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Everything posted by Sakai

  1. For A-A missiles, a hard break followed by chaff flare "normally" does the trick. Mind you, WOE is my poison of choice. As for SAM's, in the modern era, it's tough because the SAMs are very good. Don't get caught low and slow with a nest of SA-13s and Tors around. In the 70's and 80's, the SA-6 is your most potent threat. I make for the deck like a brick, crank on the noise (ECM), and pump chaff. Chances are, if they pop one at you, they will pop two. Pre-70's, get low. ;)
  2. India sinks Somali pirate ship

    OUT F****** STANDING! Many kudos to the Indian Navy. Being from a ship building town (Bath Iron Works, builds Arleigh Burke class DDG's) I am so very pleased to hear that someone is finally gettin it done.
  3. Funny, but being an american, and a patriotic one at that, I fly mainly Axis in WWII. I love the Ki-84 and N1K2 in IL-2, and I own the skies when im in the 109. During the Kursk camp. in IL2 I racked up 57 kills without loss flying the F4 version of the 109. Post WWII, i love american power and technology, BUT, i love to win as the underdog, so I tend to fly ALOT of Red air. The Mig-21 gets such a bad rap I love to use it to kill phantoms with. And with LOMAC, I dont fly anything but Migs and Su's.
  4. You need to delete the weapondata.dat file, then run the Weapon editor, open the weapondata.ini file, then save it. If u are having problems with the weapon editor make sure that it is configured to run in Win95/98 when you right click on it and go to properties. Hope this helps, PM if u have any questions.
  5. I hear that, I was using the resources from this site for a couple years and just now am getting more involved in the passion we all share!
  6. Hey all, i encountered a slight problem and I wondered if anyone else has had similar issues and any possible solution. For certain weps, Aim-7E-3, E-4, R-73, and a few others will cause a crash when I use the weapon view (F9), the program stops responding and I have to close it. I am using WOE on vista, the most current patch. I didn't do a clean install however when I added Wombs pack. I also noticed the slot view (F5) works differenetly now, and that the graphics for flares, tracers, and weapon sound is now all vastly improved. Were these mods that were included with the pack??? Otherwise I've noticed no graphic or effectiveness problems and am having a ball with all the choices.
  7. Can't wait to have a bear to shoot at. One of the very first plastic models I built was the Bear. Beautiful!
  8. Awesome!!! looking forward to it!
  9. My first was, and still is, very special to me..............Aces of the Pacific! Then.............. Aces over Europe Red Baron Jet Fighter II Air Warrior I on AOL War Birds European Air War Falcon 3.0 Flight of the Intruder SVGA Harrier Fighter Duel Su-27 Flanker (LOMAC's Grand-dad) Janes WWII Fighters Janes ATF Gold Janes Fighters Anthology Janes IAF and many more up until............ Il-2 Sturmovik&lt Wings over Vietnam Wings over Europe Falcon 4.0: Allied Force Lock On: Modern Air Combat Lock On: Modern Air Combat Flaming Cliffs LoL, and FS 5.1 thru FSX
  10. Here, Here! I couldn't agree with you more. The red AAM's are amazing. I manage to load an R-60 on almost every mission I fly, just love this weapon. BTW, can't wait for the Mig-19 in HD, until then, the drooling continues.
  11. Hey womb, work has reared is ugly head for the past couple days, i din't get the e-mail with the link in it,if you could try re-sending it that would be great!
  12. I love the Mig-21 as well, and this one is Amazing! Keep up the excellent work!
  13. Operation Atlanta

    <br /><br /><br /> True, but the AWACS and elint capabilities would certainly be helpful. As well as the helo support, most of our DDG's are block I, no helo hangers or helo's embarked, just landing pads in the aft.
  14. Operation Atlanta

    I personally feel that an Arleigh Burke blockade with a few of the 12 super carriers we posess would be more appropriate, but it's a start!
  15. OMG!

    lol, right!
  16. OMG!

    lol, i don't know about that female type person......but I love Acuras, so much that I own one just like it, in black tho. And i managed to get a much better looking g/f then that, without all that body-building.
  17. Hey ya'll. I happen to be in close proximity to an Orion base. The one, in fact, the the P-3 that crashed in Afghanistan is based at, NAS Brunswick. Soooo, if anyone wants some pics to base skins off, send me a PM.
  18. Man, my evil puter (can't get security setting right) wont let me d/l form that site, any chance u could shoot me an e-mail with file attached??? it's Stryker07@yahoo.com if you could.
  19. wow, the loading speed on the site u posted to is slow, is anyone else haveing problems???
  20. I would be happy to test, send me some weps! lol
  21. Step away from the computer...

    LOL, right, the misses says that I spend too much time on the puter, and i'm starting to think that she is right. Can't tell her that tho, lol!
  22. Identify This Wreck

    where is there a Mig-23 just layin around???
  23. Hey ya'll! I am a pretty current observer of the TK world and was searching around the old Amazon.com yesterday and decided to pick up a copy of WOE. I lost my copy of WOV during my most recent move (out of the rents and in with the g/f, lol) and was wondering if, after the current patches, if there is any major differences between the versions. I also noticed that in WOV, I couldn't select a year for any aircraft that was produced after 1973. In single missions anyway, will that change in WOE? And last, but not least, is there ANY way that WO series can be played in Vista? Any patches or anything? I would hate to have to run everything but my TK sims on my brandy new laptop and run those on my old e-machines desktop with the wal-mart nvidia graphics card that I would have to move from the islands here into town. Maine in November is not a fun place to move anything, even more so if you have to travel over water. Thanks for any help, this is the most supportive group of people I have ever seen on the net. :)
  24. Thanx guys, I am relieved to know there is a way to run WOX on vista, makes me a very happy camper. Thx again for the support! <S>
  25. Identify This Wreck

    C-133 perhaps, the extenda Herc ;)

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