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Everything posted by WhiteBoySamurai

  1. File Name: F-4EJ skin pack File Submitter: WhiteBoySamurai File Submitted: 19 September 2012 File Category: F-4 This is a package of high-resolution skins including authentic serial numbers and patches for the F-4EJ and F-4EJ Kai created by my friend and Phantom expert Nengajou Aki. Nineteen different skins from ten different squadrons are included. These skins may be used with the Mirage Factory F-4EJ pack (http://combatace.com...4ej-super-pack/), and are also compatible with the ThirdWire DLC version with minor adjustments. Every major JASDF squadron to fly the Phantom is represented here, some separated by year, with the greatest and most realistic detail possible. These are large skins, so resize them or convert them to jpeg or dds if you need to. Note: You may notice that serial numbers are not restricted by squadron. This is intentional, as aircraft frequently change squadrons within the JASDF. Optional files are included such as data.ini (mostly for custom engine sounds and pilots), avionics.ini (gun angle tweak), and loadout.ini (including naval strike ASM setups). Sundowner has given permission to overwrite original versions of these files. Entries for JASDF squadrons missing from the stock Squadronlist.ini are also available. Please add them manually or look for the latest community updates in the "SF2 Realism Mod" thread at CombatAce. Credits: Original F-4EJ & EJ Kai by Mirage Factory SF2 model by bpao Tweaks and additional heavy modeling details by Sundowner Skins by Sundowner Screens by USAFMTL Orginal pit by Bunyap Extended squadron list by Daddyairplanes New skins, hangar screens, data tweaks by Nengajou Aki Additional weapons by WBS Nengajou and WBS would especially like to thank Sundowner, as without his templates these mods would not be possible Click here to download this file
  2. Sometimes I get overzealous or just plain careless: But I'm happy just to live and fight another day.
  3. I'm curious as to what you think is wrong with this one: Personally I think it looks great, even though it's still a "beta" according to the author. If it's not up to your standards, bkaposta, by all means pitch in and help CadeteBRA's team to improve it, or make one yourself.
  4. No, thank YOU! Nengajyou has made a lot of JASDF skins, including new ones for the F-1, F-2, F-4, F-15, F-35, and of course this beauty:
  5. F-22 weirdness

