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9 files

  1. SF2_U_BoatXXIII

    Elektroboot  Type XXIII U-boat
     "Elektroboot" series, the Type XXI U-boat and a short range Type XXIII U-boat, finalized in January 1943
     but with production only commencing in 1944-1945. 
    When under water, the Type XXI managed to run at 17 knots (31 km/h; 20 mph), which was faster than a 
    Type VII running full out on the surface and almost as fast as the ships attacking her. 
    After the war, tests carried out by the United States Navy on two captured Type XXIs showed they could outrun 
    some ASW ships by going in the direction of heavy seas. 
    (The US Navy's first nuclear-powered submarine, USS Nautilus (SSN-571), used a modified Type XXI hull shape.) 
    For most of the trip it ran silently underwater on batteries, surfacing only at night, and then only to snorkel depth.
     Weapons were likewise upgraded, with automated systems allowing the torpedo tubes to be reloaded in less than
     one-fourth of the time, firing homing torpedoes that would attack on their own. 
    Even the interior was improved: it was much larger and fitted with showers and a meat refrigerator for long patrols.
    German Type XXIII submarines were the first so-called elektroboats to become operational. 
    They were small coastal submarines designed to operate in the shallow waters of the North Sea, Black Sea and 
    Mediterranean Sea, where larger Type XXI Elektro boats were at risk in World War II. 
    They were so small they could carry only two torpedoes, which had to be loaded externally.
     As with their far larger sisters—the Type XXI—they were able to remain submerged almost all of the time and were
     faster than conventional U-boats, due to the improved streamlining of their shape, batteries with larger capacity and 
    the snorkel, which allowed the diesel engines to be used while submerged. 
    The Type XXI and XXIII U-boats revolutionized post-war submarine design.
     Nearly a thousand Type XXIII boats were projected towards the close of World War II, but most of these were either
     cancelled, scrapped incomplete or only projected
     German Navy
     Royal Navy
     French Navy
     Soviet Navy
     Royal Norwegian Navy
         Strike Fighters 2 
         v1.0         SF2:NA
                                                        Installation (SF2): 
    unzip the file  and put it in to strike fighters/........../ objects.... file directory....
    Simply extract each folder into the matching folders in your mod directory. 
    .......C:\Users\ pc name.....\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic\Objects\GroundObject....

    Is nice as a Ground Object,and as a Target.      Date's 1943-1970  !!!
    Don't be expect to see it ...straight in the Game..!!  Make/use   .... a campaighn editor..add on object...
    Special thanks:
    TW Game
    3D MODEL=  AceSfakia
    TEXTURES=  AceSfakia
    DATA.INI =     AceSfakia
    This is tested in full merg install SF2 / NA 
    p.s. Legal stuff:     This mod is freeware.     Commercial use is not allowed.   Stay only in Combatace....!!!
    Have a good hunt
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


       (0 reviews)



  2. submarinos GuppyII, Foxtrot, Oberon

    his is a work done by Torno from Banidos team
    the folders contain 3 models of subamrinos, Guppyn II, Oberon and Foxtrot, 
    more the historical destroyed model of the submarine ARA Santa Fe
    install the content inside the objects folder corresponding to your simulator
    these submarines only contain files to function as targets
    Torno Banidos Team 


       (0 reviews)



