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Everything posted by WhiteBoySamurai

  1. Do you get the same problem with that helicopter on other ships? Or with different helicopters on that same ship?
  2. Florian, is that a new P-3 model? Looks really nice. Coming home after a long mission.
  3. New version uploaded with various overall improvements. Unless there are some emergency fixes needed, this is the last updated I'll be doing for my Aegis ships for a long while. Thank you for downloading!
  4. File Name: DDG-51 Arleigh Burke class Aegis destroyer (Flight I & II) File Submitter: WhiteBoySamurai File Submitted: 17 July 2011 File Category: Destroyers This model represents the Arleigh Burke class destroyers Flight I (DDG-51~DDG-71) and Flight II (DDG-72~78), in service from 1991 to present (upgrades and refits notwithstanding). They are among the largest and most heavily armed destroyers in the world. As with my previous Aegis vessels, two different versions are included (air defense and land attack), as well as name and hull number decals for each ship of the class, plus the necessary sounds, guns, and weapons. An optional data file allowing multiple simultaneous engagements is included. See the readme file for full details. Note: The weapon systems, collision mesh, and decals have been updated for compatibility with SF2: North Atlantic and the March 2012 patch. If you have not installed/do not plan to install either, this model will not work properly. When setting up a task force, using the USNgrey texture will allow hull decals based on the ship number. This is bugged in single missions (as the ship number can't be changed in the mission editor), so select a specific texture set with the hull number you want. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you! Click here to download this file
  5. New version uploaded with more details and improvements. Enjoy.
  6. Samurai's Shipyard

    Still in the process of updating my existing Aegis ships-- Arleigh Burke will be uploaded sometime tonight. Riggings, flag, new gun, new deck texture, improved weapon data, etc.
  7. Here's the shipsmoke effect, and some other random smoke .tga files I had. You should be able to create different colors and patterns using this as a template. Smoke.rar
  8. Samurai's Shipyard

    In the spirit of Halloween, I have a scary story for you all, complete with pics, which are totally not meant to be a teaser for one of my long-running secret projects. Honest. - - - - - "I'm not crazy. I am the only survivor of the Yuxi. She went down that night with all 200 hands. Still I wonder why I was spared. Let me tell you what happened." "I was a radar technician. I studied at university in America, and then came back home and ended up using what I learned against them. A common story here. But perhaps I didn't study enough, or perhaps they didn't teach us everything." "We were persuing a ship carrying a vile traitor who decided to defect with party secrets. We thought they were headed for the wayward province, but instead they turned north-east. Order came through to follow them, and we did so cautiously. Tensions are already much too high with the other powers in the region." "It was around midnight and I was asleep in my bunk. We had just passed the Diaoyu Islands when my bunkmate came back from watch and woke me up suddenly, saying there were unusual lights in the distance. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and stepped out on deck. They looked like shooting stars, unusual for such a cloudy night..." "But then these stars fell and struck our ship. The first hit the helicopter deck. Shrapnel tore through the hangar doors; the Z-9 was wrecked. Right away I knew there was meant to be no escape." "My training overcame the shock, and I dashed to my station in the CIC, even as more stars fell and destroyed our long-range search radars and communication antennas." "The radar showed absolutely nothing on the horizon, nothing in the air. What on earth was doing this to us? Was it too far away? Or invisible to radar? Both?" "Barely a few minutes had passed and the ship was in utter chaos. We were taking on water, and fires were spreading towards ammo holds. I desperately attempted to find something, anything, to shoot back at, if only to give our crew some hope. But any such chance at that was lost when another blast turned the bridge, and our captain, to ash." "The acting first officer, trying his best not to panic, ordered maximum speed and evasive maneuvers. Somehow, despite having to steer using the emergency controls in engineering, we managed to evade some of the stars of death." "Yes, I persist in calling them that-- What else could they be? Cannon rounds? Ha. Everyone knows that it is physically impossible in our world for guns to hit a target more than a couple of kilometers away." "Whatever they were, they were lethal. And in the end, the Yuxi's final acts of bravery counted for nothing. Our fate had been sealed before we even knew we were in a fight." "With our last operational radar, I finally picked up something. By its shape, size, and speed, I knew what it was, and I knew that with our ship in ruins there was no hope of stopping it." "I tried to shout 'abandon ship.' I swear that I tried. But like the horrid nightmare that this was, my voice could not escape my mouth. So I ran. I fled the CIC, abandoning my post and my crew mates, grabbed a life raft, and jumped overboard. I made it just in time." "I should have died along with my brave friends, but I was picked up by an American corvette when dawn broke. It couldn't possibly have been the ship that attacked us. I'm not so sure it was a ship at all, or anything man-made. Our unknown enemy was something that struck us from tens of kilometers away, defying known physics and eluding all detection. A furious sea monster? An alien vessel? I no longer want to know the truth."
  9. Samurai's Shipyard

