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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Hot damn! I can ditch my WoI--->WoE zombie mutant ninja installation now :D
  2. Congrats Kukulino , that's a great thing, I'm still about 3 years short of such an achievement darn Bologne university system prolonged things for me...
  3. NF3

    Hey C5 if you need some adjustments to tiles or something not as intensive as complete terrain overhaul drop me a PM ;)
  4. I'm nearly speechless...I can't even describe how good it feels to see something I've put so many hours in finally getting to be what I wanted it to be :) Just a small note, I started working on Korea BEFORE GermanyCE ;) This is apsolutely fantastic, thx Wrench
  5. Question...What are your top 3 gaming websites?

    Pfft ofcourse Combatace is on the list but other than that SimHQ and WarClouds(dedicated il2 server website)
  6. OK guys, I think you should know what are Wrench and me babling about :D Here are 11 quick screenshots from new Korea_Autmn terrain:
  7. That's awsome news Well anything of those sounds great to me if you need some re-tiling or flattening, just PM me the coords, that's not a lot of work and I'll squeeze it in to finish the terrain finally...
  8. No my terrain looks siginficantly different, I mean I didn't cover exact same coords. The main problem with the targets is orientation, bridge being some 300m away from the river, port cranes are in water, etc... They are not compatible, I may release an unfinished beta but not on CA as I don't want CA's bandwidth to be wasted by unfinished stuff... Wrench and CA_Stary, this is something we should all agree upon so please contact me via PM or even here so we can sort it out, thx.
  9. It sure does in SF series, in everything else though - I wouldn't bet on it ;)
  10. That terrain was by me, CA_Stary did the trees, and you gave us your target layouts. The terrain is on hold indefinitely as I have neither skills or time(actually the real reason) to do the targets. If somebody (serious) want's to do the targets, by all means contact me...
  11. What do you Drive?

    1996 Opel Astra
  12. Did anybody notice how everything goes quiet in cockpit when you go Mach 1+ :))))
  13. I seem to get better fps with this patch...that alone would be enough for me...
  14. You guys are killing us with those MiG-29 shots
  15. Storm of War: some new details

