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Everything posted by Sakai

  1. LoL, hope nobody takes a pot shot at her going over their house thinking "Red Dawn" has come to the 21st century. Wow, what a ride, makes the little dinky Cessnas I fly look even slower.
  2. New PC...

    24"? That sounds like a lot of good simming. I am currently flying a laptop but since my last crappy desktop also had a 15" monitor I think I gained a little with the wide-screen 15.4". I must note, although I say "crappy", I don't mean I had no love for it, just the opposite, I got it as a "u made it home in one piece" gift from my WWII vet grandfather and have treasured it since that very day. I fried the mother board with net poop and have yet to replace it, but it is sporting a 512MB nVidia 8600GT so all is not lost. 24" would be like playing on my grandmothers flat screen, and wouldn't that be nice. I hope all works well for you, unlike some I have had NO negative times with Win7-64bit. I was an XP user all the way until January when I got this lap top and was scared about the idea of not having that reliability there to fall back on, but I have been pleasantly surprised. It has been stable for the most part (as good as XP, if not better.) The security seems much improved, and that was a big one for me. I had a lap top for about 8 months when Vista was at it's prime and worked with that OS for a while, did not have a good time. I was happy in that I was able to run simple games like Combat Mission Beyond Overlord, Barbarossa to Berlin, and Afrika Korps with no problems, but anything that required solid graphics processing (Combat Arms for example) suffered when the specs otherwise said it would be fine. Now it can be a task to run some older games with Win7, I will warn you of this, as the previously mentioned Combat Mission titles didn't want to work at all, but this can be worked around between setting compatibility modes and getting files from MS to run older versions of DX and Visual Runtime in the 64bit Win7 environment. All in all, I am happy for you, and am sure you will have a wonderful christmas!!!! My twins, wife, and assorted members of the Sakai07 clan send out a warm congrats, Merry Christmas, and a prayer for all of our safety here at CA!!!!
  3. Happy Birthday Migbuster!

    Happy birthday MigBuster!!!! It's mine as well, so cheers friend
  4. Tiger Shark Eats Man in the Bahamas - 09/08/2010

    That is some crazy stuff. I have seen a Tiger shark at sea only once ( i suspect it was a tiger, I was a shark fanatic as a kid and can identify them on the cuff fairly well) and it was close to nine feet long judging from the fin and silhouette and that was up here in the gulf of Maine. I feel for the man that was eaten, what a way to end up. I am also a Mr. Simmons so I found that story somewhat entertaining since I kept putting myself in the picture!
  5. I am proud to announce that Sakai Industries has produced two brand new flight simmers for the world. Faith Hope Simmons and Kyleigh Meadow Simmons were born yesterday, August 23, 2010 at around noon. One weighing 6 lb 11 oz, the other 6 lb 13 oz. This is an amazing day for me, being my first children, and I wanted to share it with all of you!!! Faith Kyleigh Granted it will be a little while till they are flying FSX, they can start young watching me and go from there ;)
  6. #5412 This is LONG overdue! God Bless the United States Navy, Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard!!!
  7. Two New Flight Simmers entered the world!

    Thanks again, you folks are the best!!! And as far as the sleepless nights, they have already started. I am very happy tho, and even if they turn out to be miley cirus loving girly girls, I will still love them all the same, LOL. I was wondering how many others that hang out here have or are having twins, and was pleasantly surprised to find I am not the only one!!! Maybe we can all exchange notes on how to get the wife/girlfriend to take an extra feeding shift so I can play one more mission:rofl: There is no site quite like combatace, and again, thank you all!!!
  8. Two New Flight Simmers entered the world!

    Thx a lot, all of you, I appreciate it. I know this new facet of my life is going to cut into my sim time, but I'm sure it will be well worth it in the end I was hoping to get at least one boy out of the deal but as fate would have it that's not the case. Girls can be just as much fun I'm told and there is no law any where (in the USA anyways) saying girls can't fly, so I'm keeping my hopes up!
  9. LMAO, way to put it in terms that I can understand, lolololol. I can see France getting the itch, at one time they were the country to go to if you needed anything, from fighter aircraft to nuclear reactors, didn't matter if you were A, B, C, D, or L, just as long as you weren't North Korea. The US has since picked up much of that slack, and the F-16 is now a ubiquitous as the Mirage was. China is now becoming the walmart for dictatorships around the world and competing directly with the US for world arms domination, and France is really being left in the dust, so I can see why the sale to Russia is important. Big ticket items like warships are always a good way to maintain a presence in a country for the support aspect of the weapons you sell. But the future is never certain, and you never know when the weapons you sell will be turned against YOU (see Afghanistan with old Stingers we sold the mujaheddin now being used against our helicopters in the present)
  10. The Russians will always be considered a threat over here in the US, who else has 2000 nukes pointed at them by a "friendly" country. The Cold War will linger on for a long time, being bitter enemies doesn't go away after 20 years, my generation still remembers the end game and the chaos that followed after the Soviet Unions break up (I was a news watchin kid). Anyways, I don't think it would be wise to sell those ships completely kitted up, but if push comes to shove, I don't see that anyone would sell a weapons system they have no useful countermeasure against.
  11. Fire Destroys Russian Naval Base