    I don't really have any plans for an Iwo Jima, but several of the straight-deck Essex ships were used as LPH assault ships until 1970, so at least you'll have something of similar role in that era.
  10. Wow, amazing detail all over. And you even made the brake chute!
  11. Presenting every Michael Bay movie ever: Scene in a big command center with lots of important-sounding jargon-- Over-the-top action scene involving US military hardware-- Ridiculously huge explosion-- And of course helicopters flying into the sunset-- (The last shot would really benefit from the sun that ikon71 posted though.)
  12. File Name: Los Angeles class attack submarine File Submitter: WhiteBoySamurai File Submitted: 26 October 2012 File Category: Submarines This model represents the Los Angeles class, in service from 1976 to present. The Los Angeles is America's most widely produced nuclear attack sub, with a long service history and proven design. This package contains two versions of the Los Angeles: Original version (688) commissioned in 1976, armed with Harpoon missiles (deployed from its four torpedo tubes). Improved version (688i) commissioned in 1985, using Harpoons, plus Tomahawk missiles in twelve vertical launch tubes. Note that the initial batch of eight "Flight II" VLS-equipped subs have been grouped together with the 688i models for simplicity's sake, as any performance differences can't really be modelled in this series. If there is sufficient demand for it, I'll made separate mods for each flight. Each version includes a full names.ini list, in case you want to use these boats in a task force, plus individual decal sets for each boat if you need to place them as single objects. SF2: North Atlantic is required for this mod as it uses some stock number decals. Please see the readme for full details, credits, and instructions for use. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you! Click here to download this file
  13. I think the best way is to give those aircraft nation-specific and date-specific loadouts. For example, I got sick of seeing IAF F-5s show up with AIM-9L/M/X and other weapons they couldn't possibly have, so I made separate loadouts for them with more appropriate export weapons like so: [AirToAir_Iran] StartDefaultDate=1976 DefaultFor=CAP,INTERCEPT Nation=Iran Loadout[01].WeaponType=AIM-9P Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=AIM-9P Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType=AIM-9P Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=AIM-9P Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[07].WeaponType=F-5E_CTFUEL Loadout[07].Quantity=1 I think "Nation=Merc" would be the entry to use in your case. The other more drastic solution, of course, is to make a copy of the aircraft in question so you can make a more finely-tuned nation-specific version. This takes up more hard drive space, though, and you'll have to edit the campaign files to use the aircraft version you want.
  14. I'm considering doing an Akula since it can launch SS-N-16 missiles. Some versions even have an SA-16 SAM launcher in the sail! An Oscar is another possibility. MarcFighters had some nice Soviet submarine models, but unfortunately they're not designed to have proper armament. The main thing is that to be useful in the game series, the sub in question has to be able to use missiles of some sort. Surface-to-surface torpedoes have been attempted before on another boat, but they either self-destruct in the launcher or fall uselessly in the water.The only way I've found to make torps behave like torps is make them into very low and slow sea-skimming ASM-type weapons... but then they can be intercepted by missiles or guns, and that's not very realistic. Argh, I always forget something! Here's the missing file: SS RWR.rar
  15. Los Angeles class attack submarine

    Version 1.0


    This model represents the Los Angeles class, in service from 1976 to present. The Los Angeles is America's most widely produced nuclear attack sub, with a long service history and proven design. This package contains two versions of the Los Angeles: Original version (688) commissioned in 1976, armed with Harpoon missiles (deployed from its four torpedo tubes). Improved version (688i) commissioned in 1985, using Harpoons, plus Tomahawk missiles in twelve vertical launch tubes. Note that the initial batch of eight "Flight II" VLS-equipped subs have been grouped together with the 688i models for simplicity's sake, as any performance differences can't really be modelled in this series. If there is sufficient demand for it, I'll made separate mods for each flight. Each version includes a full names.ini list, in case you want to use these boats in a task force, plus individual decal sets for each boat if you need to place them as single objects. SF2: North Atlantic is required for this mod as it uses some stock number decals. Please see the readme for full details, credits, and instructions for use. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!
  16. Samurai's Shipyard

