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Everything posted by WhiteBoySamurai

  1. DDG 51refit07

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Arleigh Burke class re-release
  2. DDG 51refit06

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Arleigh Burke class re-release
  3. DDG 51refit05

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Arleigh Burke class re-release
  4. I'm getting back into the game after taking a break from it for a few months, and finally updated to the July patch from April (which I at least knew was safe and working). So far so good, but... there's something weird with the mission editor. "Accept" now means "save to disk," apparently? I second the motion for extended release notes on these patches. This is actually really annoying, since I have "template missions" such as dogfight scenarios, training missions, mod testing setups and so on which I usually just load, change a few things (which only lasts for the single run unless I deliberately save over it), and fly. Now if I make any changes, it automatically overwrites the old mission file. Anyone know of a way to disable this auto-overwrite thing? Also, I think someone mentioned they were having problems with cruise missiles and/or ship collision since the patch-- Not sure what that could be, but they're all working perfectly on my end. Both stock ones and the ones I've made or converted.
  5. Minor bug/typo: In the Control Surfaces section, the Denmark and Netherlands versions have [LeftFlap] listed twice, which prevents that flap from deploying properly. Really enjoying these Vipers, by the way!
  6. I've just finished updating the Arleigh Burkes with the same visual and weapon system improvements as with my Ticonderoga. And since you'll likely see a lot of these in your randomly generated fleets, I did my best to optimize the model for performance. The close-in model is around 39k polys; the most distant lod is only 8k.
  7. I really, really hate to bug other modders with requests, and I'm not sure exactly who to ask for this, but-- Is there any chance of the Mitsubishi F-2 being remade to the same level of quality as the new F-16s? If nothing else, the tractor beam shadows need fixing, as well as a narrow but visible gap in the wing root, and a few other minor things. It would also be nice to have an updated FM (which I think would require pivot/control surface adjustments on the model), integrated drop tanks (370gal and 600gal versions if possible), and updated canopy material. Though I don't have a lot of experience with aircraft modding yet, I would be willing and able to help with the update, or even do the aforementioned minor fixes myself if I had the max file. I've got a friend who can provide updated authentic decals, more details for the skin, and lots of reference material as well.
  8. I'm relieved to hear that you still have the Max files, Dels. For what it's worth, I'm at your disposal. I could do the minor stuff I mentioned as an interim solution until you and/or the Mirage Factory have the time to invest in it. In the mean time, I'll soon be finishing a visual touch-up of my weapons pack, which has some equipment used exclusively on the F-2, so at least that's a start.
  9. Samurai's Shipyard

    Yeah, as it stands the game engine can't really do submarines proper justice. I do intend to release a couple (mostly UGM-84-armed) boats like the Los Angeles I showed off earlier in the thread, but it'll be up to the campaign builders to figure out what to do with them. I'm a little burnt-out recently, so I'm going to take things slow and steady for a while. Here's a very tentative list of my works-in-progress, in no particular order: Visby update (visual tweaks, missile data update) CG-16 and CGN-25 updates (model overhaul, separate variants by year) Arleigh Burke and Kongo updates (visual tweaks and weapon system updates) Kirov updates (visual improvements and weapon system updates)and new variants Essex Sovremenny Ka-25 Los Angeles
  10. nuclear power

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Operation Sea Orbit is underway
  11. Ticonderoga class cruiser superpack

