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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    I really don't want to go into deep politics here but truth is that US ship was in the Black Sea so Russian aircraft came to say hello. What happens when Russian ship moves around the Gulf of Mexico? USN/USAF/ANG no say hello? Anyway like I said I don't want to go into politics but I do want to go in the way media people make their money these days, every freakin thing has to be a sensation with 24h coverage, analysis, panels, 3d presentations...I mean geez stuff like that will ALWAYS happen and it's common, I bet Russian and NATO/US planes also still meet in the sky regularly, just hey pssst don't tell that to CNN as all hell will brake loose. I mean next thing I wait to happen is: "BREAKING NEWS!!!" We interrupt this program to let you know...that if you buy BeaverMuncher3000 now you get ButtHumper 2250 completely free + special offer - a set of not so sharp knives that really look sharp!!! Now dial 0800-I-LIKE-MY-BEAVERS-MUNCHED and don't miss this special offer. NEXT! A panel of Beaver munching experts discusses the topic and provides an in-depth ANALysis of the product with special holographic 3D presentations and effects...
  2. Check the lightdistance in the ini. of the respective afterburner effect, some old entries from SF1 time have too large values for SF2, you can recognize that if flying by night and engage afterburners - you will notice it immediately, reduce the value to 5.0 it will give both, better performance and visual quality as cockpits don't go Las Vegas as you hit the afterburner
  3. IL 2 Skyhawk Promo

    That's some freaky mod of the very old YP-80 cockpit...over 10 years old...
  4. R.I.P. Windows XP

    I still use it at work however it hit a message today at me saying that it's dying...poor lil' thing Interesting fact here I never used it at home,was pushing WinME which interestingly worked pretty well for me up until I got Server2003 over some student deal at crazy price and used that thing as a workstation, worked amazingly well...then I got hooked up on Win7 beta after a major system crash I had, got so into it I don't want it to EVER change lol, even got MS certified on it... @Fubar, 3000+ workstation OS refresh in 2002? Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarn you guys really mean business with IT, here it's rare to find a company having over 300 even today...
  5. Yup I know about that, however the cheapest 2x4GB kit here is the KingstonHyperX Beast at 2400MHz...even cheaper than buying two separate 1600MHz sticks...crazy, probably some super-sale or something... I hope there will be no paycuts too, however it is suppose to be a temporary 3-month measure and only maybe but I really didn't want to hear that now while preparing an upgrade lol
  6. Thx a lot again buddy this helped immensely I definitely plan to go for Z87 or atleast a better H87 chipset to get all the new bells and whistles, I am now on ancient AMD770 chipset so I need a good new base with new technology, I also still lurk around the web stores to check i5 deals but I also had a situation at job today(ofcourse the sh*t hits the fan when I plan a new rig lol) so if I take a pay cut it will be PentiumG country but I also found a great deal for 2x4GB DDR3 at 2400MHz that should give about 30GB/s data transfer to the system which might help this new texture-heavy games... It's good to see the lil' PentiumG will be able to be to serve atleast as interim solution if things turn like that so with a good base I can always go for an upgrade later, Intel announced some nice new goodies last week...even unlocked pentiumG's...
  7. Well il2 is not multi-threaded so we can skip that one especially since you don't have it installed although it has pre-recorded tracks making testing easier, LOMAC also had such missions, one would just let it play and observe the fps I don't know if FC has those tracks too? SF2 is going to be a pain because it does not have built-in tools so that will take me some thinking on how to do it, FPS in cockpit is most important IMO
  8. Well if you are really willing to mess with all that it would be absolutely awsome!
  9. Well not so sure the difference can be that bad, check this review: http://www.legitreviews.com/intel-pentium-g3220-processor-review_137016/6 ...and that's the 3220, I plan to go for 3420 which is even a bit faster, on the games they tested the difference was in 0,X% region. But they didn't test SF2 or DCS or IL2 that's why I'm asking you guys because I was wondering if somebody is perhaps running SF2 on such CPU...
  10. Well I've been looking at some choices lately trying to find some better offers, technically I can afford an I5 but I wonder if it's worth 3-4 times the price of PentiumG, considering I don't do anything professionally on my PC, the highest performance demands come from games, so if I5 will give me 5% better framerate I have to ask myself if 5% more fps is worth 3-4 times the price... CPU market is in trouble because INTEL is just too much above the competition so they keep their prices up knowing they can get away with it in the start and when you add to that a gazzilion of taxes they throw at us here in Europe you get to the price point where you are asking the very same questions I ask myself now when buying...
  11. MirageF1 is very heavy, that's why it looks so awsome, could be lack of memory or something that causes the crash because all the textures are 4096x4096 plus Bump maps and damage textures...
  12. Yup those guys are pretty much following my thoughts, I don't know about i3, I can afford it, I could even afford some "lower-grade" I5 but with prices here I wonder if it's worth it...
  13. Happy Birthday Dave!

