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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. NorthKorean nuclear what? - Yeah I didn't think so... Well it says "ColdLake" what did you expect?
  2. img00014.JPG

  3. img00013.JPG

  4. RIP F-22

    OK I'm really getting sick of all this F-22 whining so let's take a look at number of advanced combat aircrafts other countries posess: Russia(if that even matters as I don't see many planes fighting after we take several thousands of nukes detonated over our heads): Su-34 - 10 built as of 2008 Su-35 - 12 built as of 2008 Su-37 - 2 prototypes Su-27SM - 24 MiG-35 - 1 prototype MiG-29M - on order? MiG-29SMT -see MiG-35 China: Su-30mkk - 134 J-11 - 120 J-10 - 120 Woooow I'm trembling, sheer horror, forget the F-22 you guys need F-222 that will cost about 222 bilion dollars to fight of this enormous force that has no wish to fight anyway Seriously if you love wasting money, I'll be kinda' short in September soooo
  5. Yeah, I mean how else to beat all 10(yes that's right only 10) of Fullbacks ever produced if not with atleast 4000 Raptors Oh and don't we already have F-22 whining thread somewhere up the forums?
  6. Thx guys this is very cool, I used layer with drawn lines(net) for that, but this is so much simpler...awsome
  7. You can move them away with the move tool...don't know what are they and how to get them but I can see those thingies potentially usefull
  8. A simple fact I've been talking about for a while now So ok the recent dll fix shut me up for a while(still waiting for DX10 shader fixes btw.), but by default this game is incredible resource hog, you'd need an octal SLI with hexa-core CPU to run it smoothly I guess...
  9. Yeah I've made the "mistake" of putting in many 3rd party sams(Tor,Tunguska,S-300 etc.) I don't think I saw air above 30m since then lol
  10. The problem is not only at high speed, but since AI flies at normal MiG-17's are pulling insane early WW2 style turns at 220-240kmh that's why they are so hard to kill but easy not to be killed by...
  11. The worst thing of all the MiG-23 modding is the fact that you can actually put the radar on the hud and it will work, but the damn thing simply refuses transparent textures for radar screen...arrrrgh But nevertheless, Ordway, your efforts are most appriciated and I must say you are doing one hel1 of a good job here
  12. the list has to go to every aircraft folder, the path is specified in avionics.ini under [RWR] section... It would sure be MUCH easier if it was "one list to rule them all" kind of thing... but this has to do for now
  13. I made a list with quite a few extra tga's What I could find is correct but what I couldn't find RL data for is just to have something instead of nothing... attached... TEWS.7z
  14. I will finally ditch the Hornet pit out of my F-15E :yes:
  15. Awsome terrain, I also noticed you started some custom PR textures....those are VERY well done
  16. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=9079 I didn't even had to search...it was THAT easy to find it and it was uploaded 2 months ago Next time try to look for it first okay?
  17. add more lift to the wings(CLmax), in theory that should provide tighter turn circle, or adjust drag vs thrust for shorter turn time, although the second one will most certainly influence rate of climb and acceleration...
  18. Hmmmmm, Eagle...now that most certainly caught my attention....
  19. File Name: Chengdu J-10A Vigorous Dragon SF2 File Submitter: Brain32 File Submitted: 25 Jul 2009 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft **********************Chengdu J-10A Vigorous Dragon SF2********************* Original for SF1 series came without the ReadME so I'll have to improvise a bit: 1. CREDITS Original creators of this excellent mod for SF series are: Insky group (www.Insky.cn) 101tfs Erwin_Hans and others... 2. INSTALLATION Just extract into your MOD folder, everything is thoroughly tested and 100% working! 3. A BIT ABOUT THIS VERY INTERESTING MACHINE(with help of wiki and other sources) The J-10 is a multi-role combat aircraft capable of all-weather day/night operation. J-10 was designed by the Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute (CADI), a subordinate research institute of Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation (CAIC). J-10 is aerodynamically unstable design, a digital quadruplex-redundant fly-by-wire flight control system aids the pilot in flying the aircraft. It features a full glass cockpit and is equiped with three MFD's providing the information to the pilot. On top of that Pilot is aided by helmet-mounted display (HMD) system, making J-10 and even more dangerous modern dogfighter! As for the electronics, J-10 is equiped with internal ECM suite which can be supplemented by active jammer pods such as the BM/KG300G carried externally on the aircraft's hardpoints. Additionally, the KZ900 signals intelligence (SIGINT) pod can be carried for reconnaissance missions. It also packs a Chineese designed and produced IRST "Type Hongguang-I" which has a maximum range of 75 km. Radar info I was looking for was not quite detailed so all I found out was this: "CAC revealed that the J-10 is equipped with an indigenous fire-control radar featuring a mechanically slewed planar array antenna, capable of tracking 10 targets and engaging 2 (using semi-active radar-homing AAM) or 4 (using active radar-homing AAM) of them simultaneously. Possibly based on Russian or Israeli technologies, the radar is believed to be comparable to the early 1990s-era Western fighter radar designs. Alternatively the J-10 could be fitted with a range of fire-control radar introduced by Russian, Israeli, and European manufacturers on its export variant." The engine J-10A is currently using is Lyulka-Saturn AL-31FN, it's pretty much the same thing as AL-31F only while F is meant for two engine use, FN is specifically set for single engine usage. Later it is suspected that J-10 will use domestic WS-10A (WoShan-10A) Taihang turbofan engine giving a thrust of 129 kN The aircraft's internal armament consists of a 23 mm twin-barrel cannon, located underneath the port side of the intake. Other weaponry and equipment is mounted externally on 11 hardpoints, to which around 4,500 kg (9,900 lb) of weaponry such as missiles and bombs, drop-tanks containing fuel and other equipment such as avionics pods can be attached. A2A missiles: PL-8 - basically this is Israeli Python3 missile so don't count on having it easy in combat with it especially since J-10A is highly manouverable PL-11 - SAHM basically a copy of Italian ASPIDE missile which is in turn a version of AIM-7 PL-12 - a very nasty AHM missile comparable to AIM-120 and R-77 For more detailed info check: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chengdu_J-10 http://www.sinodefence.com/airforce/fighter/j10.asp For Chineese missiles and equipment info check http://www.sinodefence.com/airforce/system.asp Anyway in the end I seriously like this plane and Insky group made a really, REALLY good job on it so...enjoy Click here to download this file
  20. Not to reupload the whole thing here is the fix for the ground radar. Also note that I'm not sure if JL-10A even has ground radar modes but here it is...
  21. 1. No weapons came with the original release, I like many other modders have custom weapon pack so I don't have that problem however I can not include models and stuff as I please...sorry 2,3,4 - I can't influence anything in regards to 3D model, however what I forgot to mention in the ReadMe, this is a late BETA mod. I figured out that it's better to have this for SF2 than none at all 5. I'll check it out, I remember I did play around with it, but maybe I didn't fix it completely... Anyway, I don't think I even tried to drop a bomb with it, I just checked if the loadouts are working and were for me :whistle2: Also no problems for "nitpicking", I like to know if something(fixable) is wrong ASAP, so thx :)
  22. Go ahead, I already have quite a lot of conversions to do... :)

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