    Version 3.55


    This package includes every variant of the Ticonderoga class Aegis cruisers, including: CG-47 Baseline 1 (Mk26 twin arm launcher) CG-52 Baseline 2 (Mk41 VLS) CG-59 Baseline 3&4 (improved sensors and weapons) CG-52_06 (first round of modernization refits circa 2006) CG-52_12 (final Cruiser Conversion Program refits, starting 2012) Naturally, all sounds, decals, weapons, ship name and number lists are included. The CG-52 and CG-59 variants are further divided into air defense and land attack versions, armed with Standard Missiles and Tomahawks respectively. Each of the air defense ships also comes with two different data.ini files: the default, which uses a true VLS weapon system (albeit one missile and one target at a time and disables the Harpoon missiles), and a data_EX.ini version, which enables multiple simultaneous engagements and is almost as deadly as its real life counterpart. Use whichever one you like, depending on if you prefer realistic visuals or realistic performance. The Ticonderoga has always been my "flagship" project (pun intended), and so I've updated the models using everything I've learned in the year since I started modding. I've also added a small Easter Egg for those of you who want to try a helicopter takeoff from from this ship. Note: The weapon systems, collision mesh, and decals have been updated for compatibility with SF2: North Atlantic and the March 2012 patch. If you have not installed/do not plan to install either, this model will not work properly. See the readme file for full details. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!
  12. Samurai's Shipyard

    Ticonderoga superpack is uploaded and awaiting approval. All the previously posted versions have also been updated (CG-47, CG-52, CG-59), but I recommend just waiting for the superpack since it has all those versions and then some.
  13. US Navy Fires Off Its New Weaponized Railgun

    Two words: salt water. This type of weapon is extremely sensitive to corrosion, and submerging the barrels would the worst thing you can possibly do to it. Up on the deck of a large warship, at least the crew can clean the weapon if the railgun gets exposed to too much ocean spray. Maybe the Navy will come up with some ingenious workaround, but right now it sounds like they have their hands full just making sure the barrels won't overheat or break from the extreme force. I hope they get it working one way or another, because railguns are totally Awesome. ™
  14. Taiwan Navy ship pack

    I wish I could, but remember that these are all stock models, so there's no way for me to add any new parts to them.
  15. Got it, thanks! It looks like this will be my first carrier, so it's a bit daunting, but I think I'll be able to handle it thanks to the material you guys have provided.
  16. Just uploaded the package and awaiting approval. There are 70+ missiles, pretty much everything I could get my hands on and convert. I test-fired just about all of them at least once, but if anyone encounters any anomalous performance from one of the weapons, please let me know. That would definitely be nice. I know very little about building cockpits, but it seems like we can only have in-range notifications for radar-guided air to air missiles.
  17. With regards to targeting, you can launch cruise missiles against both land and sea targets, but the missile's flight profile will determine if it actually gets to your target. Sea-skimming anti-ship missiles will often crash into terrain if you try to use them against land targets. I've found that giving land attack cruise missiles a lofted profile or a much higher minimum altitude prevents that from happening, and also makes them easier to intercept by a ship's air defenses, so it's good for game balance. As far as I know, there hasn't been any all-inclusive adjustment for the existing weapons posted anywhere, just a few featured in certain modded campaigns and aircraft packs here and there. I've already updated all of the third-party anti-ship and cruise missiles (JASSMs, ALCMs, SCALPs, Exocets, RBS15s, Gabriels, Kayaks, Kazoos, whatever) in my install to use the new cruise missile format, and modified for proper speed and range where possible. Want me to upload a package of them?
  18. I'd be happy to help out however I can. I could probably scratch-build the ship if necessary, but since it's a carrier I'd want to take my time to detail it. The most important thing would be some good top-down reference photos so I can get the deck lines and stuff right. There seem to be plenty more pics for the angled-deck version.
  19. Taiwan Navy ship pack

    Ah, my devious plan worked! Muhuwhahahaaa! They have the Kidd class (now called the Kee Lung class), four air defense destroyers based on the Spruance hull originally designed for Iran before the 1979 revolution. They were in US service for a while, and then sold to Taiwan in 2001. They've got two Mk26 launchers like the early Ticonderogas, so they're pretty beastly. I have many of the components I need already from a scrapped Spruance project I was working on, so you can expect the Kidd/Kee Lung at some point in the future.
  20. Jianghu class frigates

