon in DATA.ini file, it would be the return of WeapondataXXX entry lol but it would make creation of super-accurate weapon sets much easier to do...
  22. Well because that's still not enough for proper Korea, sure we have mods that can make uber-complete Korea but TK needs a complete product. First you need F-86, several versions(A-E-F) with proper cockpits F-84F is fine(needs a cockpit) but at the very least you'd need a Panther for the navy and F-80, and all this should be flyable, and even then all this together with the Mustang is only 4 flyable planes, but that would just be the core. You also need supporting AI planes, B-29,B-26, etc. Also you can't leave NK,China and SSSR with only MiG-15A and bis, Yak and Lavochkin props as AI are nearly a must for a serious Korean scenario. I mean just look at WoV and SF2V, if done by that standard TK would really need A LOT of models to make it at the same level, and did I mention ground objects? Don't get me wrong I would apsolutely LOVE to see TK's "SF2:Korea", but I just don't see it as an realistic option as TK stated himself several times. It would sure be an epic flight sim suprise though
  23. Based on what I do know about TK's policy: No particular order 1. Falklands 2. Pakistan-India 3. FE - Eastern Front For all those most of the assets are already made, Pakistan-India would have to include the flyable Fishbeds which in turn would be in good agreement for future Multiplayer game. I doubt in Korea as that would take waaaay too much new models to make,same for some more modern scenarios unless they are VERY limited, for example USN vs Lybia might be interesting as basically all TK would need is an F-14 and a new terrain on which he could even re-use WoI tileset....
  24. Su-27 was for air superiority, more fuel, great range and well it's a freakin flying sam site lol MiG-29 was I think more like point interceptor like MiG-21, but they tried to make it more like F-16 in terms of A2G capatibilities.

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