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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. I can easily see how would I finish some stuff with the help of this :) I can only comment this as spectacular tool, *thumbs up* man this is awsome :)
  2. "Hard" is most realistic for FM - explained in manual ;-)
  3. You can edit them out via airfield.ini's on each terrain ;-)
  4. OK, but in the end does anybody know what exactly "BaseRCSModifer" refers to? We have here and in some other threads plenty of RCS in m2 data, now how would that be applied in-game?
  5. WiC Soviet Assault

    No they run the same, nothing changed really, they just added soviet campaign to go along with the US one...
  6. WiC Soviet Assault

    Yeah the game is incredibly detailed...
  7. WiC Soviet Assault

    Hmmm is it out? I've actually read it's out on wikipedia lol EDIT: Yes it's out just dug up in ubisofts chaotic website lol
  8. WiC Soviet Assault

    Oh man and it's out...
  9. The original one yes, but SA-2 was upgraded over the years and served well into 1980's, although some claim there are even some operational units now in Russia... How accurate is that - I don't know
  10. Since when is he obligating them?
  11. This wasn't directed to you hehe. I made my Hawks work great but noticed they are a real nightmare so I went digging the wep pack a bit... For example the "K" version which was a 1995 upgrade had a starting year of 1959 in-game, actually all Hawks did :) So basically I just wanted people to know numbers should be tweaked a bit because sooner or later they would start wondering where's that nightmare coming form ;-)
  12. If you want Blue sams then unless one likes FSX type of flying Blue missiles should be corrected to believable values aka toned down by 50% lol Not to mention adjusting introducition years....
  13. Well one can atleast enter Czech language subforum and say something in english without being shot on place like on some other forums...so I actually don't mind this! Maybe just out of spite, but actually to support normal people who do not demand you to learn their language from scratch in order to post one single measly post in their subforum... EDIT: P.S. I know it may not be related to your thoughts muesli, but I hold this grudge on "language nazis" for a while now...
  14. Falcons v Tomcats

    This is what one real(now retired) F-16 pilot told to me about "fighting" different planes:
  15. Victory

  16. Did you understand the first part? That's the important one ;-) EDIT: Anyway...this is not the place to discuss the above problem if anybody is unclear on what I really meant with that point, you are free to either send me a PM or open a new topic in a more appropriate place. This thread is for Krizis excellent upcoming Yak-38 model :)
  17. Samo da mi jos jedanput netko prosere sto ne pisem na njihovom jeziku na njihovom forumu - jebat cu im majke...
  18. Mind if I ask you what are you basing your statement on?
  19. As far as terrain options I would even be hillariously happy with 10+ years old il-2 terrain system instead of this....*#$%!
  20. hmm it should be quite easy...but I can't know what may be the problem without more details
  21. Don't know man, it's one of the smoothest rides here... Now skins are rather big but I have ridiculous ammount of memory so I might not feel it. If I had any problems with it I would first try to downsize the skins, this was a real problem solver when I had only 1GB of RAM...
  22. For ALT+N addicts like me: When you prepare for quick mission, enter the MAP menu and simply adjust the last waypoint before the objective(or in simpler and probably more correct words, move the one that is shaped as a square) that way ALT+N can bring you 100-200km away from the enemy so you can prepare better for the fight without having to fly all the way...
  23. Well everything I've ever read about F-104 was that it was designed as a very low drag airframe around a powerfull engine... All accounts mention tremendous acceleration also... Now on this page: http://airforce-world.blogspot.com/2006/10...tarfighter.html it says CD0(Zero-lift drag coefficient) was 0.0172 Now when I look at TK's 104G CD0 is 0.0253 and that's for fuselage alone although other parts in TK's data.ini do not have high CD0 values, all together they are 0.0312 which is not very far from twice the drag of the real thing... Ofcourse the data on the link above does not provide much authority and it's quite possible if not even probable that TK has better data, however...it's worthy of investigation for F-104 fans ;-)
  24. Well that's easy to solve...either adjust the thrust of the engine or adjust drag(CD0).. I usually go for the drag as engines have quite correct thrust values on stock planes as far as I saw...
  25. F-22


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