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Everything posted by lagger123987

  1. I love Su-27s but I'll like to see an americanized Su-47 please.
  2. Is there a mod or can someone teach me to mod that can make the AI wingmen attack more fiercely?
  3. In WOE, I noticed that your wingmen don't have kill marks, how do you enable them so they can have it too not just the player. In WOI it is enabled though.
  4. Can someone make a custom MIG-29 skin for me? It's more of a personal skin for my taste. I'll like to see an American skin for the MIG-29 since the US bought some MIG-29s. In 1997, the United States purchased 21 Moldovan aircraft for evaluation and analysis, under the Cooperative Threat Reduction accord. Fourteen were MiG-29Ss, which is equipped with an active radar jammer in its spine and is capable of being armed with nuclear weapons. Part of the United States' motive to purchase these aircraft was to prevent them from being sold to "rogue states", especially Iran.[8] In late 1997, the MiGs were delivered to the National Air Intelligence Center (NAIC) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio. One former Moldovan MiG-29S is currently on display at the National Museum of the United States Air Force at Wright-Patterson, and one MiG-29UB is on display at the NAIC headquarters of the base. Many of the former Moldovan MiG-29s are believed to have been scrapped. One MiG-29 is on display at Nellis AFB, Nevada, in Soviet colors, while another of the former Moldavian aircraft is located on the base in its original camouflage. At NAS Fallon, one MiG-29 is on display. Another is on display at MacDill AFB, minus its canopy, while a third is at Goodfellow AFB, Texas. From Wikipedia. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9...29_and_F-16.jpg
  5. Ok, never mind what I said about transfering the skin to another model. Just waiting for the MF Mig-29 I guess, in the mean time, Im having trouble adding kill marks to Mig-29A that I downloaded to use for now.
  6. Kill Decals

    How do you add them to add on aircraft?????
  7. Also, I'll like a kill mark area around the plane added to the US MIG-29 for WOE and WOI.
  8. Ok, but can I just use the current MIG-29 models for now then after they release the MF verison of MIG-29 then I'll transfer the custom skin whoever made it to the MF MIG-29.
  9. Has anyone manged to add a carrier in WOI? Also, make them be able to land AI planes not in the middle of the ship?
  10. Did use the knowledge base, but some carriers I download won't work on WOI and some are a bit small for some planes to take off from carriers.
  11. Which same strings and values in which Data.INI and Terrain's.CAT files?
  12. Maybe we can make the 3rd season using the ThirdWire series and other flight sims? Just a suggestion.
  13. How do you make the weapon editor to work on vista? I mean I did put it to win98 compatibilty but when I open, save, save as, new, open, import/merge, on the box on the lower right, it just exit the editor for no reason.
  14. Nevermind, I got it figured out I been using the wrong Weapon Editor.
  15. I love Dogfights, but I wish they have their simualation game/show out to stores or a download, I didn't really like their online steam/valve type game.
  16. Never mind, made it work but after I added a new weapon it wouldn't show on the loadout screen, but when I remove the WeaponData.dat file the weapons show up but not my new one also when the WeaponData.dat file is there, the extracted one, on the loadout screen there's nothing in the list of weapons shown, just empty.
  17. On the mission genarator, how do you change the default nation like on WOI, the default nation is Israel right? How do I change it to something other nation like the USAF for example. I'm sick of changing each individual plane to the country I want to play in on generated missions.
  18. How to...

    Ok, thanks for these options selections. I might ask lots of questions in the future but this is what I need for now.
  19. How to...

    Sometimes I want to play with another nation or fight with another nation rather than just Israel and Egypt all the time in single missions, I don't really play online or campaign that much, I'm not an online gaming guy.
  20. How to...

    Is it ok if I can use the ones I download as the nation I use to be the default one?
  21. How to...

    Thanks man, but one thing, how to I change the enemy's country so I dont see the same ones over and over on the single missions?
  22. How to...

    See where the red circle is at? It's on Israel by default, I want it to change it to another nation that way I dont have to change each individual plane to be a diffrent nation. I hope I make it a bit clear on what I mean.

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