  3. sf 2 Agosta class SSK

    for Strike Fighters 2
    v1.0: SF2:NA 15-22/07/2017
    In French, these are called Sous-Marin
    Agosta-class submarine
    (Agosta-70 and Agosta-90B / Khalid-class )
    The Agosta-class submarine is actually two related class of diesel-electric and fast attack submarine developed
    and constructed by France's DCNS to succeed the Daphn? submarines.
    The French Navy grouped this model of submarine in their most capable class as an oc?anique, meaning "ocean-going."
    The Agosta-70 are in the active service with the Spanish Navy, Pakistan Navy, and formerly by the French Navy
    when they commissioned the Scorp?ne class submarines.
    The Agosta-90B is a modernized version that is built as part of a joint-venture by Pakistan's KSEW and the France's DCNS
    for Pakistan Navy and features the air-independent marine propulsion.
    The Agosta-90B are slightly larger and modified submarine that has a crew of 36 plus 5 officers and can be equipped with
    the MESMA air-independent propulsion (AIP) system.
    The Agosta–90B class submarines also known as the Khalid–class, is a modernized and long–range air-independent powered
    submarines designed and developed through a joint venture between the French DCNS and Pakistan's KSEW Ltd.
    --------------French Navy
    Agosta (S 620) completed 1977 decommissioned 1997
    B?v?ziers (S 621) completed 1977 decommissioned 1998
    La Praya (S 622) completed 1978 decommissioned 2000
    Ouessant (S 623) completed 1978 decommissioned 2001
    --------------Spanish Navy
    Galerna (S 71) completed 1983 in service
    Siroco (S 72) completed 1983 decommissioned 2012
    Mistral (S 73) completed 1985 in service
    Tramontana (S 74) completed 1985 in service
    --------------Pakistan Navy Hashmat class & Khalid-class
    PNS/M Hashmat (S135) completed in 1979, originally named Astrant
    PNS/M Hurmat (S136)– completed in 1980, originally named Adventurous
    In 2017, the Agosta–90B Khalid became the first submarine in the Navy to launch a nuclear-capable missile
    when it test fired the Babur, providing Pakistan with an offshore nuclear second strike capability
    PNS/M Khalid (S137) built in France by DCN Cherbourg, completed in 1999
    PNS/M Saad (S138) built in Pakistan with French assistance, completed in 2002
    PNS/M Hamza (S139) built in Pakistan, commissioned 14 August 2006
    -------------Royal Malaysian Navy
    Ouessant (S 623) completed 1978 decommissioned 2001 in France and sold it.

    Installation (SF2):
    Simply extract each folder into the matching folders in your mod directory.
    .......C:\Users\ pc name.....\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic\Objects\GroundObject....
    Special thanks:
    combatace MODDER'S,MEMBER'S
    TW Game
    WhiteboySamurai for help in me to get in the Modding for Ships
    FRENCH & SPAINISH Member's in combatace....
    3D MODEL= AceSfakia
    TEXTURES= AceSfakia
    DATA.INI = AceSfakia
    Kit - L’Arsenal
    Net Marine
    Global Security
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


       (4 reviews)




    Modern French SUBMARINE
    for Strike Fighters 2
    v1.0: SF2:NA update
    This model is not to be used in any commercial or for-profit packages.
    It may, however, be used in any freeware mod.
    The weapon systems, collision mesh, and decals have been updated for compatibility with
    SF2: North Atlantic and the March 2012 patch.
    If you have not installed/do not plan to install either, these models may not work properly.
    Le Triomphant class
    Installation (SF2):
    Simply extract each folder into the matching folders in your mod directory.
    .......C:\Users\ pc name.....\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic\Objects\GroundObject....
    Special thanks:
    TW Game
    3D MODEL= AceSfakia
    TEXTURES= AceSfakia
    DATA.INI = AceSfakia
    The Triomphant class of ballistic missile submarines of the French Navy is the active class of four boats
    that entered service in 1997, 1999, 2004, and 2010.
    These four supersede the older Redoutable class, and they provide the ocean-based component
    (the Force océanique stratégique) of France’s nuclear deterrent strike force, the Force de Frappe.
    These ships are the most expensive submarines ever produced costing more than €4 billion.
    Their home port is Île Longue, Brest, Western Brittany.
    In French, these are called Sous-Marin Nucléaire Lanceur d'Engins de Nouvelle Génération
    (English: “Next Generation Device-Launching Nuclear Submarine”), abbreviated as SNLE-NG.
    They have replaced all of the Redoutable-class boats, with the last of those six boats being
    decommissioned in 2008.


       (4 reviews)



  5. sf2 NA Le Redoutable

    Modern French SUBMARINE
    for Strike Fighters 2
    v1.0: SF2:NA update
    This model is not to be used in any commercial or for-profit packages.
    It may, however, be used in any freeware mod.
    The weapon systems, collision mesh, and decals have been updated for compatibility with
    SF2: North Atlantic and the March 2012 patch.
    If you have not installed/do not plan to install either, these models may not work properly.
    Installation (SF2):
    Simply extract each folder into the matching folders in your mod directory.
    .......C:\Users\ pc name.....\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic\Objects\GroundObject....
    Special thanks:
    TW Game
    WhiteboySamurai for help in me to get in the Modding for Ships
    French Member's in combatace
    3D MODEL= AceSfakia
    TEXTURES= AceSfakia
    DATA.INI= AceSfakia


       (4 reviews)




