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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Make sure you have the LATEST files, I use this: http://speedskater.ru/download/arccvid/EMBserie_for_MSFS.rar
  2. Still haven't find any... I turned on mirrors,reflections and shadows and I get about 50FPS in the cockpit...I couldn't get over 20 before with these three
  3. Ofcourse :) Data.ini edit - detect system(Used Don's updated FM from 2008 after WOI release) avionics ini edit - rwr portion user list edit (based on RL info :)) main ini edit(shadow,short name etc) decals fixed gun edit(BK27) In short it's completely unzip and play SF2 ready :) Anyway one really can't miss with MigBuster's guide - agains awsome job
  4. Sure all done and tested :) I'll just make the TGA and update the RWR list :)
  5. Oh.....MY....GOD! . . . . . . . . Yeah, that means it works hehe, still haven't tested in great detail, BUT initial testing shows insane performance boost, just like advanced shaders if not even better than that...
  6. Blip,blip checking in progress, report upon the completition blip,blip.
  7. OK Gripen is completely done! I have a minor HUD problem where HDG scale is cut in half but I know how to fix it ;) I was wondering...if making RWR TGA for planes not in default list is OK or not. After my edit Gripen would be read out as an F-16 or RWR, but I was thinking of creating a TGA, but what would it say? "39", "J39" or what?
  8. Amazing video of new sim

    I bet it doesn't ;) This is basically IL-2, flight models, 3D models, everything just ported to console and graphically enhanced ofcourse. I don't see realism being a problem since even IL-2 (which with all it's shortcomings IMO ranks so high above the competition that I don't see a reason of ever using anything else WW2 related) was incredibly scalable so you could choose either a really hard core simulation or a total arcade shooter playable by keyboard! Ofcourse I can't know what did the makers of this do with Maddox work, but it sure has one he11 of a legacy...
  9. Woah I just saw this! So you have, Su-27,F16A's,F-117, Tornados,Jaguar, and Su-17's covered! That's good to know. I'll catch Sony on ICQ for the Fulcrums, and attack the Gripen and EF-2000 next :)
  10. OK cool :) BTW: Where do I send the finished ones?
  11. Well I don't mind doing the work..I'm doing it anyway lol But I really don't know who to ask in the team Anyway this is on my current "to do" list(some are Brained lol but that can be easily removed), also the list is modified with info above in mind: Su-27 by Marc - done with Kreelins(FM) and MJ's(avionics) v1.5 update included MF MiG-29's - German ones are done... MF's F-16Blk1 and ADF - nearly done To do from scratch: F-15C -I see E mentioned but C??? Gripen EF-2000 Tornado's(ALL) - Florian mentioned IDS update, not sure what's with that? AV-8B F-86's(ALL) Also I know MF released SF2 versions of FA-18A and F-16Blk15 OCU BAF at check-six site...
  12. Yeah, this is cool! I'm currently converting MF's MiG-29's to SF2 standards. But since I'm already converting all the mods I accumulated I can work on anything. I'm completely familiar with folder structure and everything needed for conversion(DATA and avionics ini fixes included thx to great guide by MiGBuster) :)
  13. F-22J?