    Wow, some crazy stuff to be sure. Hope all that are in the area are staying safe, and that the fires will be under full control soon. Seems the whole natural disaster thing is really hopping in 2010!
  12. Very cool, yet another thing no one would have thought of happening in 1988! lol, love this stuff, thanx Erik!!!
  13. OT, Daft UK Laws

    Here is one for you guys to chew on. In 2004 I was in Atlanta, Georgia doing door to door sales. At that time, they had just removed an old law from the books, and this law stated, "You can not hang slaves on Sunday unless it is in the town square". Being half black, I had to laugh at this, seriously, it's pretty hilarious. Also, here at home in Maine, in Lewiston it is illegal to spit on the sidewalks.
  14. Hello friends, I just wanted everyone out there who plays IL2 and has been thinking about joining a squad, well this is the time. Balkenkreuz is recruiting any and all IL2 pilots for our new IL2 branch, JG-27. We fly mainly German aircraft, and only meet once a week so the time requirements are minimal. We use ventrillo for coms and even have our own page complete with forum! Balkenkreuz is the site, so stop on by and check us out. Or you can PM me here at Combat Ace, hope to see you in the skies!!! Also, we fly mainly closed pit. We use Ultra Pack, which can be found here at SAS, it contains many new aircraft and mods for the game. By the way, all Nazi and Neo-Nazi sentiments will be banned immediately. I don't really think anyone here qualifies, but it just has to be said. Most of all, we like to have fun, and that is the primary objective.
  15. Derk - My install shows that file to be a .dll, not a .ini. Can I edit them in the same fashion?
  16. Here are some pics from my recent adventures. This was during an intercept mission flying Yak-25s, I went head to head with an F-104. My rear aspect heaters were useless so I let him have it with the guns. I shot him down and almost hit him as he passed a couple feet under me. This is an artistic missile firing, as I love the look of the sun and the rocket motor lighting effects. This was a functional shot however, since the target was blasted from the sky. And here is a simple shot of my Rhino coming in to land.
  17. Well gents, I may be able to help on this one. Your #2 engaging or not depends on his Experience, Morale, Fatigue, etc. When you start out your flight, make sure you pick a wing man with a high level of experience, as I have noticed this is the most important factor in his performance. When you tell him to attack a target, he will, air or ground. This does not change the way they attack targets. They will still use a whole string of bombs on a single ZPU. One way to increase their efficiency is to load them with two different types of bombs, so they drop one type per pass, or with mavericks so they will cherry pick designated targets. Very often, with a flight of two, I will have the #2 carry Anti-Radar missiles and cluster bombs. That way he keeps ADA off my back and I can kill the primary target.
  18. I have been away from WoE for a while now. The reasoning is that I just got a new lap top in March that I asked a few combatace folks for help in deciding on which to purchase. Well, the one I ended up getting has Win7 and I wasn't sure if WoE would even run with the 64 bit programming and all, plus the fact that it only has integrated graphics. In the meantime, I have been flying a fully modded IL2 install equipped with UP 2.01 and flying online all the time. Between IL2 binges it was X-Plane and FSX with a ton of add on aircraft. All of these sims have very acceptable FPS and look pretty good in the process. Granted I can't turn the graphics all the way up but the compromise isn't bad at all and I enjoy them all very much. Well, today I finally got the courage and installed WoV and WoE in a merged install. I placed them in the C: folder to avoid any program files issues that arose with Vista and went to town. I had an nVidia 8600GT with 512MB of RAM in my old desktop, with XP SP3, a 1.8 Ghz Athlon, and (eek!) 748MB of RAM. Graphics were good but performance was lack luster in FSX to say the least and I didn't have X-Plane yet. The laptop has a dual core setup with twin Intel 2.2 Ghz processors, 3 GB of RAM, and the aforementioned integrated graphics that can pull up to 1 GB for it's graphics needs. Not only do SF1 series sims run GREAT, but the look pretty good too. Strangely enough, during all the modding a tinkering I have done with the series in the past, I had never installed the excellent NATO Fighters mod over at the Column5's site. All I can say is, WOW, AMAZING, WOW again!!!!! I haven't had so much fun with this sim, it's just great. The reason is I had gotten the sim installed, merged, and patched up to current specs. I then went to the downloads section here and was just crushed by the task ahead of me. To get this install up to the quality of my previous installs just seemed like a hugely