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Posts posted by Paroni1

  1. January 26

    Photo recon to Messines Ridge.

    It started like usual.When we were home return,Aa smokes appeared further.When nearer,little spots were seeing.Dogfight!



    Battles raging at land and in the air.Ypres Sector.


    We joined this consert where Fokker Eindeckers and Bristol Scouts fighted.We succeed shoot couple of bullets but EA escaped!

    On the way home,far our side,we spotted lonely Nieuport.Began dogfight where we both tried to get tail.Several burst Eberhard shoot him.Some point enemy gave up and disengage battle.

    I followed and i noticed we were faster than his bird.He get lower and lower.The trenches were shot violently.Suddenly Nieuport curved tightly and smashed to the ground!




    I was sure our bullets had wounded the pilot,so we claimed a victory.We'll see if infantry guys agree this!

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  2. Continue...


    We were taken to the Douai's hospital.Cod liver oil was used to treat burns.It helps surprising lot!

    We were lucky to survive so little.The birdie could have burn or exploded.

    The headquarters became a telegram congratulating on the task performed.It promised also a small home vacation!

    Eberhard would travel in his home Bremen and i would go Freiburg.



    Home sweet home!

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  3. On 17.2.2022 at 3:28 PM, Polovski said:

    In the next update V1.21 as per the news section here, which is a free update for 2-seater reconnaissance operations.  In that, they will sometimes fly alone, or with another craft to help/cover. They will usually fly with more in the flight when out to bomb something.

    And defensively they are much better then of course as you say, but also more easily spotted.




  4. December 20

    Bastian's Diary:

    Roth had encountered Nieuport 10 RNAS over the front.Avi was managed to home badly damaged.Englishman crashed No-Man-Land and killed.

    Dec. 21-25

    Snowfall every day so no flights.

    I asked for a Christmas holiday but denied.Verdammt!

    The German Press was coming to make a story about the pilots.


    The Press would have liked to hear stories air victories but i didn't have any to give.

    After this meeting i knew what my goal was.A fighter pilot!



    Modest Christmas in Menen.I was so lucky i got a gift fom home.Dry meat and bottle wine!

    • Like 1

  5. November 28,1915

    FFA 33

    Bastian's Diary

    Just arrived Menen Aerodrome.Very exciting!

    Very eager to get air.I saw my workhorse but now.It is Aviatik C.In the training school has B version.C model has machine guns.Luckily!


    Offizierstellvertreter Bastian Dietrick Schubert

    Born in Oberstdorf

    5 May 1896

    At a age of 5 family moved to Freiburg in Württemberg.

    His father get a job as a forester.He was eager to hunt and Bastian was always with him as he could.

    His markmanship skill was useful later on!

    August 1914 Bastian belonged XIII Württember Division.Whole autumn was Race to the Sea.

    Result was they were stuck in the mud and trenches.The winter he spent digging and installing barbed wire.

    Once he and his komrade were going just that work,shrapnell exploded near.Bastian woke in hospital week later.

    No front line service any more.Bastian applied to be a pilot.


    November 29-30

    I am now acquainted with my observer,Oberleutnant Eberhard Blume.Good fellow!

    Together we got to know  Aviatik.


    Eberhard and Bastian ready to action!

    December 1-2

    Flights canceled due the snowfall.

    December 3

    Photograph mission Ypres-Messines Ridge.

    Weather was awful yet!



    Eberhard and his "tools".


    Menen gets behind.


    Ypres ruined city on the right.

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