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Everything posted by quack74

  1. Just a few pics I took from my "Independent Air Force" campaign. Just one mission. So only a couple of Jastas showed up for the party (Jasta18 and Jasta54s) against No.55 Squadron of the IAF. The last pic I just thought was cool. I landed on the wrong side of the lines. I call this one "Caught"
  2. Hansa, I've been having the same problem. The gunner takes a few shots then turns away. most times he lets the Huns fly right past without firing one shot. I've tried changing some numbers too but nothing has worked yet. For me anyway. I'll try some more.
  3. Version


    This is ONLY Part 1 of the "Battle of Caporetto" Campaign, Version 1.0, made by quack74 Part2 is a necessary download for it carries ALL the ENEMY (Austrian) aircraft files This Campaign takes place in Northern Italy in the Fall of 1917. Austria vs Italy. All info is in the readme files The Vogesen terrain ( by Gepard ) is needed to run this campaign. I highly recommend Jan Tuma's visual upgrade pack as well. I would like to thank ***** and the skunworks A team for many of the WWI models I would like to thank sinbad for allowing me to repost some of his Hanriot HD-1 Italian skins I also would like to thank Gepard for the terrain and the help he gave me And thanks to JanTuma for the beautiful terrain upgrade. Thanks especially to all those guys that took the time to build all the aircraft and ground objects. Without them this campaign wouldnt have come to mind. Actually Laton's Austrian and Italian planes triggered it. They needed a place to fly. So thanks Laton. Enjoy, quack74
  4. Armchair Aces

    Not to highjack the thread but since there is the N28 in the new Armchair 1918, this is what I have so far for you guys. It uses the stock squadron markings for whichever U.S. squadron you choose. But it is too difficult to color the cowl to creat the proper flight markings. So I will just make the base solid colors. (no stripes or checkers, diamonds, etc.etc.) Not for now anyway.
  5. I get the same "lock up" problem with my Austria-Italy install of FE2. Only with the Vogesen terrain. Everytime I try to look at the map to see the advancing troop movement it locks up. Never figured out what was causing it either. BTW I have some Naval 1, Naval 8, and Naval 10 Sopwith Triplanes on the way for you guys. All new paint, decals, Nation (RNAS/RAF) and "Formation.ini .
  6. Albatros fuselage artwork

    These D.V's are from Jasta76b. The one on the left is believed to belong to Walter Boning if I remember correctly. And the one on the lef does display the city arms of Muenchen, Bavaria. Good call Olham. The band colors are black and yellow. This is all from memory. I have the info somewhere on this picture. But dont know where. I think I knew the pilots name of the D.V on the right too. I'll look for the info. Very cool pain schemes.
  7. Aviatik D.I Upgrade

    The Vickers and the Spandau's are too big. The heat exchange tubes around the gun barrels are just too big to be pulled off as a schwarzlose. If the barrel was removed from the Lewis its pretty close. Thats why I went w the Lewis. I believe the "GunData" already has a Schwarslose in it. we just need a decent 3D model like the A-Teams Gun Pod models. It would be great to have because many Austrian Two-Seaters used multiple Schwarslose guns in different locations. Sometimes two on the upper wing. It would be cool to be able to place the gun as a "Weapon Station" on a plane via the aircrafts "Loadout". That way we will have the option to place it where we choose. I for one would rather not have it as a part of the aircrafts .LOD but used from the "Weapons folder" like the A-Teams add-on gun pods.
  8. Aviatik D.I Upgrade

    Its really not that important Stephen Im sure you have many projects on your plate already. All my pics of an Aviatik DI are in my "User" data in the computer shop.. I should be getting my Data back tomorrow or Friday But then I have to reinstall everything into my new PC I just got. Major PITA . But I will have a handfull of pics for you in a few days if you want.
  9. Aviatik D.I Upgrade

    Maybe Stephen can create a Shwarzlose model for the "Weapons" folder. I'm sure he could make one while he's reading this post
  10. Aviatik-Berg D.I

