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Everything posted by WhiteBoySamurai

  1. This is a very good point. The only time ECM is not an absolute necessity in modern warfare is if the enemy has absolutely no fighters and no radar-guided SAMs. Even then, I think of ECM like a prophylactic: I'd rather have one and not need it than need one and not have it. Speaking of the Viper, though, I was reasonably sure that (at least some) USAF F-16C Blk50/52 had an internal AN/ALQ-178, as do the ones that went to Turkey. Perhaps I am mistaken, but why would the US provide only foreign nations with such a system while leaving the USAF's own planes stuck using fat, draggy pods that take up a drop tank slot?
  2. JASDF mssiles&pods WIP

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Early preview of weapons pack containing AAM-4, ASM-1C, ASM-2, and J/AAQ-2
  3. VLS problem

    I'm 99% sure that "seeker slave" and "seeker uncage" only matter for heat seekers. At least, in my extensive testing of SAMs for my Aegis ships, it's had no noticeable effect. The problem the OP described is a combination of seeker parameters and missile motor parameters. If the target is too low and/or too close, the missile either won't be able to keep it in its field of view, or it just won't be able to turn hard enough. Anyway, the stats colmack posted should be good.
  4. I just got back from my trip, so I'm getting right back to work on building models. My next project is the Kongo class of the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force, which I was laying the groundwork for simultaneously with my Arleigh Burke. I just finished the mast, so here's an early work-in-progress pic. You probably can't tell without a side-by-side comparison, but the Kongo is about 10 meters longer than the Arleigh Burke, the bridge is two decks higher, and the superstructure and overall layout is significantly different. I still need to do the main gun turret (same caliber but very different type of gun from the Burkes), add in the various domes and antennas and other details, do some tweaking and smoothing, and then re-map and re-texture many of the parts. It should be done in under a week.
  5. Kongo class

    I'll put the monster idea on the back burner for now, as I'm working on a few more practical mods. This is an early WIP of a Seahawk skin. Mostly I just need to finish the decals. The main sticking point here is that I can't seem to get decals to show up on the model nodes "Panel_L" and "Panel_R." There are supposed to be large numbers there. If anyone familiar with this model can think of anything, I'd appreciate it. Also, I'm doing some Japan-specific ordnance, including a targeting pod as per a friend's request. Those will probably be done sometime next week.
  6. SH 60J WIP01

    From the album WBS's stuff

    JMSDF Seahawk skin
  7. Komar class missile boat pack

    Version 2.1


    This is a conversion and improvement of the Komar patrol boat for the Strike Fighters 2 series. Included are the Komar with Styx missiles, and Type 024 (Hegu), a Chinese-built derivative with a steel hull (as opposed to the wooden hulled Komar) and Silkworm missiles. Modifications include additions of working anti-ship missiles for each variant, adjustment of the object data for accuracy, and userlists for the various operators. Thanks to Pasko for the original model and Crusader for the upload. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this modification, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!
  8. Sorry to drag this old topic up, but I'd like to find out how to properly use this "GroupAnimation" thing. I was doing some aftermarket mods on the F-22 to enable support for both JDAM/JSOW (as in the SF1 version) in addition to the SDBs (as in the SF2 version). The only problem is that I can only get the bays to animate for one or the other. Like FastCargo said, there just aren't enough animation slots, and I can't get the bays to animate for both weapon types. So how exactly do we use this GroupAnimation thing? I just can't get it to work. I tried "GroundAnimationID=1" to match the StationGroupID: Nope. I tried "GroundAnimationID=4" to match the animation ID number: Nope. I tried both of the above both with and without individual BombBayAnimationID entries: Nope and nope. Any ideas? Here are the relevant entries, with the broken parts commented out. [WeaponBay] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=1 StationType=INTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0,0.0,0.0 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-10.0 LoadLimit=1340 AllowedWeaponClass=EOGR,EOGB AttachmentType=USAF NumWeapons=8 AttachmentPosition001=-0.486,4.6998,-0.3513 AttachmentPosition002=-0.246,4.6998,-0.3513 AttachmentPosition003=0.246,4.6998,-0.3513 AttachmentPosition004=0.486,4.6998,-0.3513 AttachmentPosition005=-0.486,2.3984,-0.3513 AttachmentPosition006=-0.246,2.3984,-0.3513 AttachmentPosition007=0.246,2.3984,-0.3513 AttachmentPosition008=0.486,2.3984,-0.3513 DiameterLimit=0.21 LengthLimit=3.61 AutomaticDoors=TRUE ModelNodeName=WeaponBay NoJettisonWeapon=TRUE BombBayAnimationID=4 BombBayOpenTime=0.50 BombBayCloseTime=0.75 //GroupAnimation=TRUE //GroupAnimationID=??? [WeaponBay2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=2 StationGroupID=1 StationType=INTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0,0.0,0.0 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-10.0 LoadLimit=1340 AllowedWeaponClass=EOGB,NUC AttachmentType=USAF NumWeapons=2 AttachmentPosition001=-0.366,3.8,-0.26 AttachmentPosition002=0.366,3.8,-0.26 DiameterLimit=0.488 LengthLimit=4.0 ModelNodeName=WeaponBay NoJettisonWeapon=TRUE AutomaticDoors=TRUE BombBayAnimationID=4 BombBayOpenTime=0.50 BombBayCloseTime=0.75 //GroupAnimation=TRUE //GroupAnimationID=???
  9. Kongo class

