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Everything posted by WhiteBoySamurai

  1. KirovWIP08

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Kirov class skinning in progress
  2. ID4

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Coming July 4th
  3. CVN 71risingsun

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Rising Sun
  4. CG 52flyby

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Making the captain spill his coffee
  5. CG 52@CBG

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Bunker Hill in the battle group
  6. boom

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Bombing an airbase in Iceland
  7. The real Blue Impulse

    Great video, thanks for sharing it. I go to see Blue Impulse every year. They've got some amazingly tight formations, right up there with the Thunderbirds!
  8. Actually, I didn't have to take out The 'Dez to get WW to work. (IIRC it's set to UseGroundObject=FALSE so I bet that makes a difference.) I also (mistakenly) left in the entry for a WW2 era ship that I don't have installed, and the terrain still launched fine. Anyway, I yanked out the ships from Korea and Libya and got them working. Take a look; hopefully it will save someone some time. Korea & Libya fix.rar
  9. I'm almost certain that is the cause of it. I went through the Waterworld and Taiwan TYPES.ini files, ripped out all the ships except for the stock cargo ship entries, and so far no more crashes! I've attached the modified files, so check it out for yourself. Taiwan & WW fix.rar
  10. Just uploaded a three-pack of RN frigates, Type 12M, Type 21, Type 22. Everything should be working on them. KJakker, there's not much that can be done about the fire control radar issue without being able to mod the source file. The pivot point is set so that it faces backwards by default. so it will always face in reverse of where the weapon is pointing. The best I could do is set it as a Track radar so it's not so obvious. It's going to be a common problem when converting older ships, because the designers weren't expecting to be able to use all the features we have now. Also, it bears mentioning that the SeaCat launcher on the Type 12M has a messed up pivot, so I had to set the missiles as a vertical launch system. They're not very effective that way, but it's better than nothing. Thanks for the Anzac data, colmack. I'll see if I can get it shooting better, but after this pack I'm hoping to focus on my own models for the time being.
  11. Royal Navy frigate update pack

    Version 1.0


    This package includes the Type 12M Rothesay class, Type 21 Amazon class, and Type and Type 22 Broadsword class frigates updated to SF2:NA standards. These include updated weapon and data entries, ship names and numbers, collision meshes, radar frequencies, and so on. Thanks to: Hinchinbrooke for original Type 12 model Banidos Team for original Type 21 and 22 models
  12. Thanks, I'll check it out. Maybe we can get the entire Royal Navy finished soon.
  13. I was the first to point out this crashing-at-80% problem in the patch thread, immediately after the patch hit, but no one paid any attention. : [ Korea, Libya, Taiwan, and Waterworld all have this issue on my end. Looking through the .ini files and comparing them with working terrains, nothing stands out as obvious right away. All the effect shader callouts seem to be okay, though I don't know enough about the those with regards to the changes SF2NA and the recent patches may have made. Adding or removing NavalMap=TRUE doesn't seem to help. Same with water maps. Maybe it's a conflict caused by all the ships assigned as targets in the TYPES.ini files?
  14. File Name: Modern Royal Navy ship update pack File Submitter: WhiteBoySamurai File Submitted: 05 April 2012 File Category: Other This package includes the Invincible class carrier, Type 42 Shefflield class destroyer, and Type 23 Duke class frigate updated to SF2:NA standards. These include updated weapon and data entries, ship names and numbers, collision meshes, radar frequencies, carrier decals and aircraft parking spots, and so on. Make sure to update your Harriers, RN helicopters, and other models with the relevant data if you want them to show up on the Invincible's deck. Enjoy! Thanks to: -Gepard for pointing out flight deck problem -Hinchinbrooke for original Invincible and Type 42 models -SUICIDAL for original Type 23 model -Bobrock for the additional Invincible skin Click here to download this file
  15. Thanks, guys. Uploading new version with names for the Sheffield and fixed guns and radars for the Duke.
  16. Yeah, I wanted to do the decals for those, but as you said, it's impossible without Hinch's help. Oh well, we can just update it later. Oh, I missed that one. (Just found it in an old "Falklands frigates" package...) I can do that ship too, unless paulopanz wants to do it first. :3
  17. New entrys on SF2 NA

    Yeah, I extracted them too, but I've never seen the stock Prowler carry those Shrikes (or anything else for that matter) under the wings.The Growler doesn't carry its SEAD loadout on escort missions either. I'd like to see them carry some ALQ-99s or at least drop tanks. On a related note, do you suppose escort jammers are actually useful in game? Does ECM have an effective radius around the aircraft now, as opposed to just protecting itself? Or maybe they're supposed to just draw fire? :shrug:
  18. Yes, sir. Decal issue is resolved; just finished testing and uploading.
  19. Thanks for that, I'm glad it was something simple and not hard-coded. I went through and updated, tested, and uploaded all my models with decals, and they should be working fine now. I gotta admit, even with all the bugs, the TW series games are worth it, in great part due to this very helpful and creative community.
  20. I'm uploading the SF2:NA update now. Bear in mind that this model has the same limitations as the CG-52 and is still using the old WeaponSystem entry. But it is still a powerful naval unit, and seems to be very good at taking out cruise missiles. :3
  21. I've been working on an updated model with a few fixes and added detail. It's all ready for upload... Or at least that's what I thought until the latest patch broke the task force decal assignment for this and my other modern ships. I'll release it as-is if you guys want. And replying to dsawan's post from almost a year ago, I will do the Type 45 eventually, if trying to get things working properly in this game doesn't give me an aneurysm first...
  22. DDG 51refit02

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Arleigh Burke updated model
  23. DDG 51refit01

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Arleigh Burke updated model
  24. Thanks for updating these ships. If you have time, could you finish the DetectSystem entries too, please? Based on the typical radar frequencies of Royal Navy ships, I think this should be okay for most of them: RadarSearchCW=FALSE RadarTrackCW=FALSE RadarMissileGuidanceCW=TRUE RadarSearchFreq=1.6 RadarTrackFreq=3.2 RadarMissileGuidanceFreq=6.0 DataLink=TRUE NetworkType=RN_SHIP
  25. New entrys on SF2 NA

    Does anyone know what the loadout name is for "ESCORT_JAMMER" missions? I added it to third party EA-6B and EA-18G, but they're showing up completely unarmed when on that mission type. There's got to be a way to add a specific loadout for them.

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