    Happy birthday man, hope you had a good one
  14. I'm bumping this thread because I need some info, what I need to decide is what is better for this game (and IL2, DCS etc.) between two solutions: a) PentiumG 3420 (3,2GHz) s1150 Good points - really cool chip, single core performance goes beyond high end Athlons, it's powerful and extremely power efficient, on top of that it's cheap, very cheap, sub 100$ here Bad points - it's only dual core and no HT either, no OC b) FX-6xxx or Athlon X4 750 Good points - simply more cores, better multi-threading performance, OC possibility Bad points - more expensive, heat management, power demand, more cores but each core is much weaker than Intel cores Ofcourse I'd like I5 or I7 but prices of those here are laughable for example I5 4670k is over 300$ here and since I saw the same CPU on US sites for as low as 190$ I consider 300$ to be a freakin robbery without a gun...heck they even sell the 3570K for about 300$ Here's the link for our US buddies that are perhaps interested: http://www.microcenter.com/product/413251/Core_i5_4670K_34GHz_Socket_LGA_1150_Boxed_Processor Although I'm sure you guys can find it easily and perhaps even better offers... Arrhgh I'm babbling again, the point is this question: Are CPU's with more weaker cores better than CPU's with less but significantly stronger cores for sims, SF2 dominately? Oh and the card it will power is GTX660, non TI, non OC model
  15. Chengdu J-10A Vigorous Dragon SF2



    **********************Chengdu J-10A Vigorous Dragon SF2********************* Original for SF1 series came without the ReadME so I'll have to improvise a bit: 1. CREDITS Original creators of this excellent mod for SF series are: Insky group (www.Insky.cn) 101tfs Erwin_Hans and others... 2. INSTALLATION Just extract into your MOD folder, everything is thoroughly tested and 100% working! 3. A BIT ABOUT THIS VERY INTERESTING MACHINE(with help of wiki and other sources) The J-10 is a multi-role combat aircraft capable of all-weather day/night operation. J-10 was designed by the Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute (CADI), a subordinate research institute of Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation (CAIC). J-10 is aerodynamically unstable design, a digital quadruplex-redundant fly-by-wire flight control system aids the pilot in flying the aircraft. It features a full glass cockpit and is equiped with three MFD's providing the information to the pilot. On top of that Pilot is aided by helmet-mounted display (HMD) system, making J-10 and even more dangerous modern dogfighter! As for the electronics, J-10 is equiped with internal ECM suite which can be supplemented by active jammer pods such as the BM/KG300G carried externally on the aircraft's hardpoints. Additionally, the KZ900 signals intelligence (SIGINT) pod can be carried for reconnaissance missions. It also packs a Chineese designed and produced IRST "Type Hongguang-I" which has a maximum range of 75 km. Radar info I was looking for was not quite detailed so all I found out was this: "CAC revealed that the J-10 is equipped with an indigenous fire-control radar featuring a mechanically slewed planar array antenna, capable of tracking 10 targets and engaging 2 (using semi-active radar-homing AAM) or 4 (using active radar-homing AAM) of them simultaneously. Possibly based on Russian or Israeli technologies, the radar is believed to be comparable to the early 1990s-era Western fighter radar designs. Alternatively the J-10 could be fitted with a range of fire-control radar introduced by Russian, Israeli, and European manufacturers on its export variant." The engine J-10A is currently using is Lyulka-Saturn AL-31FN, it's pretty much the same thing as AL-31F only while F is meant for two engine use, FN is specifically set for single engine usage. Later it is suspected that J-10 will use domestic WS-10A (WoShan-10A) Taihang turbofan engine giving a thrust of 129 kN The aircraft's internal armament consists of a 23 mm twin-barrel cannon, located underneath the port side of the intake. Other weaponry and equipment is mounted externally on 11 hardpoints, to which around 4,500 kg (9,900 lb) of weaponry such as missiles and bombs, drop-tanks containing fuel and other equipment such as avionics pods can be attached. A2A missiles: PL-8 - basically this is Israeli Python3 missile so don't count on having it easy in combat with it especially since J-10A is highly manouverable PL-11 - SAHM basically a copy of Italian ASPIDE missile which is in turn a version of AIM-7 PL-12 - a very nasty AHM missile comparable to AIM-120 and R-77 For more detailed info check: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chengdu_J-10 http://www.sinodefence.com/airforce/fighter/j10.asp For Chineese missiles and equipment info check http://www.sinodefence.com/airforce/system.asp Anyway in the end I seriously like this plane and Insky group made a really, REALLY good job on it so...enjoy
  16. Dissed by own mother

    32 and so black the light can barely escape
  17. Guys I think SF2 simply favors nVidia cards, I was in the same situation back in 2008 when I got the 2nd best Radeon (it was 4850 back then) on the market but people with mid range nVidia cards were killing my shiny Radeon completely, not in the other games(mostly) but SF2 was almost no competition. It would help if people with nVidia cards would share their experience and post their rigs so we can compare stuff and determine if my suspicions are true... With prices and general performance of the two brands going neck to neck, I think that would be VERY useful for future upgrade planing for all SF2 players on CA...
  18. Tomorrow is a big day

    Good luck man!
  19. Kiev.. photo's

    So much destruction, deaths and chaos...and for what? Hindsight is a nasty thing, who will remember Kiev in 10 years and ask objectively - what was it for? How are they doing now? We shall see...
  20. Sochi Olympic Games....

    The gay "issue" is manufactured....but anyway I was always more of a summer type...
  21. Hmm I hope they have a solid fence around that field, not sure how the the intakes would take a free kick
  22. Well the thing with the tilemap import/export work is that TE can not do it properly on maps that are bigger than standard. I messed around with it today and got it skewed all the time too, then it occurred to me that this map is much bigger than standard maps are...
  23. I'll be able to provide some help now over the weekend
  24. Hmm all this is pretty darn interesting...

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