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Everything posted by Sakai

  1. To make up for lost time, here are a few shots from this early morning when I got the WOX bug and needed some tome with tmy stick! En route to hit shipping...... And the return to base. A little J-6 vs. F-104 "Wings over the Sub-continent" style Taking on cannon armed Phantoms in my Foxbat, we won, but myself and my wingman were the only survivors of my flight of 4 And last but not least, the final member of a flight of four A-4B's that dared challange my Mig-15 division!
  2. hehe, back in the saddle again! I know it's not SF2, but it's cool anyways. The Tornado F.3 mod is insane, thanks to all involved. I was leadin flight of J-10's when we happened upon some F.3's in the weeds. It was not a good day for the PRC on my hard drive. "......2,3, BREAK!"
  3. hi..so who misses me lol x

    Hey you, long time no see. Hope you recover soon. From the last thread I kinda assumed u were racin when u wrecked out, was it a triffic accident??? Anyways, hope u recover quickly, I hate hospitals, they all smell the same, reguardless of where, it's not natural.
  4. The nicest looking airplane ever

    109K??? Come on now, my personal fav is the A-4 Skyhawk, A model. Very elegant. As for the 109 series, the F-4 is just a pure, beautiful fighter!
  5. It's all flightstick here, I use the Logitech Extreme3D Pro. It has throttle and twist handle rudder and like 12 buttons and a hat switch. I think it was like $25 USD brand new at wally world, would strongly advise it.
  6. vanessa..member

    that is awful, I am very sad to hear this. I don't drive NEARLY to that level but I do local Autocross and Dirt racing, and unfortunately getting jacked up (or worse) is part of the game. I'm thrilled she is still with us and wish her a speedy recovery! <S>
  7. Tell you the truth, the new MF Mig-29 instills fear in me every time I face it. If not at max range to use BVR missiles, i'm not happy. When u pick air start in options very often you end up five miles away at start of mission and way into their SRAAM range, bad place to be!!! In 60's scenarios, the Mig-17 and Mig-19 normally give me the most trouble. But if I engage with the advantage it's all over, even me vs. superior numbers. I've got a screenie around here somewhere of blazing two 17's in a Super Sabre on the first pass!
  8. Another little simmer has entered Combatace

    Hey Jarhead, Congratulations!!!!!!
  9. The cessna 337 skymaster was also used during vietnam for FAC, S&R, etc. However the 337 is a push/pull twin, but it does has twin booms.
  10. I have to second you on that, the one plane that gives me greif time and time again is the Mig-17. Even in some 4th gen fighters, in the right circumstance, the 17 can be a worthy opponent.
  11. Bear over Canada

    LOL, the ruskies are back at their old tricks and BRAC can't seem to close bases down fast enough, does anyone else see the recipe for something bad brewing???
  12. I have to chime in on this since I come from like what got to be the third or fourth biggest pot state in the U.S. The other day, I passed an old lady in front of a super-market with a petition to legalize medical ganja in Maine. I, being both a tax-payer and a voter, signed on immediately. In my life, I have seen FAR MORE damage caused by booze and cigarettes then weed. This is no joke, when polled right before graduation in 2001, my class reported over 80% having tried weed, and 60% of them smoked more then once a week. A very small percentage of that group now does hard drugs, I don't know the numbers but I know the people, and weed is not, in my opinion, what sent them of this path of destruction. The biggest causes seem to be a big lack of self-esteem, depression, etc. It seems crazy to me that a substance like booze, which is addictive, causes violent behavior at times, and severely impairs judgment, is legal and weed is not. Why not legalize it and tax the poop out of it. We pay like $2.00 a pack of cigs. to the state of Maine in taxes, making the price of smokes over six dollars here. That funds our DOT road repair projcts. With the taxes from legalized weed, maybe we could fix them right!!!
  13. I'm so excited......

