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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Hmmm I remember F-18C and D were announced 2 years ago, hint,hint lol Anyway I just renamed F/A-18A to C and altered starting dates, didn't want to mess with it much in anticipation of da real thing... As for differences I honestly don't have a clue what are the external differences between A and C, but in the cockpit lower left panel for fuel and stuff is different on the C...
  2. RIP F-22

    PAK-FA is a joint venture of Russia and India Depend who is fielding them and in what numbers! I'd put my money on 8x late F-4E's with trained pilots and all the logisitcs and support(AWACS) against 4xF-15 with poorly trained pilots with no logistics and support anytime, not to mention if planes are of equal strenght like in your example. Do you know how many 1970's MiG-21's are still operational? And I'm talking only MiG-21's, not other derivations.. Seriously why should you do anything in those cases? I mean Russia invades Georgia..so fu'in what? India invades Pakistan? Arent Talibans from Pakistan? It's a win-win situation. Also I don't see China invading anybody, all of the surrounding contires and territories can't provide them with anything they don't already have, so why wasting money on some kind of wars and international complications, it's silly and they aren't. They were one of the very few that finished last year on a positive side financial wise, it's simply not in their intrest to start any kind of wars... If any conflicts should arise anytime soon(relatively speaking) I can only see North Korea or, IMO less likely Iran. Why? First Russia vs. USA even if such a horrifying thing would happen Raptors will have apsolutely 0, yes Z-E-R-O use in such a war. Russia and USA together have over 7000 active nuclear weapons and over 20 freakin 000 nuclear weapons in total. Who would the Raptors shoot at in such a war??? I already explained why I don't see China starting wars, and as for India and Pakistan I really can't help to say - so F'in what? I must admit I strongly prefer Indians in such a scenario so I would just let them sweep the floor with the Pakistanis as they always did, also both of theese countries own nuclear weapons which serve as a really good war deterrent. The only problem is that some extremistic factions in Pakistan might actually be insane enough to simply not care - that part is scary...
  3. I aim all my PR textures at the same season, often it's same day and everything. Vietnam is winter . As for correting and messing with the colours much, I don't think you will see much of that from me as for me making too much such changes gives cartoonish look to the terrain and that is one of the things that make default terrain not so good for me, other is obviously really obsolete tile resolution. I mean 256x256? Too much 90's style lol Also I see you understand the problematics of the satellite imagery but there's more to that, even time of day is involved as atmospheric conditions change. Also another problem is in-game look, what kind of lighting, fogging and other atmospheric conditions will the game create ;) I can however unconditionally agree with you one one thing, I'm looking forward to see somebody adjust for all that, however I don't see it coming soon to put it mildly lol Until then I always aim to please myself(lol) however it seems my standards are high enough for other people to like my work and that's great. I also approve and encourage others to improve what I have done. I would also love to see more people working on custom tilesets because we only have me and Stary actively working on such things. Maybe I should make a tutorial on how to do it easily? ...hmmm
  4. RIP F-22

    Yeah they will form a coalition with Martians and strike all major cities in the world on 4th of July, and then - only Will Smith can save us You do know that if one nuclear super power get's pi$$ed of at another we will all have penises growing out of our forheads? All 2 of us that survive the first day of war that is That is what MAD is for, Raptors or whatever don't serve as deterrence against major nuclear powers...although China is nowhere near Russia or USA considering nuclear arsenal so any kind of attack at either of those two would be a completely insane act of a lunatic... But scenario is ok for a video game
  5. Then just point it to GermanyCE.cat
  6. RIP F-22