    Bah it will be another "Won t3h war" Allies have to win "simulation" probably. Why would anybody bother taking the time to fly over 5000hrs in Olegs 109 only to have a keyboard n00b flying circles around you after 2h(including torrent download)of flying. It shouldn't be called SOW:BOB but WTW:GS(Won Teh War: Germans Suck). I'll be waiting for SOW:Korea by Luthier and will consider Oleg's new WW2 sim ONLY and ONLY if one of the suckers that buys it tell's me the stupidity is gone. There's no way I'll spend loads of cash to be able to play something like il2 v5.0 like Jedi Master says...
  16. Don't know I thought it's not a big thing, kinda "Who would want this anyway, I will rather not spam..." but now since you have been trying to do it, there's no reason why I wouldn't help you :) Anyway I'll just attach it here, you have an edited *.BMP and cockpit.ini inside, you just need to use stock F-15A_avionics.ini and you are ready to go, although the MFD is not working I painted a static one using LockOn's F-15 as a refrence, it's only a weapon selector anyway, I did the same for F-15C pit by Kess which I still use, although it shows age, I like variety :D Dave that's super great news EDIT: Here's a pic too :)
  17. I managed to make a F-15C pit from a stock F-15A pit, want it? OH and E pit is very different from a C pit....
  18. Can you tell me what hardware and catalyst version exactly you use?
  19. Well I just tried, set the horizon to "normal", shadows to "low(aka no shadows whatsoever)", then I had to turn off mirros and canopy reflections and now I can atleast play it...wonder what will happen when I add mods...
  20. Sorry you missed the point by a few miles... First of all if all other super high end games would run like sh1t I wouldn't say a thing, THAT IS NOT THE CASE here. Infact all the latest games work smooth as silk on my rig except WoI Other than that WoI believe it or not is not as intensive as you may think actually the games that are much more intensive run very(ridiculously) smooth on my system. Not to mention how GFX cards with less power(nVIDIA) perform better in WoI than mine, I have a mid-high end ATI card for God's sake not "Bulgarian Electronics GFX 2000" I think it's pretty sad when game can't support both MAJOR gfx cards manufacturers, I mean it's not like there are 50 different brands out there. How can you explain that the game runs pretty much the same if not even worse now than on my 2003 system I upgraded from? There's simply no explanation, I just hope TK will drop by in a thread I posted on TW forum and tell me where I am, I would respect that....
  21. Well I posted on thirdwire forum, I hope the issue can somehow be resolved, otherwise I'm gone until it is solved, the current performance with ATI is unacceptable. My card can eat GF9600GT for breakfast and ask for more in every game yet in WoI it can't perform 1/12 of what 9600GT can, that's just ridiculous. I still hope it has something to do with current drivers, maybe they have a switch: -"perform extremely badly in WOI" or something lol
  22. Well before I learned ATI is nearly not supported by the game lol I was USAF all the way, primarly my fav. plane ever - the F-15 Eagle, also I used EF-2000 and Gripen A LOT, Navy planes came after that(F-14/F-18) As for the bad guys MiG-21F-13 is probably most used, then Su-27/33 and recently MiG-31 and J-10A
  23. Darn, that looks awsome, good thing I have a new system Off to check it out in-game :)
  24. Well I upgraded to a new system a few days ago: A64 5000+ Black Edition - currently stable at 3GHz 2GB DDR2 - waiting for another 2GB stick to come, to lazy to go far for it lol ATI4850HD - yes one of the new ATI series 48xx kick @ss cards Since it seems I'm the first one here to get a new series ATI card and have a habbit to collect a bunch of games from my friends and test the living sh1t out of the new hardware, let me write a short non-proffesional review: 1. The card is by Sapphire it seems it's a lightned edition as it came with only a few necessary cables and a driver installation CD, what I especially appriciate it came in a small box not much bigger than the card itself. Don't you get pis*ed when they sell you a freakin' USB sitck sized product in a box sized for dishwashing machine. -"Yeah sure I'll rent a pickup truck and come back to the store for my USB stick, thx." Ok enough ranting... 2. The card itself is nothing special, unfortunetly it comes with reference cooler so I knew immidiately it will go hot as hell, in idle it came as high as 80C and about the same at load. Fortunetly there's a nice tweak via control panel to increase the rpm of the cooling fan on the card, increasing it to 44% did the trick, the card is now 50 idle and less than 70 under heavy load and is still quite silent. 3. I didn't use the drivers that came with CD as I pre-downloaded the latest Cat's 8.7 this may had been a mistake... Let's go for testing, not all tests were done at same CPU speed so I'll just write it next to it, card was always at max image quality only AA and AF were varied, and resolution in all games is 1024x768 due to my 17" CRT monitor: 1. Lock On Modern Air Combat v1.02(CPUat2.8GHz) - always wanted to play it, never had the hardware, well now I can. The game runs super smooth maxed out with 4xAA and 16xAF! I think I saw it at 23fps...once lol 2. il2 sturmovik 1946 v408 - maxed out super smooth(never below 60fps online) with 4xAA and 16xAF, with standardized bench tracks things were not so good until I OC'ed the CPU to 3GHz, I still think it must go better...but generally OK 3. 3DMark2006 - 11100(can't remember exactly) marks, CPU at 3GHz, standard 3DMark testing 4. FEAR - couldn't find anything more to max out, built-in benchmark Min:48, Avg:126, Max:327 5. Quake4 and Oblivion - I didn't have a special benchmark I just took very messy levels and played looking at FPS, I saw Oblivion at 32fps once lol 6. Wings Over Israel - the biggest WTF for now... I used clean install with April patch, F-15 and my wingman over nothing but the desert, game was maxed(shadows medium) out, in def.view I only managed 29fps, when I zoomed out in wide view I only got 16-19fps!!! Something is not right here and I hope I'll solve it soon. Other than that, there are no visual problems the picture quality is waay better than on my old GF6800 All in all the card is performing waay above what my monitor can display and aside from this WOI low fps issue I'm VERY happy with it, I'll experimet with it for the next few days and report my findings ;)
  25. UGH, I use to like the Spitfire, now I can stand a freakin look at it... HB anyway, it's not the planes fault

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