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Posts posted by guitarclassic55

  1. With regard to wind sounds: When experimenting with creating individual engine sounds to match each aircraft I have tried mixing a wind rushing sound in. It still needs playing around with a bit to sound convincing, but the idea is that when increasing the throttle to accelerate the engine the wind sound will also increase in relation to the speed. The engine sounds can then be easily added to the sound file and the appropriate aircraft.......if that makes any sense. I'll post one up to try when I happy with it.


    Sounds intriguing... looking forward to hearing what you come up with.

  2. I have detected this problem too.


    There is something wrong with the coordinates.


    You must click over the available options instead of the arrows.


    I see what you mean now... I'll see if I can't figure it out and fix it. Until then, just click on the text itself, not the arrows. I probably never noticed it because I tend to click on the text anyway instead of the arrows. Thanks.

  3. Thanks... I hope to get a chance to try it out later tonight... will let you know if it works.



    I changed the cockpit yaw values as you suggested on the Sopwith Pup and I can now see almost to (but not quite) the stabilizer from either direction. While I'd really like to see the stabilizer, it is at least an improvement.

  4. Hi, I am quite new to the game and have some questions regarding mods.


    I have read and understood that peter01's FM-s are of finest quality and thus a must for a realistic game. Also, there seems to be a problem with EP and April patch. I have EP installed and I don't know whether to install the patch or not: the FM-s and the addon planes are not compatible with the patch I've read (Bite sized chunks topic).


    So what should I do?


    Also, in the download section, all the flight models and planes are from the pre-patch time (and even pre-EP), the latest file submitted is the Fokker E.IV pack in February, so... the new patch is generally not used or supported? The peter01's FM-s there are also from pre-EP time (Alternative Late War Plane FMs NOT for Expansion Pack is the latest file).

    Have I missed something? I couldn't even find the pre-patch (but EP supported) peter01's FM, that he talked about in the "Bite sized chunks" topic anywhere. Help?:)


    Hi and welcome,


    I'm probably not the best person to answer your question, but since it's Saturday morning and no one else is around, I'll tell you what I know. It is a bit confusing, the different possibilities with FE:


    Original FE with only stock planes

    Original FE with added custom planes and some INI tweaking

    Original FE with added custom planes and the FIRST PATCH (which fixed a lot of things that made the INI tweaking necessary)

    FE with Expansion Pack (includes the first patch changes)

    FE with EP and April 2008 patch

    FE without EP and April 2008 patch


    On top of that there are custom FMs for the custom planes PRE-EP and post-EP, and custom FMs for the stock planes pre- and post-EP, most notably the ones by peter01. The post-EP ones by peter01 were being raved about but after the April 2008 patch came out they didn't work as well so peter01 pulled them from the download section (I believe).


    I wish I could give you more direction and more information... I know that several people have multiple installs of FE: one original FE for early-war planes, and one or more other installs for later planes,usually incorporating the EP and/or latest patches. Personally, I fly the EP with the April 2008 patch. I also fly the custom planes with peter01's pre-EP FMs... I'm sure he's probably cringing reading this... because the planes probably don't feel like they should, or perform the way they should since TK (the designer/programmer of Thirdwire series) changed things FM-related with the EP and again with the April 2008 patch. Nevertheless, I fly them that way. I also like flying in campaign mode. Firecage has a great all-inclusive start-to-finish campaign called planefest that uses many of the custom planes. I haven't tried it since the April 2008 patch so I can't say for certain that it will work. I'm currently flying the Bloody April 1917 campaign by Charles (I think...) and it is excellent given the limitations of the campaign system.


    It took a while to get all the planes together for Firecage's campaign... some need to be downloaded from Capun's site after you register there, if you haven't already they are well worth the effort. [There's another thread on the subject from the not too distant past.] Lots of great talent here with many excellent contributions... but it's not exactly pulled together in neat and tidy order. Good luck and happy flying! Hopefully others will chime in and clarify the things I've left murky...



  5. Nope. You are not insane. :no:


    It's just that Microcrap Unflight So Called Simulator 3 is a turtle


    It does seem to be quite a bit slower... I feel like I'm flying a kite sometimes in OFF. Not to criticize it, I do like it for several reasons, but I like the flying better in FE. FE seems much more like the DOGFIGHT TV series (whatever it's called, can't remember) computer-generated depictions of WWI dogfights, too. [With the except of the planes breaking up sooo frequently and being sooo easy to kill in FE with the stock ammo settings...]


    If someone could just make a comprehensive campaign mod that lets you feel like you're really enlisted and if you die, you're dead... and like you're really attached to a certain squadron with other pilots, etc. I know FE models that, but it doesn't have the feel to it that I'm looking for... you know, RB3Dish... hate to harken back but it seems like the best comparison.

  6. Also the selection Instant Action with the new menu creates a CTD .


    Hi ansons2,


    I can't recreate this problem in any install version - original, or patched original, or Expansion Pack, or Expansion Pack with April 2008 patch. Instant Action always works for me. Does anyone else have this problem? Sorry I can't be more help.

  7. Both views work for me. F5 is still the old "over the shoulder" thats really a view from behind the plane. The new "rear" view I have mapped to a joystick button. I may have remapped the views from the stock version...I don't recall. When you install the EP or the patch you will need to remap your buttons.


    As far as the view system, IIRC its still pretty much like EAW. Snap views mapped to the hat switch, UP and DOWN mapped to two joystick buttons, padlock, etc. Another trick you can do if you don't like the "fixed" rear view is open up each aircraft's cockpit.ini and change the Min and Max Yaw= values to 179 and -179 respectively. Then when you hit your right rear and left rear snap views you can see behind you and snap back to the front without having to hit F1 on the keyboard. :wink:

    If I change the cockpit yaw values, will that give me the ability to look all the way back on both sides with TrackIR4? Sounds like it would... I'll have to give it a try. Thanks for the tip.

