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Everything posted by Sakai

  1. Outstanding 101!!! Very nice, one of these can ruin a US sub skippers day real quick like. When I read the name I shuddered with the thought of how much fun (lol, fun, right) it was coming up against these is Harpoon ANW. Really, a tough nut to crack on today's oceans.
  2. Whatcha building right now?

    Hello all! Unfortunately when my grandfather passed away I received most of his R/C aircraft. I sold a large portion to help grandmother out with cash but kept a couple. I have a fully completed Sig Kadet Mk.II with a .40 O.S. up front and a Futaba AM radio, four channel. I also have a mid-wing aircraft called a 4-60. I can't remember the manufacturer, Ace R/C perhaps. It has a fully symmetrical airfoil making it fully aerobatic, with power supplied by an O.S. .61. The Kadet is docile, very predictable in flight. It goes straight and level with the right trim input, just a wonderful primary trainer. The 4-60 is a different story I have never personally flown this one, but I did see my grandfather fly it when I was young. Instead of going to a R/C flying field we went to our local airport (Merrymeeting Airport, 08B) and got her airborne. A deputy lived across from the end of the runway and offered the services of his radar gun. We clocked that bad boy at over 100 mph in a slight dive. I was amazed, for a little R/C plane she moved. That is the extent of my R/C equipment. I have built countless plastic scale kits, but none of them actually turned out well enough to post. Most of them were built with the intention of being used as toys after they were built. I can say one thing, when I couldn't find the sorts of toys I wanted to play with as a kid, I built them.
  3. I have finally done it!

    I have just realized that the title of this topic could be deciphered with a number of different slants, but oh well. I was accepted into American International University today!!!! I will be taking an associates course in Information Systems. I am incredibly excited, truly out of my mind. I have the GI Bill that is going to help me live while i'm in school so I can put all my attention into my education. This is a day of days in my life, and I am ready!!! Here are some screnies to show my form of celebration An ICE heats up the cold war! The cavalry arrives just in the nick of time!
  4. I have finally done it!

    Wow folks, thanks so much for your support. I love this forum, get responses from as far away as Indonesia and Israel, it's great. I promise not to use my new found knowledge for the purpose of world domination (lol, well.....)
  5. Random Pic Time

    Overscrupulous, now that is perhaps the funniest thing i've seen in months, maybe all this year, ROFLMFAO!!!
  6. Been away from the game not by my choice for a while and now i'm back!!! The first shot has something unusual. I was leading a four-ship of Fishbed J's armed with some early R-60's circa 74 over the Nam. Well, we encountered a four-ship of........ F-14's!!!!!!!! So, as their Pheonix's fly, I scream from 20k to about 10 meters above sea level in a hurry getting myself lost in the ground clutter and they lose their lock. When the cats passed over head I vent vertical and put a few 23mm rounds into the Tomcat, relieving him of his wings. Here is another Tomcat about to catch an R-60! And a shot of my F-4E about to touch down after a very successful armed recce operation in the Nam!
  7. If my memory serves me right I believe there are some templates of some sort for pits of these two beautiful birds. They came about from the project to make a Yugoslav Wars campaign. BTW, very good work, hope to see them in my skies soon!!!
  8. Hello all, it's been a while since I posted any screenies. I Killed my puter and had to rebuild it and in the process I lost ALL the screenshots I made when I lost the internet. SO, since I have reinstalled WoE/WoV, I have a couple screenies to post of me and my Cougar doin the air to air thing!!!
  9. lol, yes, the pause key can do wonders for S/A. In the modern arena, the weapons on both side are very lethal. I have nightmares about R-77s, and the AMRAAM has the same effect, some of the guys survive the first volley, just not me. If the fighters weren't so cool I probably wouldn't even fly in that era, but I love the Su-27 and it's variants. The fights I enjoy the most are from the 1955 to 1979 time period. The BVR missiles aren't Zues lightning bolts and the heaters aren't all that easy to use either until the later period. One really great matchup is the F-4 vs. Mig-23, well matched aircraft in my opinion. F-86 vs. Mig-17 I enjoy as well. The F-15 is the USAF fighter I get the most satisfaction out of killing with red fighters. Not so much in a Mig-29 or Su-27, but in the Mig-21/23. I posted a screen once that I lost when my puter killed itself of my gun pipper on the tail of an Eagle in the cockpit of a Mig-21bis, that was a kill I still remember.
  10. I've got to say, I love this topic. Me personally, early IRM kills are my favorite. It's not always easy to get into a good firing position for those bad boys. The F4J vs. Mig-17 fight can be incredible. I have had many that stretch into minutes of twisting and turning with a final IRM shot or gun burst decides the victor. Although, in the 60s, getting a kill with the sparrow can be satisfying because of the very low pk of the earlier models. When it comes to modern jets, I think the challenge is much, much greater. The higher effectiveness of the weapons demands much more multi-tasking with both launching and evading. To me this is much more difficult with modern aircraft, and leads to more confusion in my brain. Although, on those few occasions when I actually get into knife fights with fighters like the Su-27, a kill is oh so satisfying. I dont care what I use at that point, as long as the job gets done. Also, I find that I love to fly red in the early to late 60s, specifically the Mig-17/21, and getting kills over US aircraft with them is an achievement.
  11. Ya know that's a really good idea. Keeping Dave from having a fit is always high on the priority list (hehe, just jokin guys ) Bringing it back a few decades will really bring down the pk on the first barrage of missiles in a fight, so some of us may actually survive the merge to get into the good ole turn'n'burn. Blue vs. Blue fights are a pretty sweet hypothetical situation, thats why we all love Red Flag. If ya'll want any help with missions, shoot me a PM!
  12. lol, great story, wish I had OFF. Have been playing alot of Red Baron 3D with the Hells Angels patch. Ya know, for being a 199X game, with the update to the graphics, it's really not all that bad. On full real (no icons, just map and padlock) I've managed to rack up a tally of 17 german aircraft downed while flying for No. 8 squadron, RNAS!
  13. I like the shaguar in USMC colors, make a very interesting skin!!!
  14. If anyone here reads "soldier of fortune" (no, i'm not in a militia, lol) they may have happened upon an article about surviving after "the breakdown". People fighting for food, etc. and so forth. My thought is, what would happen to all of our high tech hardware if there was a massive, armed divide between members of this great nation. There was a movie on HBO a long time ago called "The Second Civil War". The premise is that the fed government begins forcing states to accept large numbers of refugees from foreign nations. In fact, in their time line, Rhode Island is almost entirely Chinese, including a Chinese speaking governor. When the state of Idaho closes it's borders to these refugees, the fed gov calls up the military to escort them into the state. In the meantime, the state of Idahos failing governor calls up the national guard and the state militias to stop them. When he finally does succeed from the "union" a number of states follow his lead, ironically including Rhode Island. He decides to allow the refugees to enter, but it's too late, and as they cross the border, battle erupts. There was no showing of air support, but one can only imagine the carnage that must have followed. This, I do not believe, is plausible. But you never know.
  15. Weapons Pack 2.52 by the WO*/SFP1 Community