    If we had game mechanics that supported torpedoes, that would be a great way to do subs. As it is, I think we might as well keep them surfaced so they can be recognized and engaged. I've just uploaded the new Ticonderogas. It's much more than just the small visual tweaks, so please check them out!
  17. Having forgotten things or even messed up folder structure once or twice, I can sort of sympathize with the modder in question. Still, wouldn't it be much less trouble to use the excellent Mirage Factory Kfir C7 in this case than a fakepilot'ed stock aircraft? :shrug:
  18. File Name: Ticonderoga class cruiser superpack File Submitter: WhiteBoySamurai File Submitted: 09 June 2012 File Category: Cruisers This package includes every variant of the Ticonderoga class Aegis cruisers, including: CG-47 Baseline 1 (Mk26 twin arm launcher) CG-52 Baseline 2 (Mk41 VLS) CG-59 Baseline 3&4 (improved sensors and weapons) CG-52_06 (first round of modernization refits circa 2006) CG-52_12 (final Cruiser Conversion Program refits, starting 2012) Naturally, all sounds, decals, weapons, ship name and number lists are included. The CG-52 and CG-59 variants are further divided into air defense and land attack versions, armed with Standard Missiles and Tomahawks respectively. Each of the air defense ships also comes with two different data.ini files: the default, which uses a true VLS weapon system (albeit one missile and one target at a time and disables the Harpoon missiles), and a data_EX.ini version, which enables multiple simultaneous engagements and is almost as deadly as its real life counterpart. Use whichever one you like, depending on if you prefer realistic visuals or realistic performance. The Ticonderoga has always been my "flagship" project (pun intended), and so I've updated the models using everything I've learned in the year since I started modding. I've also added a small Easter Egg for those of you who want to try a helicopter takeoff from from this ship. Note: The weapon systems, collision mesh, and decals have been updated for compatibility with SF2: North Atlantic and the March 2012 patch. If you have not installed/do not plan to install either, this model will not work properly. See the readme file for full details. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you! Click here to download this file
  19. All ships have now been updated with new details like riggings, a flag, redone gun barrels, and so on. Weapons have also been updated with more effective guns (including a permanent fix for the sporadic CIWS jamming), plus more improved missile performance and sounds. (In particular, I made the distinctive VLS launch effect from actual footage, so I'm certain you'll like it.)
  20. tutorial needed

    I had no idea they could be in color! Thanks, that's really interesting. I tried some basic techniques with a tank I'm working on (pictured below). To save polygons like on the stock tanks, I just drew the road wheels and treads rather than make them 3D objects. But the light was reflecting off of that area like a regular flat surface, which looked weird. So I made that area all black in the specular map and now it doesn't reflect light. I also made the headlights extra shiny. Hopefully I'm getting the hang of it.
  21. Samurai's Shipyard

    Thanks, sounds like a good idea! Yeah, all my ships are built with NA in mind. I know there are some holdouts on the site who want to keep using an earlier patch version, and others who might not have the hardware for (which i can totally sympathize with, since I wasn't able to handle NA smoothly until I built a new PC earlier this year), but I'm afraid there's no going back for me. @Wrench: It might not be the era you want, but I have a Supply class in the works. ...I start way too many projects for my own good. Here's something I'm just finishing up, for what it's worth: This is the original flight of Los Angeles boats, not the improved VLS ones... but I can do those later if there's demand for it. I'm happy with how the textures came out. I'm experimenting with specular maps and trying to get the hull to look washed over. Right now it's hard to see unless you rotate the camera under the right lighting though. The game doesn't really support subs so I'll just leave it up to the end user to assign them as patrol boats, as cargo ships, as frigates or whatever. It's got a names list and hull decal placement just in case.
  22. tutorial needed

    I too would love to see a good tutorial. So far I only understand the very simple basics of specular maps ("make the shiny parts brighter, lol") but that's it.
  23. I love that night scene, Stary! Looks like a real city down there. Type 90 tanks (WIP) repel intruders on Japan's northern territory: (However, a local resident is filing charges against the Ministry of Defense because of the tank that drove through the stone wall around their property...)
  24. Samurai's Shipyard

    How's this? I've been meaning to update the weapon data and some other things on my Aegis ships, so I might as well touch up the models while I'm at it. Right now the lines look perfectly taught, but do you think they'd look better if they sagged a little? The polygon count for the riggings would probably double or triple, but it might be worth it. And eventually (by the time I start working on the Essex textures), I want to learn how to do proper specular maps, so I can get that neat "sea-splattered" effect like on Jullhelm's wonderful Ulyanovsk. No, that's all on me, my friend. You asked me to finish a project, but I didn't have the time or experience back then to do it right. I still think of the Bainbridge as your girl, so I hope you're happy with how she turned out.
  25. File Name: CGN-25 USS Bainbridge File Submitter: WhiteBoySamurai File Submitted: 02 July 2011 File Category: Cruisers This model represents the USS Bainbridge, the only ship of her class, in service from 1962 to 1996. She is based on the Leahy class missile cruiser, but modified to use nuclear power. This package contains three versions of the Bainbridge, separated into the major refits the class underwent during its service life: As built in 1962: Equipped with Terrier missiles and two 3" twin turrets AAW refit circa 1976: Terriers replaced with SM-1ER, 3" guns replaced with Harpoon launchers, electronics updated to support new missiles NTU refit circa 1985: New radars, added Phalanx CIWS, SM-1ER replaced with SM-2ER Each version has its own names.ini list, so each variant will appear in task forces in the correct era. Each version of the ship is substantially different in their anti-air and anti-missile capability, which I have attempted to simulate as best as I can. The Harpoons on the AAW and NTU version are fully functional. SRBOC launchers (as on my other USN ships) are included on the model but disabled by default for simplicity's sake. Note: The weapon systems, collision mesh, and decals have been updated for compatibility with SF2: North Atlantic and the March 2012 patch. If you have not installed/do not plan to install either, this model will not work properly. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you! Click here to download this file

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