    Version 1.0


    These four models represent variants of the Jianghu class frigate, including the Type 053H Jianghu-I, Type053H1 Jianghu-II, Type 053H1S Jianghu-II, and Type 053K Jiangdong, in service with the People's Liberation Army Navy. The Jianghu series frigates were all developed from the Riga class frigates obtained from Russia, and spawned a surprising multitude of variants and subtypes. In turn, they were later developed into the larger and more modern Jiangwei class frigates. The Jianghu-I is armed with six HY-1 Silkworm missiles in two rotating box launchers. It also carries two 100mm guns and four twin 37mm mounts for air defense. The Jianghu-II is armed with six improved HY-2 missiles, two twin 100mm guns, and the same 37mm armament of the Jianghu-I. It has been given a more contemporary light grey paint for recognition. At least one Jianghu class has been specially modified into the 053H1S naval fire support subtype, replacing the SSM launchers and aft island with five 50-tube rocket launchers. They have the firepower of an entire rocket artillery battery and are capable of coastal bombardment from up over 30km away. The Jiangdong, China's first attempt at SAM-armed air defense vessel, is equipped with two twin launchers for HQ-61 missiles, plus two twin 100mm guns and four twin 37mm guns. The missiles proved to be ineffective (and the launchers apparently lack any sort of automatic reloading system), so only two of the type were built. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!
  21. File Name: Jianghu class frigates File Submitter: WhiteBoySamurai File Submitted: 04 June 2012 File Category: Frigates These four models represent variants of the Jianghu class frigate, including the Type 053H Jianghu-I, Type053H1 Jianghu-II, Type 053H1S Jianghu-II, and Type 053K Jiangdong, in service with the People's Liberation Army Navy. The Jianghu series frigates were all developed from the Riga class frigates obtained from Russia, and spawned a surprising multitude of variants and subtypes. In turn, they were later developed into the larger and more modern Jiangwei class frigates. The Jianghu-I is armed with six HY-1 Silkworm missiles in two rotating box launchers. It also carries two 100mm guns and four twin 37mm mounts for air defense. The Jianghu-II is armed with six improved HY-2 missiles, two twin 100mm guns, and the same 37mm armament of the Jianghu-I. It has been given a more contemporary light grey paint for recognition. At least one Jianghu class has been specially modified into the 053H1S naval fire support subtype, replacing the SSM launchers and aft island with five 50-tube rocket launchers. They have the firepower of an entire rocket artillery battery and are capable of coastal bombardment from up over 30km away. The Jiangdong, China's first attempt at SAM-armed air defense vessel, is equipped with two twin launchers for HQ-61 missiles, plus two twin 100mm guns and four twin 37mm guns. The missiles proved to be ineffective (and the launchers apparently lack any sort of automatic reloading system), so only two of the type were built. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you! Click here to download this file
  22. Samurai's Shipyard

    I've uploaded new versions of the Riga/Type053 (railings and minor tweaks), Jiangwei series (with YJ-82 SSMs), uploaded a Taiwanese navy pack (exported/license built versions of some stock USN ships), and uploaded the Jianghu frigate pack. By the way, it's completely coincidental that I'm uploading a bunch of PRC vessels on June 4th. Aside from the three variants I've already shown here, I made one more sub-type, the Type 053H1S, which was converted to a naval fire support ship. It's got five 50-tube 122mm rocket launchers, quite obviously designed for the coastal bombardment of certain wayward island provinces. Each launcher is set to ripple fire in salvos of 10 rockets at a time. Though the rockets are hardly accurate, the sheer volume of fire it puts out makes it an effective weapon against any large ship. I would be uploading the Ticonderoga pack already, but I'm still not satisfied with the CIWS/countermeasures performance. With luck I'll have them ready in time for the weekend.
  23. Type053H1S 04

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Jianghu series frigate fire support variant
  24. Type053H1S 03

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Jianghu series frigate fire support variant
  25. Type053H1S 02

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Jianghu series frigate fire support variant

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