    Wow you actually patched every skin I did! The 3d work for the cockpit and the fuselage above the cockpit plus the new guns! Thats a lot of work Stephen. Good show! Wish I had a computer#@$@%#^#&
  11. I removed the single stock Vickers and added two new "Weapon_Stations" to the data.ini. In the Triplanes's "Loadout" there is now the default "Dual Vickers" displayed. Only a handfull were made and because of the extra weight they were less manuverable and slower than the regular Tripes. They were mainly used by Naval 1 in mid Summer of 1918 for low level intercepts and ground attack. Especially when the weather was poor and enemy aircraft would fly low and slow. I just made a new skin for the Triplane (a very hard model to paint) and I will be redoing all of my old ones. I created a new nation called "Royal Naval Air Service". And I also created new decals to go along with it. Roundels without the white border will appear from the beginning of the war till mid summer 1917. The white border then appears in July1917 till the end of the war. But on April 1,1918 the nation name "Royal Naval Air Service" (RNAS) will change to " Royal Air Force" (RAF). It's very cool. I dont know why I havnt done this sooner. Keep in mind you will have to rename the aircraft or skins yourself for which ever you would like to be an RNAS aircraft. In my Triplanes Data.ini I changed the "NationName=RAF" to "NationName=RNAS/RAF (I named it this way because all RNAS Squadrons became RAF squadrons in April1918.) You'll see soon. I'll be doing the Pups too.
  12. Sikorsky and Anatra upgrades

    Awsome stuff once again Stephen1918! I too am anticipating the Eastern Front campaign. Your models need "Bump" maps! You should have gotten FE2. The Bump maps add an incredible amount of detail and realism to the models. You have done so many awsome (and rare) models they would look incredible with the "bump" detail. Just sayin
  13. New Eastern Front Terrain - Galicia

    As soon as I get a PC up and running I will work on a hand full of Eastern Front aircraft skins. This new terrain will be cool to play. How do you find the time Stephen???? Glad you do though!
  14. The Day CA went off line so did my PC. Apparently the graphics card required atleast a 450w power supply and my PC only produced about 350. So over time it just fried my harddrive, motherboard, and processor. The place I brought it too pretty much told me I need a new PC. It was only a couple of years old too. Great! Like I have $500 bucks laying around for a new tower. I'm stuck between a rock and..... well I guess another rock. The only good news is they were able to retrieve all my "User" data. Pics, videos, GAME files (thank God). But Now I will have to reinstall ALL the Program Files stuff into what ever PC I get. It's going to take forever! But it could be worse. I could have lost EVERYTHING. 4 years of kids pictures, wedding Pics, videos, 6 years of FE work, and all my business files. That would have been bad...really, really bad. Now CA is back, very cool BTW, I have no PC
  15. CA is back and I have no PC!

    Well it looks like I need to buy a new crate. The place told me it would cost more to fix it than to just buy a new one. Argh! Like I just happen to have $500 bucks laying around. I got kids man! Damn!
  16. Back up

    It was only a few days and we all freaked out! Lol. It was like the end of the world. I for one didnt know what to do with my spare time. No place to discuss FE mods or post stuff. The day CA went down so did my PC. Totally crashed. Was able to recover all user data (thank God) but fried my HD and Motherboard. Apparently my graphics card was drawing too much power and my PC couldnt produce. My PC only had a 350w power supply and my GC required atleast a 450w. So it baked my PC. Now CA is back online and I have no PC...Great!
  17. There are so many ground objects now for FE. Placing objects all over the terrain is going to be just as fun as flying! Seeing action and objects on the ground adds so much to this sim. Thanks again Stephen1918
  18. Just so you all know....

    It sure does. They move along the ground w a little dust following behind. Great targets
  19. Twin Vickers Sopwith Triplane

    I havnt used either one of them. I didnt even know they were out there. Well.... onto other things
  20. Just so you all know....

    I have and use all of his WWI models. Great stuff! Thanks for your work Geo.
  21. Cool stuff Geo. I've been using these for a couple of years now. They're awsome looking mixed into No-Mans Land. BTW what about the " battle field debris" object that you had. Could you post that too? Thanks a lot Geo.
  22. Dh-4 with single lewis and vickers

    The Cockpits have their own .LOD's. These cant be altered like the aircrafts DATA.ini. And most aircrafts' Cockpit .LOD's cover the inner cockpit as well as the upper Cowl including windscreens, sights, and guns. So a lot of times what you see on the outside is not what you see from inside. I dont know why modelers do it that way. Most of the time there arent even .bmp textures to edit the paint of cockpits either. Just whatever came w the .LOD.
  23. I see a bunch of you downloaded Part 1 of my Aviatik D.I skin Pack. But only half of you Downloaded Part 2. You need both packs for it to work correctly and to get all the skins and decals. Just a litlle FYI

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