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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. And the World Cup has begun

    As expected....
  2. And the World Cup has begun

    Too bad I really had a hunch USA will make it vs Belgium and all things considering I wasn't very wrong, just wrong enough unfortunately...
  3. And the World Cup has begun

    Check the statistics: France vs Nigeria 41 DANGEROUS ATTACKS 37 15 TOTAL ATTEMPTS 8 19 DELIVERIES IN PENALTY AREA 7 23 CLEARANCES 26 340 PASSES COMPLETED 315 Ball possession FRA 49 - NIG 51 Germany vs Algeria 50 DANGEROUS ATTACKS 25 29 TOTAL ATTEMPTS 11 16 DELIVERIES IN PENALTY AREA 2 21 CLEARANCES 19 768 PASSES COMPLETED 335 Ball posession GER 63 - ALG 37 Sometimes you just can't get it in... ;) Anyhow so far I only missed Greece vs Costa Rica, and that was by a hair...I'm on the run. Also the Algerian coach was the head coach of my hometown football club Dinamo Zagreb, he is pretty darn good and while I did expect German team complete and undisputable dominance I knew that guy prepared the Algerians very, VERY well...
  4. Pride

    Considering the complete fail of the politics that sent you there and limited and directioned your actions, you did an epic job,
  5. And the World Cup has begun

    http://www.sportscrusader.com/greek-wc-players-refuse-bonuses-request-pitches/ That's what I'm talking about when it comes to Greece, yes going for Costa Rica is reasonable but when somebody has this much heart statistics does not mean much
  6. And the World Cup has begun

    Yup the Greeks can stale the game, slow it down and make it hard, they can defend so all they need is one stray ball into the goal, they seal the defense and can very well go through...
  7. And the World Cup has begun

    Well you are talking sense but I have a hunch...hehe
  8. And the World Cup has begun

    Actually they had a better group stage than on the last World Cup....when they where 3rd!! I see they meet up against Algeria, they will stomp them so hard it will be embarrassing to watch, I predict 4:0 for Germany at the very least. I also think they can pass through France and then they have to face the "curse of the semis" that is following them for a decade now... As for France they had a really easy group, Switzerland, Honduras and Ecuador? That should be easy for a stronger team, I don't want to insult anybody I'm just realistic...Portugal, USA and Ghana are incomparably better teams and yet France has 7 points (same as Germany) and only +1 on GD (goal difference)... Anyway if anybody is into prediction game I'll offer mine for the Round of 16: Brazil - Chile = Brazil (only cause they are hosts, quality-wise worst Brazil team I ever watched) Columbia-Uruguay = Columbia (without Suarez I don't see Uruguay passing though) France - Nigeria = France Germany - Algeria = Germany Netherlands - Mexico = Netherlands Costa Rica - Greece = tough one, I'll go Greece maybe not much quality but a truckload of heart Argentina - Switzerland = Argentina Belgium - USA = USA - surprised? I wouldn't be if USA nails that one...
  9. Weird contrail patterns over Zagreb

    This stuff always emerges in the summer, people forget that the sky is much cleaner, that way more people are looking at it and that due to the fact our coast is really attractive tourist destination flight frequency increases. Btw. speaking of jets the other day some Fishbeds broke the sound barrier near the city, some people panicked I quite enjoyed it to be honest as I recognized the sound immediately, guess I'm weird in that way lol
  10. And the World Cup has begun

    Actually USA is getting better and better from Cup to Cup it's only a matter of time with a base of 360 million people until USA get's to the top level. Germany starts now and of course I have to go and handle some stufff, geeeeeeeeeeeez, I'll have to listen to it on the car radio if I catch it...
  11. And the World Cup has begun

    Don't know but as I'm watching England-Italy...it's a really good game
  12. And the World Cup has begun

    Brazil? Are you serious? They can only ride the host-wagon that much... I say Germany and actually if my guys drop out, Germany will be the only reason to continue watching WC for me...
  13. And the World Cup has begun

    I was convinced I was about to watch a football game, not a Japanese comedy show...
  14. RIP Rick Mayall

    Lord Flashard, Alan B'Stard, Richie Richard - Rik Mayall will be missed, RIP
  15. Free Battlefield 3

    Yup, free just downloading: https://www.origin.com/en-ie/store/free-games/on-the-house
  16. In an event of WW3 they wouldn't be doing much really...
  17. I think F-35 is a miss for smaller countries, it's definitely too expensive and high maintenance for pure air-policing and for supporting roles within the alliance(s) I think it's both, an overkill and too much of a risk due to it's value. I have no doubts it will be great but it definitely ain't going to be the best buy option...IMO
  18. That's how I do it, AFAIK game can't read the reflection maps from 3DSMax but rather uses it's own game engine function for reflections...so I just map the TGA as diffuse...and done.
  19. UK Elections soon

    I think it's pretty much the same in the entire Europe, governments are over-reaching and running on tax-craze and that is smothering the economy... Socially I'd say there are problems but I'm quite conservative for European standards so I choose to evade that part to avoid this going too political...
  20. UK Elections soon

    Yup, Europe needs a big nasty kick to restart itself, otherwise, SubSharan news networks will report about famine in 3rd world Europe...the s**t is going crazier by the day...
  21. Buddy you have GTX670 you will be able to run whatever you want with the 4670k that's what I'll be aiming for when I decide to upgrade... The thing with i7 860 you have in your specs now is that it's single threaded performance is weaker than even my G3420 and since SF2 can't put more than two cores to good use it gives lower performance, however i5 4670k not only has four cores but even better single threaded performance than my G3420 so it should be a huge upgrade
  22. Yup even crappy stock Intel cooler keeps it below 60C and that's in a totally cramped case and the stock that comes with it is silly, I asked the seller if he was sure that's the box version when he gave it to me as I didn't think a cooler would fit in such a small box lol. One guy has some serious cooler on it and it keeps it at 40C with the fan at 600rpm lol Still I'm quite aware I'll be on the market for a proper quad soon, all computing is going in that direction very fast...
  23. I watched the movie it was bloddy awesome and was thinking about transferring that to SF world somehow, great concept man
  24. It's the Dogfights, they are pretty good and very entertaining but not very accurate when it comes to technical details, somebody probably mistook two intakes for two engines...
  25. So time to share what I ended up with in the end. Finally got around to squeeze all the stuff into my case which I found out is not exactly roomy with a full ATX board, cabling job is terrible as I just didn't have the room to put it away...arrgh that will have to wait lol So the components are: Pentium G3420 (3,2GHz, dual core) - lil' thing is a beast, I was skeptic till I fired it up but the thingy really showed me it's monster kick MSI Z87-G43 - went for Z87 chipset so I can have some future with it... 2x4GB DDR HyperX Beast (XMP 2400MHz) like I said it was only 3-4$ more expensive than the absolute cheapest 1600MHz one available here, otherwise according to all tests there's no performance gain of going for faster memory and in the end ASUS GeForce GTX660 DirectCU 2GB - really nice, massive cooler makes it quiet and cool Anyway SF2 runs everything I throw at it on unlimited settings, I thought I'd have to reduce shadowsand horizon distance to normal but nope, no point as it constantly pumps out great fps(around 60) Didn't try IL2 or DCS yet but I passed through Battlefield 3 singleplayer...at ULTRA setting, everything maxed, not even a hiccup. So in the end for a budget machine this is freakin awesome...

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