    Thats right i'm excited! So this can be understood, i'll start from the beginning. About a week ago I went to my local book store to grab the latest "Combat Aircraft" magazine that i've been addicted to as of late. While there, I happened across a paperback copy of "Red Storm Rising" for like six bucks so I grabbed it. Well, I read all seven-hundred some pages of this book in like three days. After I finished, I immediately jumped online and ordered "Harpoon 3: Advanced Naval Warfare". With any luck it will be here in a few days, and any shred of a social life I have will be torn away from me. If there are any Harpoon fans out there, give me some opinions on the latest incarnation. The last time I played it was in the free form back when AOL was cool and offered free multi-player for Air-Warrior and such. The version was Harpoon Classic and the time was like twelve years ago. Any feed-back would be appreciated. Tom
  14. I'm so excited......

    lol, I got my copy off of amazon and it cost me $59.98. They had a different version that reminded me more of the classic version that was ten dollars cheaper but Advanced Naval Warfare comes with like seven battle sets that cover just about every navy from 1946 - 2015. And there is alot of user made battle sets and scenarios that cover WWII and some more obscure modern navies. I played the demo and the interface was a bit of a challenge, but my intrest (i.e. obsession) in modern naval warfare helped me get it. Living next to Bath Iron Works has caused me to have in-depth knowlage of the Arleigh Burke and Ticonderoga class warships, which are the center of fleet air defense. All my family members have worked there, I think i've been to every launch since the U.S.S. Shilo, a Tico class CG. I'm really looking forward to doin some ASW work with the new Flight II Arleigh Burke class DDG's, which have a helo on-board. The older ones only had the helo deck, no hangar. Thanks for the feedback folks! Tom
  15. Thats right, another flight sim is killing my social life, this one for the second time! When I purchased IL2, I was lost in it's WWII goodness. Now, I have installed hyperlobby, and multi-play is addicting. I know that there are sorted opinions about HL, but it is great way to reach other enthusiasts, and then shoot them down!
  16. Funny ya'll are discussing this, cause I am currently reading "Red Storm Rising". This, I think, supports Gepards facts. The main thrust/break through comes in northern Germany on the first day of the war. The area around Alfred becomes the major focal point for the fighting after the invasion. But, I believe that the timeframe is late 80's, 88 to 89 area. The book gives a good idea of what might happen in a conventional war between NATO and WP forces.
  17. rovert97 is right. I use the number keys on the top of my key board. 4 changes radar settings, u want search mode. adjust the range so your radar picks up the target. use the home key (6 key on my setup) to select ur target of choice, and the the insert (7 on mine) key to lock the target. If u have the yellow diamond around the target, you can fire radar missiles. On hard, it takes up to 5 seconds after the fire command for the missile to leave the rail in the case of the F4 Phantom and the AIM-7.
  18. I have actually had alot of success is the F-100 in the early campaign in WOE. But, as mentioned here, my tactics are to stay fast, thry to attack from above, and not turn. On one mission, I attacked an element (pair) of 17's from the high 4-o-clock position. B model winders are useless at this angle so I went to guns. I killed both in one pass, but only after missing on my first pass and rolling back into the target. This was not an effort to turn with the 17, but I saw no defensive maneuvers on their part so I knew it was safe to bleed a little airspeed to make another attack. Over all, I like the hun, it can do the job of a fighter very well when handled properly.
  19. man you're evil, you had me going too, I was just about to jump into WOE to check my varks out, lol!
  20. Speaking of Vietnam being a nice place to fly, I snapped this shot while on an intercept mission flying TMF's new F-8C Crusader. While pursuing one Lim-6M, I had gotten the angle on him and fired my four colt 20 mm cannons. At that instant, another Lim-6M being chased by a member of my flight crossed directly into the path of my guns. The effect tore off his starbord wing and sent him into a spin, in the same burst I also got my target, so I got yet another two for one. In this pic you can see the first Lim I shot down in the foreground, with me chasing another burning Lim in the background.
  21. Battle of the Bulge!

    Hey now, i'm just being a good wingie and keepin an eye on your six
  22. Battle of the Bulge!

    hehe, being one of those "damn yanks", i'm forced to report that hottie has gone by the wayside. My current terms include smokin, blazin, dope, and I guess occasionally, hottie. Along with the old standbys beautiful, gorgeous, radiant, and stunning. Of which, both of you fall under every one!
  23. It has more to do with the latest patch then the weapons pack. You will find, when you install the weps pack and start WOX, you will have no weps, none at all. You have to open the weapons editor, open the weapondata file, and save without making any changes. This creates a weapondata file that is compatible with the latest patch and you will then have lots of things that go boom in the night (and in the day, evening, and afternoon for that matter)
  24. now ya just don't see this every day...................Eagle Down! This kill brought to you by the Mig-21 drivers of New England.
  25. The weapons pack, and editor, are in the download section, not the forums. Yes, you need the editor to use the pack, and yes, there are HUNDREDS more weapons then what shipped with the original game.

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