time consuming task where I would spend more time surfing the net for downloads then actually flying. I remembered the extensive list of effects, aircraft, terrain, environment, and campaign mods that are listed with all four versions of NATO fighters and realized, "hey, this has everything I need, and if not I can work from here!". So off I went, down loaded the files, installed them and WOW. Just amazing, I am really having a good time. My biggest problem before was that I had all of these cool aircraft but still had the same old campaigns where I didn't get to fly anything different, but the bad guys sure did. All of the different Air Forces with all the different squadrons and aircraft to fly through four dynamic campaigns, heaven! I have just started to break the ice with this fantastic mod, but I am sure there are many more great hours of flying to come. So, to celebrate my new found happiness, here are some screen shots of all the fun I've been having today! This is in the Canadair Sabre making short work of a Mig-17 in a dogfight where the two winders came home with me! Here I am in a Tornado IDS egressing from a strike right through the middle of town. Here are the second element of my first flight, an F-4E and F-4C doing the SEAD thing. Here I am with the Tornado again, this time from inside the pit. Here is the lead, me, of the flight in the earlier pic, checking out the magic floating camera and displaying my kills!
  19. Wow, speak of the devil! And an outstanding achievement it is. I would like to say thanks to you for putting this all together, and thanks to you column5, for putting all of this together!
  20. no, no I didn't. Learned a valuable lesson in that as well, always back up your HD. A virus got into my old puter and somehow managed to mess up my BIOS. As I understand it, isn't the BIOS written on it's own little chip on the mother board so if something like this happens, you can back up from it? Well, mine was smoked, and after a lot of tinkering and re-booting, I got it to run, but with none of my files saved. And then, the morning I got my taxes back, it went total blue screen on me and died. Fortunately I was going to get a new puter anyway, so it worked out. But, lesson learned, back up, back up, back up!!! As for Windows 7, I must say that before I got it I was skeptical, after the whole Vista release fiasco. So originally I was looking for an XP machine. But, after considering the fact that I also wanted to get a multi-core processor, I figured it was best to get a machine equipped with Win7 to best take advantage of this. When I first started using the OS, I was impressed. It worked seamlessly, and without any hiccups, which surprised me. Now that I've been using it for a few months, I am happier with it then I ever was. It works amazingly! I must say, I haven't been this totally content with an OS since Win95! LOL, XP was great too, so no smack talking there, but I am very happy with SeVeN!
  21. Hehe, thats right folks, I finally broke down and installed WoV on the laptop I got in March. I hadn't wanted to install it because I know how I get and before long there will be gigs and gigs of WoX series stuff on my HD. When I only had 80 to start with, this cause me some issues. But now with my 250G of space, I have installed FSX, X-Plane, IL2, several RTS and wargames, and now WoV, and I still have 80G left free!!! Makes me all warm and fuzzy:good: So, without further interruption, let the modding begin. (BTW, above games are modded or added to and that space total includes this)
  22. That looks to be an amazing movie, why is it that none of the good war movies are shown here in the good ole' U.S. of A??????
  23. As much as I've often said that IL2 is my WWII era sim and WoX is my jet sim, and that I try my very hardest not to mix the two, this "Wings over Russia" conversion has got me thinking in a different direction. I never really thought the SF series could portray the slower speeds, very short range fighting, and accuracy with the weapon modeling. Mainly since I have never really liked the way SF simulates the use of machine guns and cannons. It has always seemed way over powered for my tastes. Great for a 500 m.p.h. split second guns shot, but not for the more deliberate, if not a little slower paced action in a WWII sim. BUT, the screenie posted by Gocad shows a very high quality Yak-9 series fighter being tore up by his enemy, and I had to take a second look to make sure it wasn't an IL2 screenshot (it happened a couple times when this thread was opened so you never know ) The level of detail is amazing, and it looks like a truly top-notch conversion of what was originally an all jet sim. All I can say is, keep up the excellent work all those involved, and to everyone else, lets see some more screen shots!!!!
  24. OMG This is Funny

    LOL, thx USAF, I really needed that on a day like today, that was hilarious!!!

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