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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. The Terrain Editor Thread

    Well I had huge problems with that, airfields wouldn't get perfectly flat and that was kicking my nuts. This is how I do it, first I tile "raw terrain" when I'm perfectly happy with the way terrain is tiled and plan to make NO other changes regarding tiles - then I do the HFD work. First thing I do is airfield flatening, but once I apply it, I save the whole thing exit TE and backup flattened terrain, AFTER that I apply smoothing and finally adjust the sea level. The thing is when you press "adjust sea level" it cuts a small part of coast which effectively becomes 0m height, that's why it's importan for the terrain to be already fully tiled, if you tile after adjusting SL, the autotiling will ofcourse apply the rule that sea texture is at 0m and you will have the same problem(sea mountains) all over again not to mention inaccurate coast/terrain loss. Hope this helps.
  2. LOL you have trees on my tiles but I don't have trees on my tiles, time for me to stop being lazy and do something about it lol
  3. Airfield on farms is indeed not realistic, why I had a problem with GermanyCE is that those empty areas were streching not only under airfields but also over hundreds, even thousands of square kilometers over map, such things simply do not exist in Europe and especially in Germany. IMO VietnamSEA solved airfields much better, specialized "airfield" tiles connected as a group of 4 for an airfield, other terrain independant as it really is. Either way CA_Stary is doing an awsome work that will match all preferneces, that's very cool
  4. Awsome news, will eagerly anticipate further development...
  5. For a very long time I was thinking about an idea, looking at various modelling teams and how they help each other and cooperate I thought how it may be nice to have something similar when it comes to those that while are here primarly for what happens in the sky actually care for what's beneath them... We have complete chaos in terrain modding IMO,a small group of assorted individuals each doing their projects mostly by themselves and while I can even deal with that I think we can atleast share our intentions. What I mean is, let's say we have an old terrain that passed two revisions: 1. One is updating targets on rev1, but keeps it quiet 2. One is making tiles for rev2, but keeps it quiet 3. One is making trees and objects for rev1 again, but keeps it quiet 4. One is making that same terrain again only much better, but keeps it quiet Ok so it never went THAT extreme, but I think you understand what I want to say Now I don't expect this to start a "TerrainFactory" lol But for a start I think we could just maybe state what our WiP's are all about and even our plans in a single thread in modders forum which we can use for that all the time. I don't know maybe I lost it because I took 4 projects at once again lol, but I think exchanging ideas, methods and helping each other might benefit all of us... Opinions....? P.S: I'll be done with 2 of my projects tommorow so I might realise I was silly and delete this :beta1:
  6. Indian Air Force on high alert

    Was it a game for victims of terrorist attacks in India, do they get to insert the coin and carry on. Things are far more complicated than that. If India does not respond who knows how many more families will want "the coin" to insert... If they do respond, due to both sides having nukes, results may be chatastrophic. It's really fu*ed up, I have no doubt India would wax the floor with Pakistan conventionally, but there are no winners in a "nuclear conflict"...
  7. Are you sure Max188's comes without it? As far as I understood he just enlarged and adjusted the default set...
  8. Yeah that's what I was thinking about...
  9. WTF is up with the ARMA AI?

    Oooooooook, that sure explains some things lol
  10. Nice to see you guys agree, hope others will join as I consider you guys the ones I already closely cooperate with anyway lol BTW It was not just about the WiP's(as Stary noted, most of us post WiP's anyway) more like, let's start with that and see where it goes but my main point was one place for ourselves that is a bit away from the general public where we could focus the discussion ;)
  11. Actually they are normal, they come with stock tiles too. When I was making my set I didn't like it so I created featureless(no vegetation or houses) farm tiles. Anyway I just tried this mod and as usual it's top notch, I wish we arranged something for the tiles though, but this is still exceptional
  12. Indian Air Force on high alert

    Both sides have nukes. Still want to cover that war? *not that any war is a joy to cover ofcourse lol
  13. I have new hi res tiles for BoB terrain nearly completely finished a day or two...
  14. Both WoE and WoV are patched to same level, the only way you could get this improvement with this action is if your WoV install was not patched but your WoE install was ;)
  15. Woah, this is one hot piece of work thx guys
  16. Well I can't leave MigHound in belief there's no beta we all got lol It's here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...=34697&st=0
  17. Regardless of terrain size defaults are always 2000m for texture tile resolution and 500m for heightfield resolution...
  18. So you further optimized the terrain shader...that sure sounds interesting. I did some experiments also, went up to 2048 resolution for noisenormal.bmp but didn't quite get what I wanted, your noisenormal still looked better at 1024... Anyway I'm looking forward to see the new stuff...
  19. Well some if not most people have no tehnical issues whatsoever :whistle2: Wonder who might it be that is doing something wrong, but fails to attribute that to himself, but rather blaim it on TK, Blair witch, magic and wonder world etc... NOTE: this is not adressed to the topic starter, I have no expirience running anything on Vista and therefore can not comment on any issues specific for running WoX on Vista OS.
  20. That water outline looks like F'ed up alpha channel to me... @zmatt check around the forum a bit, that flickering has to be in the top 5(if not #1) complaints after sep/oct 08 patch
  21. I tested 2.5 version a lot, everything is pretty much OK, but there's a lot of double, even triple entries...

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