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Everything posted by Sakai

  1. PLANE Stupid

    I tend to agree with all of you. The ruskies are, and have been, constantly developing their missile and aerospace technology. They are coming out with some ridiculously long range AAMs to take out AWACS and Tanker aircraft in order to cripple western ability to project power using the air. Even the F-22 is vulnerable when it's out of gas. And their A-G and Anti-Ship capability hasn't slouched either. Having no indegenous fighter/intercepters on deck could prove fatal for a US carrier in the near future if our enemy is well equiped. Sure, the super bug can carry a crap load of AMRAAMS, but unless they are already in the air, their missiles dont have the range to defend the carrier "off the deck". I slept alot better when their were tomcats and AIM-54's sailing off shore!
  2. I use to community pack, but i'm kinda partial to it since I helped with the beta testing (many, many.......... many hours over the range, lol) Honestly, both are excellent. I am in love with the Russian weapons in the community pack (lindr2's I believe, but don't quote me on that) so that is another reason for my preference. Hope this helps, good luck, and happy hunting!
  3. hey folks, i'm kind of in the same boat as gbnavy, i want to design aircraft for WOX and i don't even have a clue where to get started. And, i'm on a bit of a budget . My major concearn is if i go out and get needed software, etc., will I have the skills to do anything with it. Is the learning curve too steep? Will Strike Fighters 6 be out by the time I make something close to an airplane with it? I used some CAD programs in high school for drafting class, making blue-prints, designing houses, etc. Are programs like 3dmax similar to this?
  4. Heated Debate the battle of the stars

    LOL, racindriver1, that was cold blooded, funny, but cold blooded. Anyone here remember "Space: Above and Beyond"? Those Hammerhead fighters were some of the coolest "space superiority fighters" i've seen yet! EDIT: jeez, thats what I get for not reading the whole thread. Anyways, Star Wars is my favorite of the two, not really so much for the story, and certainly not the jedi, it's the WWII style dogfights, ominous capital ships, etc. I can honestly say that I like X-Wing alliance, TIE fighter, X-Wing games more then I ever liked the movies. Star Trek, could never get into it. I don't see ANY navy, in space or otherwise, reverting to pre-20th century tactics (big capital ships lumbering at one another) with such advanced technology available. My favorites of Sci-fi are as follows: Babylon 5 (the story just seems plausible, and there is actual physics involved in the battle scenes, god forbid) Space: Above and Beyond (again, I could see it happening, and it's not so far into the future that its out of reach for my hopes of being cryo-frozen LOL) Wing Commander (I love Wing Commander, even if the movie didn't do well criticly, I still LOVED it, nuff said) Battlestar Glactica (I liked the old because it offered sci-fi with fighters, but the new is great. as mentioned bofore, it's a tad melodramatic, but the effects, characters, story is amazing. Ok, now i'm done BTW, I had a choice of anything in Best Buy for X-mas with my girl by my side, and I chose Space: Above and Beyond. I got the whole series in one box, it's GREAT!
  5. Last night while flying the 62 campaign in WOE, I was tasked with an intercept mission. My target, two Mig-17s with bombs on board. In my F-100 I attacked in full burn, making a slashing attack with guns since my heaters were useless at this angle. I missed on the first pass, reversed the turn, and made another high deflection pass with guns. My intention was to vector roll out, and come back with proper range and aspect for a heater shot. I saw what appeared to be a good opporitunity for a guns shot and took it. I fired 9 rounds, hit with two, and destroyed both Migs. Here is a screen of the aftermath.
  6. Rgr that, but I tend to use outside views alot to help my situational awareness, and it help with the immersion when you can open and close the canopy. What kills it for me is when the canopy is stuck open when you start the flight, kills it for me.
  7. Battle of Leyte Gulf

    My grandfather was a sailor aboard one of the Destroyers that chased north. Mind you, at the time, they had no idea that it was a decoy force. Two or three fleet carriers were part of the decoy force and at the time seemed to be a prize worth leaving the beach head unprotected for. At closer range, it was clear there were no aircraft on the decks, and so followed one of the few true naval turkey shoots in history. Gramps told me they were on deck watching the carriers burn as hundreds of rounds of all calibers were poured into them. This was the same time the Yamamoto group was stopped by some destroyers, baby flat-tops, and some of the bravest men to walk this earth.
  8. An Introduction