    Thanks for these tweaks, I've been hoping someone would get around to it for a while. I don't suppose anyone's found a way to have a setup for SDBs and 1000lb class (JDAM, JSOW, etc) weapons yet? I tried putting in another instance of the weapons bay (using the StationID=2 and weapon positions from the very first version of the mod), and assigning the same animations as the default SDB bay, but then the doors won't animate. I hope there's a workaround.
  6. You know what would be a huge help for anyone planning to make a speech pack? A text file list of every line of speech that needs to be recorded along with the name of the matching wav file. Having to listen to and take notes on around 500 clips will have most people just say "to hell with this" before they even start translating or recording.
  7. Yo CombatAce, I'm really happy for you, and I'ma let you finish, but the F-4EJ Kai is one of the best Phantoms of all time.
  8. I've been using the WMSpeech, Russian, German, and British speech packs for quite a while now, and they're great. Don't get rid of the ATC guy, though. He always sounds so happy to see me. "Rrrrambler one, radaaaar contact!" I wonder if there's any way around the current limitations, like having different speech packs loaded at once for international operations, or at least having distinct voices for the player's wingmen as opposed to the other NPC flights. That would really help with immersion as well as situational awareness. As for a Japanese speech pack, I do a monthly military-related radio show with some guys over here, one of whom plays Strike Fighters (and who already did a bunch of awesome skins for us). I can't promise anything, but I *might* (might!) be able to convince them to collaborate on a recording session. Google-chan can be our Red Crown, like SidDogg suggested. However, I know very little about sound editing, so even if this were to happen, getting the wavs to sound like crackly radio calls is a completely different story.
  9. Could someone please tell me where I can get a good fuel-air explosive effect? I dug up some CBU-72s and Russian FAE bombs from my old SF1 install, but I don't have an appropriate effect for them, i.e. something that . Can't seem to find anything in the effects packs I have.
  10. That did the trick. Thanks a lot! If anyone else is having trouble with the FAE and related effects for any reason, I'll post the files here on request.
  11. I just ended up substituting the LOD from the GBU-40 version instead, which has a proper texture assigned to it. SDB.lod and SDB.bmp.
  12. Thanks; I tried out the FAEBombEffect KJakker posted, but I'm not seeing any in-game effect for it. The bomb just falls, disappears, and objects in its blast radius (or where its blast would be) just get destroyed. I found and re-added the FAEball.tga and aniexplode.tga that it points to, but no luck. Anyone have any version of this effect that's confirmed working?
  13. Yeah, the Kokutai operate P-3 and such. I didn't stop to consider space limitations in the list. So unless we get flyable naval search and anti-sub missions some day, those three can be skipped. As long as the F-15J and F-2 squadrons are in there, I'd be grateful.
  14. Thanks a lot for putting this together. Could I humbly request some Japanese squadrons added to the big list? These are squadrons missing from the stock list that I have skins and planes for so far: [squadronXXX] Name=3JASDF DisplayName=3 Hikotai Nation=JAPAN [squadronXXX] Name=6JASDF DisplayName=6 Hikotai Nation=JAPAN [squadronXXX] Name=201JASDF DisplayName=201 Hikotai Nation=JAPAN [squadronXXX] Name=202JASDF DisplayName=202 Hikotai Nation=JAPAN [squadronXXX] Name=203JASDF DisplayName=203 Hikotai Nation=JAPAN [squadronXXX] Name=204JASDF DisplayName=204 Hikotai Nation=JAPAN [squadronXXX] Name=601JASDF DisplayName=601 Hikotai Nation=JAPAN [squadronXXX] Name=ADTW DisplayName=Air Development and Test Wing Nation=JAPAN [squadronXXX] Name=3JMSDF DisplayName=3 Kokutai Nation=JAPAN [squadronXXX] Name=6JMSDF DisplayName=6 Kokutai Nation=JAPAN [squadronXXX] Name=203JMSDF DisplayName=203 Kokutai Nation=JAPAN
  15. I feel like my squadronlist.ini needs a serious update. It's about 270 entries and I've had it since before I migrated from SF1. Does anyone have a big, comprehensive, definitive list that they'd like to share?
  16. My wingman took a hit during a furball over Gothenburg. I looked over his plane and breathed a sigh of relief: No engine fire, no control surfaces damaged. What luck that nothing important was oooohhh that's not good. Thanks to Swedish engineering, he managed to land safely! It's the Volvo of the skies. ...Although after his plane came to a stop, it started listing to the right and sort of bouncing on the wingtip. And it didn't "despawn" like most landing AI aircraft (because it couldn't taxi?). The pilot just kept staring out the right side as if in disbelief. I love this series.
  17. Nice! Time to start putting together a WW2/PTO folder. Please no one bomb my city in the mean time!
  18. Just what I'm looking for, thanks! I'll keep an eye out for it in the realism thread.
  19. The WWII shots look really impressive. I'd gladly take a break from jets and missiles for that. It'd be hard to part with this kind of weaponry, though...
  20. Modern French frigate update pack

    Version 1.0


    This package includes the FREMM class frigate, La Fayette class frigate, and the Kang Ding class frigate (a La Fayette derivative built for Taiwan) updated to SF2:NA standards. These include updated weapon and data entries, ship names and numbers, collision meshes, radars, and very minor texture tweaks. Thanks to: Winterhunter for the FREMM Aleks1 for the La Fayette
  21. DDG 51refit12

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Arleigh Burke class re-release
  22. DDG 51refit11

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Arleigh Burke class re-release
  23. DDG 51refit10

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Arleigh Burke class re-release
  24. DDG 51refit09

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Arleigh Burke class re-release
  25. DDG 51refit08

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Arleigh Burke class re-release

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