    Well look at it this way: Currently, capatibilities of F-22 are not really needed, other aircrafts in the USAF/USN inventory can carry out any tasks required from them as history backs up even MORE than satisfactory I think we can all agree on that. It's quite obvious that not everything is exactly peachy with the plane, but never mind that, this baby can serve as an excellent stop-gap/testbed for saaaay F-42 Super Raptor I mean in a year or two PAK-FA will show up, and God know what kind of technologies will show up and it might be entirely possible that huge numbers of current Raptors may show as a burden instead of relief. This way you can test, adjust, repair and add your asses off with the current Raptors and when the time comes a new fighter that will shadow the competition may show up.
  7. Planejunky if you think you have it bad, you should see Croatian Air Force - now that's a LOL. Just a few amuzing examples: 1.) We retired Mi-24 Hind's as politicians saw no use for them to be serviced(P.S: Croatia is perfect terrain for attack helicopters btw lol) 3.) Instead of throwing them to museums and getting some proper stuff we "modernized" our MiG-21's in Romania to hold a few years until we get Gripen/F-16/Mirage2k/MiG-29M/EF-2000 ofcourse that was before the recession now there's no chance of getting any of those until we all recover. On top of that we have a very well trained personel with big history and even war expirience and all those men will soon have nothing to fly on
  8. You have the gun in the Gripen mod...
  9. Thx for the kind words guys Anyway just to clarify where are the textures from: VietnamSEA: Southern Vietnam, area around Ho-Chi-Min city, city textures are actually exactly Ho-Chi-Min city :) GermanyCE: I would say central Germany, closer big cities are Koln on the west and Bonn in the south west ANWGreen: OK I "cheated" on this one I think it was Colorado or even Utah lol DBS: Some Alaska and islands in the Bering Straits Korea: South Korea mostly...
  10. Range limit, and jamming are modeled, also RCS, radar, rwr and jammer frequencies and a bunch of other stuff, groun radar though might be a bit simplified, I don't know what all those planes can do with their ground radars... Nope, magic "target next" button is the way to do it, but you have to fire it inside of the engagement envelope as all missiles and especially important for GBU's and the like... Yes whole bunch of stuff that goes boom on the ground is in, supply is relevant and present... Harrier uses thrust vectoring and CCIP is present. V/STOL capatibilities are dependent upon the load, fully loaded Harrier will not VTOL... Well yes and no, this engine is not intended for helicopters but some handy modders made a few fly like that, so far Mi-8 mod is apsolutely the best in that respect - IMO Tornado is present in pretty much all variations and very nicely done, we have F-15E but without proper cockpit - for now ;)
  11. Ooops might be the decals are not showing up...this mod has quite some updates and versions so it's entirely possible I didn't put the right Decals.ini Try with the one I just attached if that fixes it then - oooops lol
  12. Yes only ini is required, infact the most important one is the texturelist.ini as this is where coordinates aka mapping of the tree textures is stored. I would glady make this for you but I don't have any of those ini's for GH2 I'm sure Stary will be able to provide more help though
  13. Something really cool for Apollo junkies (like me)

    Also they(NASA) are completely revamping(for better quality) the first 1969 landing and operations shots, honoring 40 years since the landing
  14. 1000W PSU?!?!? What kind of PC do you have
  15. Well I used a simply M2K icon for that as 4-digit "2000" seemed a bit too long, but maybe I could squeeze it in...
  16. Just the reversed entries as that changed over the years with patches and updates, I don't know which would the right values be...
  17. Hehe Silent return of da Eagle, very cool :)
  18. Hey m8, just remember that slats need to be fixed on slatted Sabres like this; Setting[1].DeployValue=59.16 Setting[1].RetractValue=92.6 Anyway I'm still fixing my computer and I think it will be done today, so then I'll do the MiG-31's
  19. Words from the an unknown soldier

    My country wasn't allowed to vote as you say and when we did, all we got was a weapons embargo - ROFL. It's nice when good thing happens and I know a man has to believe in what he is doing, however there most certainly are some intrests behind it all, it's one thing to be American, and a whole different thing to be naive. Otherwise how to explain the above? Anyway it's better to do a good thing when you have an intrest even if you fail to do a good thing when you have no intrest as long as you never do a bad thing because you have an intrest - and that's why I support what you do. That and the fact that those freakin sh1theaded terrorists need to be dealth with...
  20. I have computer problems, apparently my computer refuses to work while in my case....I hope to resolve the problem tommorow...
  21. File Name: Su-39 SuperGrach SF2 File Submitter: Brain32 File Submitted: 12 Jul 2009 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft *************Su-39 SF2*************** 1.CREATORS *********************************************************************************************************************** Su-39 Super Grach Skins by YEYEYE and 101tfs 3D Model by 101tfs Flight Model by Lindr2,Erwin_hans and 101tfs Avionics by Lindr2,Erwin_hans INI work by Lindr2,Erwin_hans and 101tfs Effects by Erwin_hans and 101tfs Weapons by YEYEYE,Lindr2,Erwin_hans ----------------Inksy Group 2008---------------------- *********************************************************************************************************************** 2.INSTALL Simply extract the contents of "Super-Grach" folder into your MODS folder, everything else is already set up *********************************************************************************************************************** 3. NOTES Keep in mind that I only converted this fine mod into "out of the box" SF2 compatible add-on and uploaded it to help reduce the conversion workload! The guys above did all the hard work! 12/07/2009 Click here to download this file

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