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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Ahhh now I get it, that scheme is called MOD Eagle Geeez and I call myself an Eagle fanatic, this will be a nasty stain in my record
  2. Nothing like some Eagle goodness, this will be beyond cool Anway I just missed out on something, is the mapping changed for redone C or not? If it is it would be cool to have 33rd TFW 58FS(yeah I pulled this out from a textureset.ini lol) that looks like this: http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/images...-15C_CAP_lg.jpg Although I'm pretty sure you have that covered already
  3. Terrains, I mostly concentrate on high res PR tiles but as Korea will show I can build from scratch I don't do the targets but I hope STT will change that Secondary: I can also make all kinds of ini dancing(avionics, moving stuff around the pits,weps, pretty much anything) including a good deal of FM, actually I don't do from scratch FM's because well, the only place I can pull RL data is my behind lol Oh and recently I found out I can do skins, I may show something in the nearby future too. I don't do the 3D modelling as that is not something one learnes overnight, I used photoshop before this game, but I only saw 3D modelling program a few times in my buddies office lol This is very well noticed, and VERY appriciated, FC
  4. YF 23

    Actually I like the looks of F-23 better than F-22. F-23 for me is just one of those planes that look like they are moving even when standing still on the runway...
  5. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=40081
  6. RIP F-22

    I know what is flyaway cost, I also know how to add, and I see nearly 4 times the flyway cost per plane here. Anyway there's nothing in it for me, so no point in arguing, I just think that with smarter export policies USAF and USN could prosper much better.
  7. RIP F-22

    Only the initial 28 Hornet E's will get AIM-120 and AIM-9; 36 JSOWs that's like what - one per plane 10 HARMS? - I can't even comment on that 60 JDAM's that's not even two per plane guys and they are dirt cheap compering with other stuff 36 ASQ's is ok Training and logistics are not mentioned btw. According to wikipedia 2009 flyaway cost for Superhornet is 54,7mil$ so what exactly justifies the extra 140 mil$ per plane in this package? Czeh's paid 68mil$ per plane for their Gripen package, that ofcourse included all necessary equipment to introduce the airplane into their airforce, sure F-18E is a better solution for a big country like Brazil because of the range needed to cover that vast airspace... ...but overall that's insanely expensive, unless the competition is fixed, there's no way in the world Boeing will win it...especially in conditions of global economical crisis! The industry always worked the same regardless of the product if you are selling rifles or modern combat aircrafts, the more you sell the cheaper the price for your own forces.
  8. RIP F-22

    Divide 7 bilion with number of planes so it's 7bil$/36 aircrafts you get 194 444 444 $ per plane
  9. RIP F-22

    With this kind of export policy: http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2009/...per-hornet.html ...I would look for problems outside of presidents office. 200 mil.$ for one SuperHornet?!?!?!?!?
  10. It is, I know because I asked: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=6346
  11. TK said it is modelled in the game at the moment, this is how I calculate for "BaseRCSModifier" entries in aircraft's data.ini
  12. You are right ofcourse but the explanation for that exists. NATO name for MiG-29 is Fulcrum, and for 9.13 MiG-29S, NATO codename is Fulcrum-C Thus we call it MiG-29C So in a way it's not incorrect, it's just named from the perspective of the other side :)
  13. Oooops sorry I've meant TFD, or tile map data...as for HFD I recommend using the new one then Yes you are right about that but check the question: EffectShaderName=terTerrainEffectDX9.FX ...or does the terrain engine determine which version is appropriate for the system if one simply specifies the default? EffectShaderName=terTerrainEffect.fx Both are new naming convention
  14. Honestly I don't know I don't use it and didn't notice issues, but I don't fly over it much lately... It's safe to use either, my HFD had some tile corrections off the original one, I don't know if those were fixed in SF2V... And third, you don't have to adjust shader names
  15. Hmmm just to make things clear for myself - doesn't the real F-18 have automatic flaps, FBW and all that? I think I've read that somewhere, but I might had just made it up lol
  16. Actually I can't even say it's ugly - it's just too damn interesting.
  17. A pumped-up ANG F-16E/F Block60 would surely be a sweeeeeeeeeet plane :yes:
  18. Actually I could even upload it if those concerned allow me to do so... But anyway, you take that old "C" pit, delete the avionics file, edit the existing HUD TGA's to show nothing(I forgot about that part sorry)... Now you just take all the avionics from DS F-16C including the avionics.ini and pull it all in the same folder Go see how it matches in-game...if it's off then just adjust Offset setting in your cockpit ini and that's it - fully functional F-16C pit, not perfect - but it's here and it's functional
  19. Well for the guys lucky to have the new F-16C pit it probably is lol, but anyway left MFD is not working and compass needle is missing, like I said - not perfect but functional :yes:
  20. Yes but it takes about 2-3 copy-paste, one ini edit and that's it
  21. First to answer the question it's an F-16 C/D cockpit Second, we do have a C/D cockpit in F-16blk30/50/52 downloads but it has not been upgraded for years, it can still be VERY usable and it's sure beats having A pit in every single model
  22. I give 'em big 'uns Mk83 and Mk84 or M117, also Mavericks work great as do most guided weapons, unfortunetly they don't seem to "like" my favourite - Snakeyes although I think this has to do with all retarded bombs... For SEAD or even FighterSweep it's good to arm 3 and 4 with AGM88 then order them to attack ground when you are about 60-50km away from mission point, they will fire them away and it's a sure shot nearly, Hornets are especially obidient in such cases
  23. First of all: That is super,super, super cool, I know I get all girly when we talk F-15 but I can't help it Second I would just like to add that if the plane has only one user and is set as not exported(for example F-117,F-22 etc..) there's no need for userlist.ini, I saw people doing that, not that it bothers me, I'm just pointing out that it's not necesary
  24. RIP F-22

    Well it seems you guys are enjoying this panic, I probably miss out on the true reason, not being familiar with politics in USA, but rest assured I'll stop trying to calm you down as that seems to be unwanted... On a final note I'll just add that I have serious trouble believing USAF would "barely win" it's competition even completely without the Raptors, maybe I think too highly of them, you guys are much closer to the real state of things so I'm sure you know much more...
  25. I'm a dirty cheater Or mildly put, I circumvent game limitations I basically make a copy of the bomb, for example Snakeye, I rename it from Mk82SE to Mk82SE_B52 then I edit it it's properties and turn it into a GPS guided bomb with a bit larger CEP not to make things to easy....I basically get the same effect as if I had a skilled bombardier back there on lower deck Anyway this enables me to make high altitude attacks, instead of pretending to be an A-10...

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