    I'd like to try that at some point, but unfortunately I don't have Photoshop. (Simply can't afford it, as I've already sunk too much money into overpriced graphical software for what is nothing more than a new hobby for me.) So I'm stuck with GIMP, which has no functions to blend/multiply layers. Hell, this program doesn't even take advantage of a second mouse button, and requires a careful multi-step workaround just to draw a simple circle. I try to make do. I can always add more fine details later, anyway. Probably not too much dirt, though-- As I mentioned, I've been aboard the real thing. These ships are less than 10 years old and kept astonishingly clean by their crew. :3 You know, I was thinking about that the other day. Hundred meters tall, 60k tons, that's one helluva ground target. Make his head swivel and pitch like a gun turret, complete with atomic fire effects, maybe make a section of his tail into a dummy radar so it would look like it's flopping around... But how could we animate walking??
  10. This is a really nice boat! I tweaked the data file to add working Styx missiles (like I did with the Osa), and made an alternate Chinese-built Type 024 Hegu class as well. With Crusader's permission, I'd like to upload those mods.
  11. DDG 173 WIP10

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Kongo class launching SM-2
  12. DDG 173 WIP09

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Kongo class at dawn
  13. DDG 173 WIP08

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Kongo class; rising sun not included
  14. DDG 173 WIP07

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Kongo class at dawn
  15. DDG 173 WIP06

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Kongo class helo ops
  16. DDG 173 WIP05

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Kongo class; good thing I'm fluent in Japanese ^_^
  17. DDG 173 WIP04

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Kongo class sea trials
  18. Kongo class

    It's taken a little longer than I thought, but I'll try to finish this ASAP. Here are a couple of preview renders. I'd say this is the prettiest ship I've built so far. Stay tuned to the upload section...
  19. DDG 173 WIP03

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Kongo class render
  20. DDG 173 WIP02

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Kongo class render
  21. This is something I recently noticed which had never happened before the latest set of patches: I was flying around in a single mission, 1990s era, and got bounced by a group of MiG-23s. Stock, completely unmodified MiG-23s, mind you. I expected to take them to school like usual, but I unexpectedly got shot down. The debriefing screen showed that they hit me with an AA-11 Archer. How and why did the game do that? Since then, I've been noticing more stock Floggers and Fishbeds flying around with AA-11s. But it's not just default aircraft-- The other day I saw a BAE Hawk armed with ASRAAMs. Weird. Up until now, as far as I'm aware, the game doesn't equip aircraft out with any weapon more advanced than what's entered in the loadout.ini. Like if the loadout default for an F-4 is AIM-9L, the game will assign earlier Sidewinders for earlier dates, but at least in previous versions of the game it would never assign AIM-9M and certainly not AIM-9X regardless of the date. Has anyone else experienced this?
  22. Ah, I get it now. The weapons were past their "expiration dates" so the game picked a newer one. That's actually pretty neat!
  23. DDG 173 WIP01

    From the album WBS's stuff

    Kongo class early WIP render
  24. Osa class missile boat pack

    Version 2.1


    This is a conversion and improvement of the Osa II patrol boat for the Strike Fighters 2 series. Included are the Osa I, Osa II, and Type 021 (Huangfeng) variants. Modifications include additions of working anti-ship missiles for each variant, adjustment of the object data for accuracy, and userlists for the various operators. Important: This package does not contain the 3D model. Please download the original OsaII model from the A-Team website and follow the instructions in the readme. Data files, weapons, and sounds are all included, however. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this modification, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!
  25. F-2A PodStation

    そうですね。じゃ、簡単な英語で説明してみます。もし何かわからなかったらプライベートメッセージ送ってください。 Okay, here is how to install the Lantrin pods on the F-2. 1) Open the F-2A_data.ini. In the [Fuselage] section, add these lines: SystemName[018]=Chin-Station SystemName[019]=FLIR 2) Under the "weapon stations" part, add these lines: [Chin-Station] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=20 StationGroupID=6 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0,3.75,0.250 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=500.0 AllowedWeaponClass=LP,EP,DLP AttachmentType=JAPAN,NATO,USAF SpecificStationCode=Chin ModelNodeName= PylonMass=0 PylonDragArea=0.002 LaunchRailNodeName= LaunchRailHeight=0.10 [FLIR] SystemType=EO_CAMERA ModelNodeName=TV CameraFOV=25.00000 SightTexture=LITENINGsightW.tga SeekerRange=30.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=40.000000 SearchFOV=5.000000 SearchTexture=LITENINGsightW.tga 4) Get the "F-16_LANTIRN" from the Mirage Factory F-16C package. Put it in your Weapons folder. Also, put the LITENINGsightW.tga in your Flight folder. 5) Open the F-16_LANTIRN in the weapons editor. Check "Exported." Change "Export start" to 1990. Check "Japan" under "Attachment Types." 6) Open the F-2A_loadout.ini. Add these lines under any loadout you like, for example or [Anti-ship]: Loadout[20].WeaponType=F-16_LANTIRN Loadout[20].Quantity=1 7) Fly! When you look at the loadout screen in the game, pylon 6 may show as "empty." But don't worry, it should have both a fuel tank and the AAQ-14 pods equipped. I hope it works for you. Please tell me if you need any help. Good luck!

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