  8. I loved playing RB1, got me hooked on flight simulators and WWI in particular. I used to write up my own mission reports after each mission. I still remember peering at the screen, waiting for a pixel to appear and turn into a few pixels, then into a plane shape. I remember going around and around and around in a dogfight with Immelmann, and making it home safe after tangling with Udet in his red-striped Eindecker. I also remember being chased home by three Alb. D III's as the sun set and stars began to appear. It was way cool for way back then.

  9. The game does have time compression, but you should be able to clearly see if that's on or off.

    Yes, aware of time compression, I have the time cycle button mapped to T. In hindsight, maybe I've just gone crazy... perhaps FE just gives a better sense of movement than OFF, plus I was flying late war planes in FE and early war planes in OFF. Yep, I'm pretty sure I've gone crazy.

  10. :dntknw: Hello, Thanks for your nice new menu screens. However I have a issue with the campaign screen. If I select the Campaign option in the Main menu , my screen becomes black and I have to reboot the PC. I have renamed the

    file Campaignscreen.ini to get back the stock file (which is stored in the Menu.cat file). Then there is no issue. I guess there is something wrong with the Campaign.ini file. I do not have the expanded version of FE.


    Any idea of what can be wrong with the campaign.ini file and how to fix this issue ?


    Also the selection Instant Action with the new menu creates a CTD .


    Thanks for your help.


    Thanks for finding this and pointing it out. There was a change made to the campaignscreen.ini in the April 2008 patch. I've uploaded a replacement campaignscreen.ini for those who have not applied the April 2008 patch. If you don't want to wait for it to get approved, open the current campaignscreen.ini (from one of the Guitarclassic55 downloads) and make sure the following sections under NewCampaign read as follows:




















    Hope this helps. Let me know if there are still problems.

  11. Guitarclassic55's pre-April 2008 campaignscreen.ini

    View File

    This campaignscreen.ini should fix the campaign screen if you're using Guitarclassic55's Replacement Menu Screens without the April 2008 patch. There was a slight change made in the patch to the campaignscreen.ini; this is should fix the problem.




    If you have installed the April 2008 patch, DO NOT INSTALL THIS FILE -- you should be fine already.


    If you're not using Guitarclassic55's replacement menus, DO NOT INSTALL THIS FILE.





    INSTALLATION - Simply change the filename from campaignscreen.txt to campaignscreen.ini, then drop it into the MENU folder of First Eagles, overwriting the previous file.


  12. If somebody can prove me wrong by pointing me to a campaign engine/system for FE that pisses all over that in the current FE (or enhanced RB3D), then I'd be absolutely delighted.


    What FE lacks (IMHO) is the supporting bits and bobs that add atmosphere to what is otherwise simply a flight sim. I know that that's stating the bleedin' obvious, but it simply is not as rounded a game as RB3D, and, until it is, I'll continue to favour the latter over FE.

    I tend to agree with you. I think the campaign weaknesses and being able to use the same pilot for any mission, any country sort of kills the feeling of being a single pilot enlisted in the war effort. I suppose I could create a pilot and JUST use him in a single campaign, but it doesn't have the same sense of drama or life-and-death urgency that RB3D has... or that OFF has for that matter. I'd love to see someone come up with a campaign engine/system that really pulls me in and creates a suspension of disbelief... how would it function? We should start a thread and put our heads together and do something about the situation. hmmm

  13. I'm doing some flying now, and I've got TrackIR4 which is really really cool. Makes awareness so much better and more natural.


    Anyway, I noticed even before I got TrackIR that FE seems to have "sped up..." It almost feels like I'm flying a WWII simulator. Take-offs are really quick, landings likewise. I'm thinking that either 1) since I've been flying OFF some too that perhaps the differences in the two games is throwing me... I guess that's possible... but I don't know why I never noticed it until recently... OR 2) something has gone awry with the timing in the game. I mean, it's alarming at how fast a Roland Walfisch now does double split-Ss in evading me, and how fast we descend, etc. Anyone have any ideas for me? Or have I just gone crazy?

  14. Hi All,


    Finally finished! I am uploading two versions of Guitarclassic55's Replacement Menu Screens... one with the MOVIE in the antique watch face on the Main Screen, the other without the MOVIE. The one with the movie is 65 MB, the one without, 31 MB. You can find both versions AFTER THEY GET APPROVED in the Hangar/Loadout/Menu section of the Thirdwire Series downloads.




    Thanks to jarrko for the background picture on the mainscreen, used also altered by me for the options screen. Thanks to kout for his original alternate mainscreen, which planted the seed and got me hooked on doing this in the first place. His work is excellent and inspiring. Thanks to sockboy and Barkhorn for their testing. Though brief, it was a pleasure working with you, guys. Thanks to p01ppy for the idea to use a small chalkboard for the hangar screens. He even offered to let me use his hangar screen work as a basis for mine; I initially wanted to but found it too intimidating because his work is also most excellent... so I went in another direction. Thanks to all who have offered support and encouragement on this forum.



    I hope you enjoy what I've come up with. There's a lot I could change still, but it is after all a game, something to be enjoyed. It was fun putting it all together... too much more though and the fun would begin to go away for me. Perhaps I'll take another pass at it sometime in the future.



    I just got TrackIR4 for my birthday (three weeks early); it's sitting in the box in this room. Hope to get it up and running and get to some flying soon.







    [Jim Dickson]


    Prince Edward Island, Canada


    May 2008


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