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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. How are you celebrating tonight?

    I just came home from a NY party at my friends, I'm typing this becuase I find those 6ft I need to cross to my bed an uneasy task, hopefully I will eventually decide to go... Oh and one more thing: Amen to that! All the best in 2009 to all!
  2. Well my problem with this is basically in which situation, is this reffereing about mods I "can't live" without or more based around my current setup? If it's about mods I can't live without then... 1. WoeOct2008 2. F-16,MiG-29,Su-27(with WoE's F-15A this can give me a nice USAF vs VVS kick off) 3. my WoE higher res job(Stary's trees are included ;)))) ), my customized TMF WoE/WoV Feb2008 wep pack 4. probably Korea In the end I will just add that this would be too cruel, and that I agree with column5's inital comment lol
  3. Help serious il2 problem!

    You have "arcade" mode on, when this thing is on it shows the trajectory of bullets and shrapnels after impact with your and enemy planes. To turn it off, open your "conf.ini" search for "arcade" -without qutation marks and change the value back to 0
  4. DBS Hi res replacement tileset



    ****Hi res replacement tiles for DBS terrain v0.99b**** This is a simple repaint of tiles for DBS terrain, the reasons this is not v1.00 are following - I am not happy with the transition from "SeaIce" to "Sea" area and need to make transition tiles to smooth it up, for that I will need original texturelist of the first DBS terrain... - As you will notice theese tiles are done in 1024x1024, I have been making such tiles on all my recent work anyway then downsizing them to 512, after a few days if there will be enough intrest in this I will post a poll on CA to see if anybody actually notices significant enough visual improvement for me to continue with 1024 tiles, yes I need test bunnies lol INSTALLATION: Simply unzip into DBS terrain folder and overwrite when asked, I recommend backing it up in case you want to revert to the old ones. NOTES ON PERFORMANCE: I didn't expirience any performance loss even with higher resolution tiles(2048) however, mission loading times will probably increase!
  5. LOoooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOL :lmaosmiley:
  6. Somewhere over Bering Straits 1959...
  7. You have something set to "easy" nit sure what, I do believe however it's the HUD option, if you set it to "NORMAL" the labels are gone, but target box remains... Oh and guys do bother to read around before posting ;)
  8. Yeah I already forgot about it lol
  9. EDIT: Nope, that didn't work lol Guess there's more to that than simple ini edit, I actually forgot why aren't they working but now I seem to remember there was some special reason...anyway, it's not that big of a hassle to open doors right?
  10. Well I'm more then able to beat most people in similar games and I can still beat AI without major problems I have a few problems though: 1. Drunken dolphin manouver - basically planes do sharp and hard positive and negative G manouvers to throw of my aim, they used to scissor to make you overshoot now they do the "drunken dolphin" lol 2. Missile fights are insane, whole AI flight is solely concentrated on me in BVR fights, they have good tactics though, first fire 22 missiles at me(one has to hit unless a spark of being extremly lucky hits me) once I'm done my AI buddies are as clay pigeons lol 3. I know they have to fly at normal but when F-104 pulls amazing circles at 300kmh and I catch MiG-17 doing 160kmh turn... All in all both version have something to offer, I just liked the previous better simply because AI flew more realistic...
  11. Yes you will get the new AI. Since we already speak about it, with improvement some other pretty annoying stuff was introduced. I must say I prefered old AI with uberAI mod lol
  12. Freakin paypal pretty much told me to go play hide and F myself as usual, I'll just F'in wait for WoE2 and then spend few weeks toruting my buddy to do the procedure geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez why is online shopping so F'ed up? Sry guys just venting lol
  13. Do you fly for your own country in sims?

    OK you do have a point here, but I can tell you through years of expirience with online play of il2 series, I flew with Israeli squads a lot, equally - on BOTH sides. Most of them were around my age and just like me they didn't see it like revenge for Nazi crimes(which I still think is quite silly) but simply as competition and having fun, we flew axis together many times, those guys on average are pretty good virtual pilots I must add :) I have a good buddy from Israeli flight sim community, he or any of them did prefer to fly allied but wouldn't blink an eye before hopping into virtual FockeWulfs or Messerschmits... Anyway I think it's pretty interesting they were so open minded, while in the same time over the years I met some people(of NON jewish heritage) that indirectly called all that even considered flying Axis(in a freakin game ww2) a piece of human trash not to mention how many times was I called a neonazi!!! That's why maybe my post sounded harsh...
  14. By the look of screenshots cockpits are updated...
  15. Do you fly for your own country in sims?

    Personally I think anybody mixing up politics with freakin' PC game needs professional help. I mean it's completely understandable that people prefer to fly/play for their country, it simply easier to immerse into such scenario then flying for the past/present/potential enemy. But if reasons go beyond immersion I suggest starting extreme nacionalist political party(oh where did I hear about that one before? lol) I also understand that it can be hard or atleast a bit controversial to play for the enemy if the conflict modelled is still "fresh", but when a mid-late 20's asshole like me that was born 40 freakin years after ww2 refuses to fly for Luftwaffe because it's "morally wrong"....I don't know what to say, that's just...distastesteful IMO Just to sum it up you don't want to fly Luftwaffe because: 1. You can't immerse into it - Cool,OK 2. You don't like the hardware(planes) - OK 3. It's morally wrong - tuuuuuuuuuuu, tuuuuuuuuuuuuuu retard siren is warning us - retard presence imminent! I can tell you this, in modern games I have strong preference to fly/play NATO(USAF & modern Luftwaffe especially), but in WW2 scenarios(I'm hard core IL2 player) there's nothing better than blowing to F' up that pesky Spitfire with my trusty 4-cannon FW190
  16. Ugh I totally forgot about that *sharply evades bricks nad stones* I think I can finish and upload them tommorow, there's only a few tiles left to edit...
  17. Angled, but not very big to start with either...
  18. Balkans terrain is WiP by me but will not be finsihed anytime soon...
  19. The Terrain Editor Thread

    No if that airfield is the only thing that bothers you, there's two things you can do: a) export the .hfd as .bmp and edit it b) simply adjust the tiles manually to suround the sea mountain
  20. Help with russian

    Same here, English and German are dominant choices but Italian and French are also present, other languages are rarely in the regular programs. In elementary school you only have to learn one, but in highschool you have "primary" foreign language(advanced lessons) and secondary foreign language(begginer lessons)... On universities you pick one of the foreign languages you studied in HS and take courses in it that are specifically related to terms and topics of the subject you are trying to graduate. Also various courses on loads of other foreign languages are easy to find and are, or atleast were when I last looked quite affordable. Come to think of it, I might as well look for something that will make my German usable lol Watching "Alarm fur Cobra" with subtitles does not cut it really lol
  21. We had a terrain version mixup, I did a sloppy job of repositioning the target areas...anyway it's still a WiP Actually this is a good reminder, I need to talk to Wrench about it lol
  22. Help with russian

    I could probably understand what a lot of it means, but can't read cyrillic alphabet worth a damn lol

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