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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Unfortunetly I think it's a LOD issue, I would do my best to fix it otherwise, but when it comes to 3D modeling I can't model a 3D box using a 3D box template lol
  2. :lmaosmiley: It's like buying some milk on the gas station and asking where to get some gas xD
  3. F-22J?

    I understand why is it good for it to be exported, my point is on the buyers POV. It's just too damn expensive, and this has always been a huge problem with such equipment. I mean look at F-117 or B-2, if we put aside the huge fact that nobody normal would sell stuff like strategic, nuclear capable stealth bomber lol, who would buy the B-2 anyway??? Mid 1990's cost per unit production, not end cost but pure production was about 800 milion dollars!!! It's pretty much a similar issue for F-22, unit cost is 290 milion dollars? And even then it probably wouldn't be a "full high - breed" Raptor. There's no way in the world you guys will sell that to anybody sane. A maximum I think that can pass on the market is somewhere between 100 and 150 milion $ and even then you better have a very, VERY good stuff to sell. Keep in mind that fly away cost of Dassault Raphale C is 82 milion bucks and nobody want's it, even Gripen is not getting mad sales although it's export price is about 70 milion $ In short, there are two possibilities, either they find a way to drastically reduce(half) the production price of F-22 or the company producing it get's it's income from another project that would sell really, really good...
  4. Yeah I feel your pain, but I'm now officially booked for full-time July with some indication I may fully join the employed side in September - fingers crossed...
  5. AA = AntiAliasing - it smooths up the edges on 3D objects making them less "thoothy" so to say....
  6. I can't find it anywhere in the downloads...Not that I'm in a hurry to get it because this week I don't think I'll have the time to touch myself let alone the game but...this is a bit confusing lol
  7. The gun will simply show up if you have the Gripen no work required :) Just keep in mind that in SF2 all custom guns don't show up at the loading screen but are there once you are in the game. As for the afterburner effects I really don't know why it does not show up for you, I personally tested everything so I know it should work
  8. EF-2000 uses Bk27 which can be found in Gripen SF2 re-pack
  9. Hehe I don't think so...
  10. BTW 1$ US = 5.2 Kuna so if you have a pound of Kunas especially the paper ones and don't know what to do with it - send it over here ;)
  11. Uarrrrgh as unbeliavble as it may sound both me and LYK probably made the same mistake - I used an ancient F-100D cockpit lod and the textures simply didn't fit...I checked it with hex editor. Anyway I just extracted the last pre-SF2 F-100 pit and it works perfectly without even re-naming lol I guess this will be a stain on my modding career lol
  12. I did, renamed it into SMsyPit.LOD and still no go :(
  13. Don't know I have the same problem and couldn't resolve it. It's as if the SF2 engine refuses to "read" old TK lods and uses only the new ones that were completely re-mapped. I'm very interested in the solution too...
  14. They fly on normal - we fly on hard, automatically it's obvious they don't follow the same rules as the player, not to mention the fuel. But that's not the issue of il-2 or TW sims(those two actually have pretty similar ways of AI cheating), that is the issue in all sims(LockOn,Falcon you name it!). AI simply can not be programmed to fly under same rules as the player and be challenging in the same time - that's why every single AI in FS's cheats
  15. Exploiting the advantages of multi-core processors can only benefit flight simulations, also todays GFX cards are so powerfull(much more powerfull than CPU's) they can run extremely pretty graphics without braking a sweat...so you can basically have one entire core running physics while other is more than enough to "feed" the GFX card with data. But who uses all that modern stuff? FPS developers! So we can have nicely detached limbs falling on the ground perfectly realistic, the boxes you smash with a crowbar brake down hyper-realistically. But when on the same rig you start a flight simulator even one with not so fancy graphics you get 5fps - first - excuses, excuses then "buy this multi milion dollar PC and you will get enourmous 15fps" - yaaay we rock. F that! Seriously the only man that IMO really knows what to F is he doing with his code is Oleg Maddox, IL-2 series is a benchmark all sims made so far need to strive to concerning pure technical aspect - period.
  16. Yeah I know but that's how original came out, I'm not changing anything just making it "out of the box" SF2 compatible. IIRC it uses F-15E Afterburner effects

    I hope weather will improve for you in the coming days Stary :)
  18. OK and that's cool, will decrease the workload :)
  19. Well if people originating from countries with long names don't stop with PC I'm gonna stop calling them all together. I'm sorry but I'm a lazy typer and if you come from Longnameestan I'm gonna call you Longi or won't bother at all xD Imagine a screenshot of: Wehavealongnameforyoutosayalthoughitsrathershortinourlanguagesowedontgiveafrakeestani MiG-29
  20. Allegedly there are multiple versions for various cards so what works for one may not work for another...but ofcourse keep in mind that if you have a low end card this DLL will not magically turn it into high end equipment. What this does is it simply gives normal performance to users with a better hardware, it was pretty insane how low FPS did people get with monster computers before this...
  21. You mean this: € ? Actually that's a good idea lol
  22. I'm converting EF-2000 right now, any ideas what should RWR icon say for it's radar? Is simply "EF" fine?
  23. a) I didn't notice the loadout images making problems because they don't for me... b) I always put original readme in the archive, if those who created or participated in creation of the original mod decide not to put the old ones - it's their right to do so... We sure will because the volonteers bank got bankrupt so if don't who will? lol
  24. File Name: AV-8B-DA File Submitter: Brain32 File Submitted: 1 Jul 2009 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft **********AV8B+/DA SF2 VERSION ReadME******************** ##################### #ORIGINAL CREDITS!!!# ##################### Main contractor: bobrock FM and loadout advisors: triplethr3at, X-Ray Santa’s little beta testers and supporters: Canadair, Erikgen, Nghengo, Silverbolt, Souk A special thanks goes to the people on CombatAce, Column5 and Thirdwire message boards who shared their knowledge and passion over these years and to Thirdwire Productions for creating such an enjoyable series of games. If you encounter any problem installing or using this mod you can get in touch with me on CombatAce forum or send me an email. mail & msn: file404@tiscali.it May 2008 INSTALL: Simply extract contents of AV-8BDA_SF2 folder into your MOD folder. NOTES: Original readme, and detailed PDF included in the archive. SF2 conversion done by USAFMTL/Dave with small additions by me. 01/07/2009 Click here to download this file

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