    Hello there Voodoo, and welcome to Combat Ace, or CA for short. I too got started on MSFS, first 5.1 on the 3.5" floppys, then FS98, FS9 (FS2004), and last but not least, the current incarnation, FSX! I have always loved flying Cessnas around the FS world, and always have a hard-drive full of general aviation aircraft. Pipers, Maules, Cessnas, Wacos, Beechcrafts, and Mooney just to name a few. Rest assured, you have found many a kindred spirit (i.e. enablers ) In fact, my love of sims that can be easily suited to my own tastes is what led me here, and to the amazing Strike Fighters (SF) series. I own the original Falcon 4.0 and Allied Force and love them for what they are; increadibly detailed, immersive, and dynamic simulations of the F-16 Fighting Falcon. Strike Fighters and the Wings series don't provide that level of fidelity in areas like flight model and avionics, but more than make up for it with the multitude of aircraft, weapons, targets, terrains, effects, campaigns and missions available for them on this site! The level of quality is generally very high, and with literally hundreds of aircraft and weapons alone, you are sure to find something that interests you. The avionics and flight model, while not as accurate as sims like Falcon 4.0: AF and Lock On: Modern Air Combat (LOMAC), is still pretty accurate. The radar, depending on aircraft, can have up to 5 different modes. Beyond Visual Range combat is modeled, and the radar is designed to be simple and streamlined to allow a novice to learn, and still keep an expert entertained. The AI, while not perfect in stock form, can be brought up to a respectable level with the latest patch and some community mods. More than enough to keep you on your toes while bombing an airfield in East Germany. The SAM and AAA threat can be very effective, even more so at times when the interceptors are trying to shoot you down. Electronic Countermeasures, Anti-Radiation missiles (ARMs), routing, and strike package composition are your best weapons against Enemy Air Defences (EADs). Well, thats enough for one rant about how great the WOX series is. Again, Voodoo, welcome to CA, please make yourself at home! And here is a little screenie of all the fun your missin, lol!
  9. great article, I love to support local business, going to the ma n pa grocery store instead of the uber chain just like I have and will continue to buy TK's sims, and maybe not the next installment of a giganta sim that we all probably know.
  10. pretty much, boresight is limited in range, azimuth, etc. Search mode changes to aquisition mode when you lock onto a target. I learned the technique flying rhinos, and it seems to work well enough in any other aircraft.
  11. I agree, but those twin pairs of 81Z's can make your day very difficult. Outstanding work!
  12. In the search mode of your radar, extend out to as far is the bad guy is away from you. Then acquire the target. Then lock it. All of these keys are in the controls section. Personally, I have them mapped to the base of my logitec extremem 3D pro, makes it easy. After the target it locked you will get the yellow diamond, then fire. Sounds to me that your using boresite mode to lock onto enemy planes, I did that too for like a year till I figured it out. Hope this helps. Tom
  13. 20 years ago: How i nearly started WW3

    LOL, that is a great story! Can't say I would have done any different, but I was six years old in 1989, so it would have been more understandable.
  14. LoL, I got the buisness end of a La-15 Fantail while in an angles fight flying the Tornado IDS, i was a little ashamed before, but now I feel better, thanx ya'll.
  15. A WW2 flight sim for the PC

    I'd have to go with IL2 '46 as well, for 20 - 30 bucks, it has a full mission builder, a quick misison builder, PLENTY of dynamic campaigns with the enjoyer patch, and multi-player. Can't beat it, i've played Janes WWII fighters, CFS1, EAW, and the Aces series by Dynamix back in the day. I LOVE WWII sims, and IL2 has stayed on my HD since the moment I bought it!
  16. How Southern are yew?

    I am 110% Yankee, I add the 10% cause this might as well be southern Canada. In Fact, at basic in Georgia, thats where I was instructed that I was from. I'm tellin ya, from my prespective, the south is a strange, wonderful place. And as far as Texans and Southerners bein a different breed of cat, ain't that the truth, lol.
  17. I had the opporitunity in Sea cadets to go out on a short hop with a P-3 crew. I can say this much, we weren't at 41,000 ft :yes: The P-3 can shut down to 2 engines while cruising to save on petrol and loiter for a LONG time, I just don't see, short of logistical issues, what makes this a better maritime patrol craft then the P-3. Electronics can be upgraded, as can weapons. Maybe the age of the airframes, i dunno.
  18. Anyone know what the approx. cruising range on the P-8 is? I'm still curious how the USN is going to cover NE USA and waters off of Cananda from Jacksonville, Florida! BNAS in Maine is slated for closure in 2011
  19. found in my loft !

    LOL, I do fondly remember cruisin up the Kurile Islands with my F/A-18, got Falcon 3.0 gold, had all expansions. As for Air Warrior, well, back when AOL had it for free I played for HOURS on end, but I was like 11 or 12 so work didn't mess up my gaming scedule like it does now! lol
  20. LOL, 2 weeks, anyways, anyone remember when Pepsi had the comercial with the Harrier saying it was a prize with 1,000,000 pepsi points? If I remember correctly somene actually got that many points and had a big fuss when they couldn't get their Harrier.
  21. B-E-A-UTIFUL Veltro, living near a P-3 base I have a love for ASW, keep em coming!
  22. LOL, I have to remind myself of that every day as to not come off as an a** to everyone I talk to.
  23. Quad digits!

    lol, I know I don't have to say this but.......Boys will be Boys!

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