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Everything posted by Sakai

  1. Quad digits!

    lol, 80, i couldn't help either
  2. Favorites/cool pics

    LOL, that looks like any flight of mine in WOX, 4 different aircraft, 4 different squadrons, sweet lightnings!
  3. lol, I would have but I didn't know how, educated myself, fixed problem, thank you tho!
  4. just though I should pop in and say how COOL it is that a real world navy Fighter/Attack squad comes to our site and offers to sponser a squadron. Kinda blows by mind. Any who, gonna go jump in a legacy bug and bomb stuff! EDIT: LOL, how rude of me, welcome to CombatAce!
  5. alright, check this out. I was flying an anti-ship run in a Tornado IDS when two Lim-6M (polish Mig-17's) attacked my flight. I was using the tactic of an immelman turn at the merge, either followed by another and extending full burn to turn back into him or turning after the first immelman if energy allowed. Well, after doing this I got a 2 - 3 second window to pop off a lima model AIM-9. Well, at the exact time I fired he fires his 23mm cannons. It the precise moment of his bullets striking my plane my missile hit his, destroying it in a brilliant fire-ball. At that moment, girfriend comes in and tells me the stove is on fire and I paused the game. That is how I captured this pic of his fireball and me streaking through it on fire, lol, got to love the g/f's!

    I was asking for Amy Lee under my tree........but all I got was a wally-world gift card...for fifty!
  7. what do you want under you xmas tree.?

    A new spoon 1.8 litre B18C VTEC engine for my Integra. p-p-p-p-p-p-pleasssseeee!
  8. My Grandfather has passed.....

    On December 20th, 2008, my grandfather, Willard G Simmons, passed away at Maine Medical Center. Born on September 14, 1923, he worked at shipyards until drafted in late 1942 for the United States Navy. He served aboard the Fletcher class destroyer DD-652, the U.S.S. Ingersoll. Participated in almost every major battle of the pacific war, Leyte Gulf as part of the group who chased the decoy fleet and left the invasion beaches open to attack, leading to the most heroic act on the part of the U.S.S. Johnston and it's destroyer flotilla in attacking head on the most powerful units of the Japanese fleet, including the Yamamoto. Was in the great typhoon of 1944 in the south china sea which capsized and sank three ships on the same class as his and destroyed many aircraft on the decks of carriers. Was at the Battle of Okinawa, in which his ship was engaged in fleet defense and radar picket duties. During which the ship was attacked by Kamikazi's and blew one G4M Betty out of the sky and was knicked by an out of control Ki-61 Tony which crashed into the radio mast, and then the ocean. Was in Tokyo bay for the signing of the surrender. After the war, he came home to start his life. Raised two children with his first wife. Re-married and then adopted my mother, and raised her. All the while maintaining a job at Bath Iron Works, the very place where the ship he survived so much on was built. Then I came into the picture in September of 1983. Due to circumstances out of his control, he and my grandmother ended up raising me too. My father passed away before my birth, and I was fortunate enough to have a man of his calibre there to guide me. All that I am, good and bad, and all that I will be I attribute to him, and I couldn't be more thankful. I know that he is will god now, and has at long last taken his place among the angels who watch over us, may he rest in peace.
  9. My Grandfather has passed.....

    Thank you very much Mannie. It's kind of funny, but when I was younger I was absolutely star struk by the IAF (and still am) and I would talk to him at great lengths about all that I had learned of your war for independence, the six day way, and the Yom Kippur War (spelling?) I'm sure he is touched by your words as he watches over, and I thank you for him. Happy Holidays Mannie, thank you!
  10. Merry christmas to all of you! My family and I thank all of you for your kind words during our time of loss. Again, thank you all, there is no better group of people anywhere in this virtual world! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
  11. My Grandfather has passed.....

    Again, I can't thank you all enough. It truly warms my heart to hear from all of you, proving that there is still some good left in this world, lol, thank you! <S>
  12. My Grandfather has passed.....

    Again, I can't thank you all enough. I am sure he would be suprised by people from all over the world sending him their best wishes, pretty much all of Europe and Israel. It seems fitting, seeming as how it is the world he helped to save so many years ago. As for passing on his stories to the next generation, it is a task that I will undertake solemly but also with an extreme sense of pride. Every generation of my family going back to the American Civil War has served this country, up to and including myself. My cousin is in the ANG as a boom operator, he and I are the last in a proud line. As much of the WWII generation passes on, it is up to their familys to carry on their stories so that no one ever forgets the sacrifice that has been laid upon the alter of freedom, so that we may continue to live as we do, free.
  13. Yeah man, little to the west of you but same climate, lol!
  14. My Grandfather has passed.....

    Thank all of you, I really appreciate all of your well wishes. This community seems the exception in a world full of annonymous flamers who love to talk knowing they wont get a beatin I thank you again!
  15. My Grandfather has passed.....

    Thank you as well dsawan, the timing does suck, thank you again.
  16. My Grandfather has passed.....

    Thank you Dave, much appreciated!
  17. I will probably wait to get this, with all the mods I have on a WOV/WOE install it seems like a shame to let them all go. I hope the mod thing is figured out. It looks really good though. And I have always wanted SF...... EDIT: LOL, wish I had read the FAQ first.........off to put cash on my debit card IN 2 FEET OF SNOW!!!!
  18. Cockpits...

    lol, I see a copy of Pacific Fighters in there :fans: That pit is awesome, girlfriend would never see me again!
  19. Of the ones I can identify, I really hope u finish the He-177 and the Hudson, both would be awesome additions to the WWII time period.
  20. Does the "Crisis" affected you (or your country) yet?

    here it is the opposite with the gas prices. It was $4.23 USD here in the summer, now it is $1.73.
  21. HORRAYYY!!! The Deuce is almost loose!!!
  22. LOL, I have that on CD, first time I got to rock a phantom on a sim. That was back in the Aces of the Pacific and Red Baron days. Anyone ever play SVGA Harrier?
  23. I second that jarhead, very old, very fast. I'm a half and half american male that served this countrys armed forces that lives in ultra-white New England. I love my country and ALL that it stands for. But when I start up my WOE install and jump into a Mig or start up IL2 and rock out in the various models of 109 (getten better with the 190 as well) I am in NO way violating anything that I stand for in the real world. It's just a game.
  24. Gawd I love this movie, of the 12 movies or so i've actually bought (as opposed to rented) This is #2 behind the departed. I know how much fun it can be when people film movies in your town. "The Man without a Face" and "Message in a Bottle" were filmed here in the Bath area.
  25. IT IS ALIVE!

    I can third that on the amount of money you put into an old car. My project/daily driver is a 94 Acura Integra, B18B 1.8 liter, about 130 - 150 horse (depends on the gas I run, temp outside, etc.), I have a hi-flo header, dual exhauset (yes, I know, dual on a 4 banger, smoke comes out of both pipes when it gets cold so i dunno), performance clutch, and 215/40ZR-16 tires in the summer on some black and red rims. The amount of money i've put into this car is easily three times the $1500 USD I paid for it. The list above doesn't even include exterior flash (Z3 fenders, altezza lights, pretty blue light for the dome) :)

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