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Everything posted by Sakai

  1. Alright, here is my dilemma, I am going to be purchasing a new joystick soon, by Thursday with any luck. So far, I am pretty well set on the Thrustmaster T-Flight HOTAS setup. I can pick one up over at Amazon for $36.95!!! I think that is a pretty good deal for a throttle and stick with a bunch of buttons. It has twist rudder control but it also has a neat little rocker type switch on the throttle that can be used for the rudder as well. I was thinking of using it for rudder trim instead, but that is besides the point. And to top it off, the stick and throttle can be attached to each other to make the most of the space you have (which is not very much for me.) The price is the real draw to me, since I am using college refund money to buy it :P I was also thinking of getting the Saitek X52, but the price is a little high for what I spend. I was wondering if any of you have the T-Flight or have tried one out and to tell me what you think.
  2. I need some advice on my next purchace!

    Hey, is your t-stick the one that has the throttle slider built into the base??? I was looking at that one too, but it wouldn't be much of an improvement on my Logitech. Same amount of buttons and axis. But I need to replace the one I have (buttons are sticking, etc.) so I may end up getting a lower end stick anyways.
  3. Which Card Is Best?

    lol, if the 9800 is old news, I am pre-historic with my 8600GT!!! BUT, it does what I need it to do. Unless you are going to be running top end games with all the options turned to high, you don't need all that power. My card has 512MB, and the 8 series chipset and I can run WoX seamlessly. I can also run FSX on middle-high settings, and IL2 1946 cranked all the way up with graphics mods. To play online I have to tune it down a bit but overall it runs great. I am a die-hard NVIDIA fan, so I am biased, but I would say hit up Amazon or eBay and find you a nice mobile graphics card from the masters. BTW: Back in the day on my old 166mhz IBM, I had an ATI Rage II graphics card and I hated it, and i've had two NVIDIA cards and loved them both.
  4. BIG mistake!

    If she likes Swayze I would put in "Red Dawn", that is a good compromise movie!
  5. I need some advice on my next purchace!

    Thanks for the input! Whats up HotNess, long time, hope you are all recovered after the accident. My current stick is a Logitech Extreme3D Pro, and it has survived countless hours and many moves, and all in all has givin me good service. I really feel the need for the HOTAS, so it has to be done. The one i'm looking at is not FF but I can live without. I'm glad to know that your regular t-stick has givin good service, and gives me confidence in my decision. When it finally gets here I will post a review and some pics!
  6. Hello all! I am fairly familiar with modding my WoX install, and generally don't have any problems. This latest time I've installed WoV/WoE merged I added the community weapon pack v2.52. I properly used the weapon editor and added them. I also added the Mig-23/27 weapons pack, merged it to my existing weapondat and deleted the weapons that I was instructed to do in the readme. I fired up my sim and realized that on all aircraft I can only carry one individual bomb on each rack. This is with aircraft like the A-6 and F-4 which I know can carry more then one Mk-82 on each pylon. I have no MERs!!!!! I reinstalled the community weapons pack, and still no MER. I am at a loss, and I don't want to kill my whole install and do it all over again. Any help or ideas would be great.
  7. awesome folks, I will use that file as a reference and get er done! I will keep yall updated, knew this was the place to go for advice, thankyou very much!!!
  8. She's so good to me!

    Mine also bought me a graphics card for a birthday present, and she even let me pick it out!!!!! It was on sale too, that may have helped her along, but the thought definitely counts. She may not be a fan of flight simulation, but she is a fan of me!!!!! BTW: Congrats on ur new card, it looks amazing, and will look even more amazing on the new monitor!!!
  9. New Nvidia driver

    I've got the 8400 and low and behold there was a new driver for that one as well, thanx for the heads up!!!
  10. Recon mission tactics

    Sounds like you had a good time to me! As I see it, you did what you were supposed to do. Most recon flights are not escorted to my understanding. One single aircraft, or single element, attracts much less attention then a flight and its escort. You out maneuvered the enemy interceptors, and evaded enemy SAM firings. On top of that you got your pictures, sounds like a successful mission to me.
  11. three ways to fail a Drunk Test

    That was hilarious!!! The second guy must have woke up in a cell with a summons to court and a repair bill for the wall. EPIC!
  12. HJM

    0:38 is AMAZING! Wish I was jewish
  13. Bribing the Taliban

    Judging from the experience of superpowers is Afghanistan from the early 80s until now, you cant just throw money at them and expect to make them go away. Chances are they will find a way to make money blow up and send it back. As I said in 2001 I will say again, nuclear weapons, asphalt, and white paint. We will turn the whole region into a giant parking lot. This is of course after giving all the nice inhabitants beach houses in Florida.
  14. With funding from India, it may yet reach a production status. Or if they offer this bird to China in exchange for uber cash assistance. Just a thought, but it could happen. Otherwise, I think it's an outstanding achievement for Russia. It may make those guys on capital hill here in the U.S. of A lose a little sleep over killing Raptor production.
  15. R-77