    but of course it works for WoE!!!! Good Luck!
  16. That's right too, exocets cross the channel would be the equivalent of a turkey shoot. What time period do we want to go with? We could do a traditional WoX style with basically the same campaign in different time periods or different setups to reflect changing technology. Lightnings and Hunters vs. Mirages(early), Vautours, and Mysteres. Then we would move on the Phantoms, Harriers vs. various Mirages. And then a modern style, EF2000's, Tornadoes, Harriers vs. Rafels, Mirage 2000C,D,F1. Maybe even a future setting like the previously mentioned F/A-35's being added to the UK's defense force. I'm going to have to grab a copy of your map, Gepard, so I can do some test missions of my own. Anyone is welcome to send me a list of aircraft so I can hook a new install for the project.
  17. Is there anywhere on the net I can find this "Yes, Prime Minister"??? Sounds insanely comical. Now that I crack the ole' brain open a bit, I think the mission I was speaking of included defending the Ark Royal or merchant shipping from Clemenceau launched Super Etendards with exocets. Are we thinking of doing this exclusively from the side of the UK or with missions from both sides of the fence. Think of the great fun flying German Tornados against UK Tornado. Rafale vs. EF2000. EF2000 vs. EF2000. It's almost what the wargaming community would call a chess match, same equipment, different sides.
  18. good call Wrench, lol, I was drawing a total blank until you mentioned it. I do hope that it's built for both SF1 and SF2. If it's done for SF2, i would gladly help in porting the missions to SF1, I use the LeMissioner builder, if that isn't usable I will use whatever mission builder is needed, lol. Unfortunately the only thing I am really of any use for in the modding world is mission building.
  19. I remember a campaign similar to this in "Janes Advanced Tactical Fighters" and of course in "Fighters Anthology". Can't remember the premise but it included strikes on the Clemanceau (spelling?) flying EF2000's. It wasn't in the same time period but had the same beligerants. I personally think it would be SWEET to have a similar campaign for WoX so +1 from me.
  20. USS New York

    I live near a ship yard that produces AEGIS destroyers, and I have to agree, it would have been sweet if the ship made from the steel of the trade towers was built here! BUT, i also agree that landing a battalion of troops on the shore from the steel of 9/11 is a pretty great thought too! That day was my 18th birthday and will be in my mind forever, now there is a happier thought to add to it!
  21. Greatest Air Raids

    There was an amazing assortment of AAA in the ploesti area, and not to mention the german fighters. At low altitude, the 109 and 190 were in a much better tactical situation then intercepting at 26,000 ft. The escorts also had to fly lower to stay with their charges. I read somewhere that while on a temp deployment, Hartmann shot down something like 7 Mustangs in the ploesti area. I can imagine that finally getting to pounce american heavies from a solid alt advantage in the thick air down low was a glimmer of hope for german fighter pilots as their world was begining to crash down around them. I salute all the airmen and ground crew who took part in the Ploesti raids!
  22. I do love EAW. Not my first love but pretty close. I do remember the BOB campaign with fondness, good times, and frustrating bomber attacks!
  23. This is just SOOOOO Bad-A**! Brutal, wicked, stavin, just plain old death in a very sleek package, B-E-A-UTIFUL!
  24. I personally would pay for aircraft add-ons from TK. But as with many people it would have to be a plane I an VERY interested in that is of such quality that a net add-on just couldn't compare. The truth of the matter is that since TK sims are so wide open and moddable, and have been for quite a long time, that the work available on the net for free can be and is generally of VERY high quality. But with the way we all love to support TK, the current sims, and any still in dev, that we would spend the money just because we know it's going to a good cause............. SF3!!! Just my .02

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