    Hello to all
    This is tested in full merg install SF2
    The torpadoes work.....!!
    unzip the file
    and put it in to strike fighters/........../ objects.... file directory....
    Simply copy....... all the files in the respective......... directory of your game folder.... let overwrite the files.....
    ......................"User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\mod\........Object's....
    include the weapons set-65...with no lod's files
    If you don't want ...don't copy paste the file's....
    3d model =Acesfakia
    ini.files =Acesfakia
    Textures =Acesfakia
    p.s. Legal stuff:
    This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
    Have a good hunt


       (3 reviews)

    1 comment


  7. SF2 Sub Type 214 Tridente class

    Tridente-class submarine
    my first upload after so many downloads..................
    This is beta release of the Type 214 sub..or Trident...
    This is for sf2 with NAtlantic.....prefered....
    Attention.....!!!!!..is armed with........ Harpoon missiles and they are working......!!!!
    unzip the file
    and put it in to strike fighters/........../ objects.... file directory....
    Simply copy....... all the files in the respective......... directory of your game folder.... let overwrite the files.....
    ......................"User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\mod\........Object's....
    include the weapons set-65 sss-4....agm-38a exocet......and the mk-38asw....with no lod's files
    If you don't want ...don't copy paste the file's....
    3d model =Acesfakia
    ini.files =Acesfakia
    Textures =Acesfakia
    p.s. Legal stuff:
    This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
    Have a good hunt
    The Type 214 is a diesel-electric submarine developed by Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft GmbH (HDW). It features diesel propulsion with
    an air-independent propulsion (AIP) system using Siemens polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) hydrogen fuel cells.
    The Type 214 submarine is derived from the Type 212,[2] but as an export variant it lacks some of the classified technologies of its smaller
    predecessor most important of which is the non magnetic steel hull which makes the Type 212 submarine impossible to detect using a Magnetic Anomaly Detector.
    A contract to build three boats for the Hellenic Navy was signed 15 February 2000 and a fourth one was ordered in June 2002.
    The first boat was built at HDW in Kiel, Germany and the rest at the Hellenic Shipyards Co. in Skaramangas, Greece.
    The Hellenic Navy named them the Papanikolis class.
    Operators Greece
    Republic of Korea



       (3 reviews)



  8. Los Angeles class attack submarine

    This model represents the Los Angeles class, in service from 1976 to present. The Los Angeles is America's most widely produced nuclear attack sub, with a long service history and proven design.
    This package contains two versions of the Los Angeles:
    Original version (688) commissioned in 1976, armed with Harpoon missiles (deployed from its four torpedo tubes).
    Improved version (688i) commissioned in 1985, using Harpoons, plus Tomahawk missiles in twelve vertical launch tubes.

    Note that the initial batch of eight "Flight II" VLS-equipped subs have been grouped together with the 688i models for simplicity's sake, as any performance differences can't really be modelled in this series. If there is sufficient demand for it, I'll made separate mods for each flight.
    Each version includes a full names.ini list, in case you want to use these boats in a task force, plus individual decal sets for each boat if you need to place them as single objects. SF2: North Atlantic is required for this mod as it uses some stock number decals. Please see the readme for full details, credits, and instructions for use.
    If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!


       (6 reviews)



  9. Project 877 Paltus (Kilo class) submarine

    Project 877 Paltus (Kilo class) submarine for Strike Fighters 2
    The Kilo class is the NATO reporting name for a naval diesel-electric submarine that is made in Russia. The original version of the vessels were designated Project 877 Paltus (Halibut) in Russia.
    The boats are mainly intended for anti-shipping and anti-submarine operations in relatively shallow waters. Original Project 877 boats are equipped with Rubikon MGK-400 sonar system (with NATO reporting name Shark Gill), which includes a mine detection and avoidance sonar MG-519 Arfa (with NATO reporting name Mouse Roar). Newer Project 636 boats are equipped with improved MGK-400EM, with MG-519 Afra also upgraded to MG-519EM. The improved sonar systems have reduced the number of operators needed by sharing the same console via automation.
    The first submarine entered service in the Soviet Navy in 1980, and the class remains in use with the Russian Navy. 17 vessels are believed to still be in active service with the Russian Navy, while 7 vessels are thought to be in reserve.[6] So far, 33 vessels have been exported to several countries: Algeria, People's Republic of China, India, Poland, Iran, Romania and Vietnam.
    Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder. And let overwrite the files.
    "User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
    NGHENGO for the 3D design and textures.
    Spillone104 for the INI files and weapon.
    Legal stuff:
    This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
    Enjoy some naval warfare ;-)
    May 2012


       (2 reviews)



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