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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. He said Israeli jammer not radar. I can't remember what he said about the engine, but AFAIK original MiG-21-93 had Klimov RD-33. However I have no knowledge on what exactly did you do with the thing so... Anyway I saw you went all wet and defensive but I still do not understand why as that report wasn't derogatory to IAF at all, I would actually say it was exactly the opposite of that. Do you want to say that he was wrong and IAF sucks?
  2. Well I had a sudden hit of inspiration so I nearly made completely new set of tiles for BoB terrain even though I don't play ww2 in SF series. It's nothing very special really, but I think it looks rather nice and it can be finished very quickly(might as well pull it off as soon as Monday). There are no trees or objects so somebody would have to do those - sorry. Anyway if you like it just say and I will do my best to release it ASAP ;-) Here are a few pics:
  3. Sorry it's default, the original texturelist got lost, so it was hard for me to add extra textures onto default ones. I can make (many)extra textures if anybody is willing to put them to good use. Just as long as that rules me off having to start another instance of terrain editor lol
  4. Differing or not the only way that would fit anywhere would be no shadows at all, however theese are satellite photographs so such things are unavoidable...
  5. Interesting you mentioned this lol. Anyway on another, il2 related forum one guy complained how modders stole the tile from Oleg's SoW:BoB preview example. I told that guy that was stupid and that I can make a seamless tile like that in less than 5mins. So I did, then I made another, and another and well...why waste it on a silly argument :D
  6. Time for an upgrade...

    Make sure Athlon 5000+ is BlackEdition, those babies have unlocked multiplier, every single one so far went to 3GHz without much hassle :) BTW: good to see you back Stary :)
  7. Look the size of this O.o

    Is this fo' real?
  8. Hmm 3 MiG-21bisD's just flew a couple of circles over my head in perfect arrow formation, this might be a sign lol
  9. I love the idea of labels, what I can't understand is why are they not customizable like in LOMAC or il2 :(
  10. CoD World at war is OUT!

    Yeah I guess it might be more for you guys that play multiplayer...
  11. CoD World at war is OUT!

    Worst Call Of Duty so far IMO.
  12. Yugoslav 4.5 gen Fighter

    That's true, one can also look at German comments. I still love the way it looks lol
  13. For expansion I would have to see it first. As for the tiles, no problem, I'll just make new high-res ones from GE ;)
  14. BoB_Tiles

    From the album Brain32 Album

  15. Terrain,tiles, and trees are done, maybe by now it would all be done, but Wrench and me had a misunderstanding so we have to re-adjust the targets for new terrain version. I suspect release could be RELATIVELY soon ;) BTW...it's not like we had kept it secret, there are threads with pictures all around the forum lol
  16. Well yeah, although ANW terrain and Korea are very different, the place in Korea where I did that is not highly elevated in the first place so this didn't make drastic change of looks. ANW on the other hand... Actually what would be enough for ANW is probably just to fit one tile on the flat area...
  17. OMG!

    OK,ok I know and understand what you all are talking about, but the comments are hilarious. Right of wrong let's not loose our sense of humor...
  18. Yeah exactly like that, you will see how I did it in my Korea map, I only cutted into hills maybe about 2km on each side of the river but following the configuration of elevation so to speak, it looks perfectly natural. Ofcourse it's not completely realistic for that area, but we can hardly talk about realistic when our HFD's have only 500m resolution. I wondered if our systems are ready for higher detail HFD's, actually I tried to re-make ANW terrain with higher HFD resolution, but for some reason, I didn't manage to create 500x500km terrain...
  19. Best way to work rivers on hilly terrain is to make a sort of transitional area between water and higher grounds, otherwise you can expect water mountains and such stuff, I did that using SFMap for my Korea terrain, you will see ;)
  20. MiG-19S WIP

    Darn, it's so pretty I'm not sure I'll be able to shoot it down :D Awsome work man!

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