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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. I can land the Osprey on another Osprey if needed
  2. Maybe it has radar projected onto the HUD like MiG-23?
  3. This looks more like MiG-21PFM cockpit to me, ofcourse with all avionics changed inside-out lol
  4. Well it depends what do you mean under "full real". If we're going for extreme then "full real" is only actually flying... But I will not bother you with nitpicking, it's obvious you meant highest difficulty I fully agree with you that visuals are a huge and IMO even biggest problem of flight simulations, especially combat flight simulations. However I tend to prefer to have flight dynamics of a simulated plane I'm "flying" to be as realistically modelled as possible. I mean if I choose to fly a FW190 in il2 for example, and I disable stalls,spins,torque,complex engine management, overheat etc. WTF am I actually doing playing flight sims, I could just go play first FPS that features "jet pack" I can find... Also I think real pilots are at disadvantage when flying PC simulators, they are used to take certain signals from a plane in a certain way("seat of the pants" being the most noteworthy example) and Pc sims don't give them in the way they are used to. I saw quite a few such problems and misunderstandings with il2. I always play "my" sims with flight dynamics set to the most realistic level a game can offer, and adjust the rest(mostly visual stuff like limited icons(IL2) or red squares(SFP1/WoV/WoE). I can't help it I'm one of the guys that like his F-104 to fly more like a rocket with small wings than like a Spitfire
  5. Extract the HUDDATA.INI from FlightData.CAT...on top of the ini you should find: [Debug] DisplayDebug=FALSE <--------change this to TRUE However keep in mind that this will add a whole bunch of info over the screen and it's not combat friendly
  6. I tested it AI highG thing few months ago, modifed the "Cant-remember-now-which.ini" so I can endure extreme G and went flying with debug console, I was in lag pursuit on a F-18 with Su27 in a sustained spiral dive, basically I was pulling slightly over 10G's and he was pulling away... Not much of a problem in gun to gun scenario, but with rockets... This also might explain why people feel planes bleed speed easily on Hard setting in WOV/WOE... As for il2, are you guys sure it's not Yak-3 instead of Yak-9? I don't find Yak9 to be much of a problem at all. Worst are imo, La5FN,La7 and slightly less than theese two Yak-3...
  7. Well I fly on Hard FM setting and I can't say planes are easy to stall for me, I just don't get AI's sustained 10G turns Oh and as for il2, I don't see Russian planes overmodelled as much as before, actually nowhere near that, they are modelled on the better side tho, but much more sensible than in previous game versions...
  8. New v409 BETA patch contains three new high quality maps(Slovakia, Bessaraboa and MTO) the maps are the best ones so far in quality, it also contains new default skins for several plane types(German/Italian/Russian) and a brand new graphics option of extended visibility + some other stuff. Original link(might be slow or even closed): http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=2462 Mirrors: Mirror1: Maps: http://mission4today.com/index.php?name=Do...ils&id=3199 Skins: http://mission4today.com/index.php?name=Do...ils&id=3200 Mirror2: http://www.angelsandairspeed.com/
  9. Yeah me too, once I was really persistent to get the lock(had no choice - F-4B) and in the end I manouver-killed the AI MiG-21, I just couldn't get the lock
  10. Gun damage

    In WW2(I don't remember who made the test/study, US I think) they got following results: 12,7(.50cal) - 20 hits to down a fighter sized plane 20mm - 6-7 hits to down a fighter... 30mm - 1-2 hits to down a fighter... Ofcourse anything can be brought down with one round, but you have to look at average. I find the power of .50cal pretty amusing in SF series, I went against MiG-15 and MiG-17, sure it was possible to give it a good burst and watch it fly away or just smoke, but MOST of my kills were about heavy and I really mean heavy structural damage(complete tail sections blown off, wings sawed off etc.) That is a bit too much, fires,cut controls, engine damage etc is Ok but too much heavy structural damage is occuring atleast according to everything I ever saw about 50cal's It doesen't really bother me but if we want to talk accuracy....
  11. Type the title of this topic in the search and go see what you get
  12. Well I had a bit of a problem with low-level bombing in SF series too, got used to low alt drop playing il2Sturmovik where you have bomb delay... no luck here :(
  13. Bah, pilot stories don't count for me, too many factors in that even in original, real combat situation reports. In not so many words: "Show...me - the DATA!" and BTW @Cover72 where did you find the data for maximum AoA for all those planes? I tried to find such info but no luck...
  14. "Two weeks, be sure!" is originally a saying of O.Maddox, creator of il2 Sturmovik. It's from the times people were more interested in arrival of a new patch than their own paycheck The patch mania on ubi never stopped, one more, last update in about 2 weeks be sure
  15. ACM suggestion needed

    Well when I'm in trouble in close up dogfight against a better turning plane I can not excape I usually go scissors on them, AI in WOE/WOV is pretty good at it which is great
  16. Well my primary all time favourite is the F-15A/C Eagle, it's just....perfect. As for others: Ta152H F-86 F-104 Mirage F1 And as for the latest stuff it's probably Jas39 Gripen
  17. You call this a patch thread???? Anyway, Mirage rox, bring it on :yes:
  18. Ground radar modes do not work with Avionics70.dll :(
  19. I personally downloaded files from CA with IE6, IE7 and Opera v9,02(which I use 99,99% of time) and had no problems so I doubt it's the browser
  20. HOW TO

    Well it was about 2:00am here when I responded , but I'm pretty sure somebody moved it to this forum
  21. This is CS , and yes those guys always had a habbit of changing menus from version to version lol
  22. HOW TO

    Put the sound you got with the add-on skyraider in "Sounds" folder. BTW: Wrong subforum
  23. Well I decided not to be lazy and share the way I do it First of all I work in Photoshop, don't know how to do it in other apps, as I never tried it... So let's say you made a nice shoreline tile for your new terrain/repaint, but now you have to make alpha channel for it... So once you opened your image in photoshop... ...on your "Layers" toolbar go to channels and duplicate one of them, I usually choose "the tail end Charlie" as a true virtual fighter pilot and that is Blue channel After that, selecting only the channel you just created go(on your main toolbar) to Image -> Adjustments -> Threshold... A window will pop out, so adjust the image with the slider shown on the picture until you get something similar to the one you can see on the screenshot. It will rarely if ever turn out perfectly so clean it up as needed with the brush... Now make other RGB channels visible and clean up the image with fine brush tip just to smooth it out and clearly define the shoreline so you don't get bad effects in game: End result looks something like this: Now that's a nice alpha channel with just a few minutes of work :yes: In the end just don't forget to save the *.TGA with alpha channels: This is how I do it, I hope it can help somebody

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