    Well sure F-22 is a great detterence, but being in a close military cooperation with the USA is IMO the best detterence. Also I may be a delusioned Eagle fanboy but I still think F-15 can do the job VERY nicely, especially newer E's with AESA radars and other goodies, not to even mention the SE. Also I don't see Russia as a threat, I don't think they are much into it anymore, NorthKorea is the only real threat in the area IMO(atleast for now) but they are so weak, I think South Koreans could sweep the floor with them... Yes on the larger scale(talking in hundreds) rentability emerges as an issue, but on a scale of either 40 aircraft or 120, I think it may pay off. Also let's look at it like this: Either 40 F-22's or 120 F-15SE's. F-15 is in production for a long time, the assembly lines are working smooth and resupply is surely cheaper and more time and cost efficient than with the F-22, also I'm pretty sure Raptor spare parts are quite costly. Furthermore, in cases of Israel and Japan, they already have F-15's and all the logistics behind it, trained pilots, bases, maintnance crews - everything. Fact is that it's highly unlikely that wars among major powers in which I can see the Raptor not so untouchable should emerge in the future, but also in all other types of wars as you yourself noted, not even an F-15 was lost to enemy aircraft. Overall, defensively I think Raptor most probably is untouchable, but offensively against a major power I don't think anythink man-made can be cocky enough to claim untouchability ;)
  14. Speaking of forwards, there is a lot of work to be done on the old mods...I mean there's a LOT of them. Did anybody consider a collective effort in converting all those plane and other mods to SF2 standards?
  15. Not to mention that if you mess up your game with something, re-install is no longer needed. Everything is in the separate MOD folder while normal game files are completely un-affected :)
  16. F-22J?

    Not to mention this thing I've read somewhere: "The estimate for non-recurring development and manufacturing cost is $2.3 billion," the letter continues. "The actual cost to produce forty aircraft is approximately $9.3 billion, bringing the total to $11.6 billion. Spreading that cost over an estimated forty aircraft leads to an average aircraft cost of $290 million." 290 milion $ PER PLANE!!! It's afterburners should create gold out of s**t whenever lit up for this to pay off, you can get 3 EF-2000's for that or about 4 Gripens or Raphales If USA want's to export something I say roll on the F-15 SilentEagle. I mean honestly what's the point of buying the Raptor? a) If you are already buying modern weapons from US that means you are an allied country, so what exactly needs to be countered here? b) You can get 3-4 more than capable warplanes for the price of one Raptor, not to mention that those 3-4 will probably have greater mission variety c) Quite honestly I don't believe Raptor is as untouchable as the makers claim, the best? Sure! Untouchable? Naaah...
  17. I'm just undergoing loooong and tedious conversion of mods to SF2 standard - ARRRRRRRRRRGH
  18. I'm pretty sure atleast some M's had Saphir21, meaning 21MF pit could be used, might be an interim solution until they got Saphir23, I'm not sure...
  19. Yeah they render perfectly now, no issues with that but the performance is beyond pathetic, hopefully TK won't wait centuries to finish DX10 code, but until then I can't recommend an ATI card regardless of how powerfull it is. I practically wasted my money on ATI HD4850 when I barely got a performance improvement over my old(even ancient) GF6800, although atleast all other games run beyond smooth :) I can finally run LockOn on max setting with no glitches, I wish SF2 would run that good though, much more fun here :)
  20. Well I was thinking what to write here, but then I understood one very important thing, expectations differ quite a lot with players of this game, many are quite happy with fps in low 20's or even worse than that. In situation like that I don't know what to recommend...a TNT2 and PIII 800? Anyway people seem to report that atleast in DX9 mode the game runs much better on nVidia than on ATI, even in situations where nVidia card is much slower in other games than ATI, it will allegedly run SF series reasonbly well. Interesting thing is that a guy with C2D running at 4.4GHz! and ATI4890 couldn't get the game run at 22fps in a really non intensive situation...so I say until TK decides to further support DX10 as with that option SF2 runs at over 50fps even on ATI cards...buy nVidia even if it's mid- low end because if what people report is true it will run better than any present or future ATI lol
  21. Don't worry I have matching CPU and RAM ;)
  22. Well my ATI 4850 is 1teraflops capable...one would think I should run SF nicely on it but...
  23. Every time you make an Iraquistani Hornet, God kill's a kitten and Chuck Noriss losses his magical powers...while we can sort of live with that take special care with what you do with F-15, if you do the unmentionable the space-time continuum will shift and we may end up with wrong stuff growing up from our foreheads... xD
  24. Wrench can I comment? Please,please pretty please? LOL

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