    well, in the case of the R-77 it is not just the airframe radar we are talking about here. Since the R-77, like the AMRAAM, is an active radar missile, the aircraft tells the missile where to point at launch. After it gets within a certain range, the missiles radar takes over. They are also capable of "home on jam", meaning if your ECM is on (first reaction when enemy launches a radar missile) all it does is paint a giant bulls eye on your falcon. I also play Falcon 4.0: AF, and the only way I have been able to dodge R77s is to put the missile on beam and dive to the deck getting lost in the ground clutter and pumping immense amounts of chaff. Basic missile avoidance, and it doesn't always work
  16. I live near a, until 2011, P-3 base, NAS Brunswick, Maine. I was in the Sea Cadets as a young man and got the opportunity to do a ride along in one over the Gulf of Maine, and North Atlantic. We were doing a normal patrol, looking for russias finest submersibles. It was that wonderful time of after the cold war and before 9/11, so there wasn't much to do. I can say this much, our P-3 crews, indeed, all of our aircrews in the armed forces are very professional and don't lose their way on accident very often. If we are doing recce on Chavez, then god bless the crew doing so. He is yet another nutjob in a world full of them, and need some divine intervention in the form of precision guided munitions. I personally feel that the US has not only the responsibility, but the right, to keep little conflicts from growing into big ones. The longer we let chavez do his thing, the more Flankers will be sitting on his airfields, the more americans die when we finally have no choice but to pull the trigger to save regional stability. Imperialistic is not the word I would use to describe our efforts. England was an empire, Japan was an Empire, even France. We leave when we are done stabilizing a region most of the time. And let us not forget, at this time we have an all volunteer force. If we need to, the selective service can put soldiers in boots on the front line in 196 days, lots of them. That combined with a core of highly trained professionals with the best gear in the world........I echo Dave's comments when I say...PLEASE CHAVEZ, JUST ONE STUPID MOVE! PLEASE!!!!!
  17. Military cut backs.

    "Oops..." I love that. Wonder what the deck crew thought of that?
  18. strange how, no matter how sweet a sim is, it can never seen to comply with ALL the intel reports available. For example, the Fw190 is not a turn fighter in IL2 world, anyone who has tried one out in the QMB will tell you this. But on that site, a russian intel report states that the Fw190 will offer horizontal maneuver through a wide range of speeds, including very low speed. But due to weight the Fw190 will not climb well after the first or second zoom. I have never won a straight out turn fight with the 190. I e-fight that bad boy and try for frontal assaults where the engine and frontal armor will protect me. Guess games will never truly get it right, since you dont die when the plane goes down:grin: BTW: GREAT SITE!!!!
  19. I'm getting a bunch of cash in the refund from my federal school loan and I am considering the purchase of OFF. The DRM thing kinda gets my goat, but the graphics are amazing, will have to think about this one.
  20. Strangely enough, I seem to really enjoy being the underdog. In early war WWII, I always fly for the USN, love the F4F vs. A6M dogfights. Late war WWII, mainly for the Japanese, since being out numbered 4 - 1 will really hone your skill. If I am over a Korea style environment, then I fly for the USAF or USN. The F-86 is an amazing match for the Mig-15, but the F9F and F-84 not so much, so the challenge is there. Over Vietnam, the tables were never, in my opinion, in favor of either side. Mig kills on USAF and USN jets were a real problem early on in the war. Top Gun was created because our kill - loss ratio was far from acceptable early in the conflict. The early F-4 with no gun is not an easy fighter to kill agile migs with, not with out team work in and out of the cockpit. So, for squadrons, WWII USN I fly for VF-8 whenever possible. Later on is the Tianin Kokutai, or the 301st later on towards the end. In the Nam, 555th Triple Nickle. Not sure of NVA squadrons names, but they see alot of action too.
  21. Cant seem to fly today

    lol, on new years I was flying IL2 pretty buzzed. Flying was fine, it was the shooting that was getting me. Could not seen to hit the broad side of a barn.
  22. Depends on the missile. An AIM-120 or, I believe, R-77 or R-37 has home on jam capability. So, if your using noise, your screwed. Not sure how deception works on the 120, I assume that is it locks on to what you project, your in the clear, if it homes on the source of the deception, ur in trouble. I imagine that ECM works a lot better with the early AIM-7, R-23/24/27R series. The jamming pods that are used for the most part were designed to defeat these missiles. Noise especially is well served at long range, against SARH missiles that require the attacking aircraft to get and maintain a lock from a fairly long range. Just my thoughts and experience in game.
  23. I just drove trough the Maine portion of this storm. Not as bad up here but still.... I just got home and it sure was interesting.
  24. Just some pics from our local Blue Angels stop. Enjoy!
  25. lol, Aces of the Pacific was the game that got me into flightsims. I played it until I could tell you how many rounds from what plane would kill a Zeke. For example, I can still remember that two hits from an F8F was enough to splash any japanese aircraft. I actually finished one campaign from Pearl to Operation Olympic. I had around 150 A-A kills, cant remember the A-G and naval. god those screens brought back good memories.

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