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Everything posted by Paroni1

  1. Continue... We were taken to the Douai's hospital.Cod liver oil was used to treat burns.It helps surprising lot! We were lucky to survive so little.The birdie could have burn or exploded. The headquarters became a telegram congratulating on the task performed.It promised also a small home vacation! Eberhard would travel in his home Bremen and i would go Freiburg. Home sweet home!
  2. Continues.... Out of gas over the front.The machine just glided on its own side. Only in the land did i pay attention to our injuries.Burns mainly in addition to shock. Infantymen take us to safety.
  3. British-prisoner-1-1.jpg

    From the album Paroni

  4. Continue... Aa fire hits our machine!Boiled oil spreaded over us. Also benzin smell heavily.There must be leak! I shout Ebenhard is he okay.There was relief when he replied yes. Oil burned my skin but i didn't care of it.I took course East and heavy smoketrail followed us.
  5. Shot02-17-22-21-29-09.jpg

    From the album Paroni

  6. Shot02-17-22-21-29-01.jpg

    From the album Paroni

  7. Shot02-17-22-21-28-17.jpg

    From the album Paroni

  8. 26th December 1915 Bastian's Diary After Christmas Eberhard and i ordered take photos railway junction at Roullers.It lies far behind enemy lines. We get photos when started so thick AA flak that we had never experienced such a thing!
  9. re: Patch 1.21

    "They keep it fresh and, while offering presents like this from time to time, they keep us willing to support them when it's time to open the wallet."-Raine I agreed ,WOFF is best WW1 sim in this moment. I'm willing to pay for a decent upgrade!
  10. Albert! What a luck to meet Nungesser! After that,Sid has no shortage of champagne or women!
  11. December 20 Bastian's Diary: Roth had encountered Nieuport 10 RNAS over the front.Avi was managed to home badly damaged.Englishman crashed No-Man-Land and killed. Dec. 21-25 Snowfall every day so no flights. I asked for a Christmas holiday but denied.Verdammt! The German Press was coming to make a story about the pilots. The Press would have liked to hear stories air victories but i didn't have any to give. After this meeting i knew what my goal was.A fighter pilot! Modest Christmas in Menen.I was so lucky i got a gift fom home.Dry meat and bottle wine!
  12. Battles at Ypres sector are stuck in place.Both sides use photo and recon planes to find out another's plan. Dec. 7-19 Mostly weather is so rainy or misty that photo quality are not good. Ypres's bombardment.We use Telefunken direct artillery to the right spot.
  13. AK! During with my short career with Henry ,i noticed that the wings of the Nieuports were paper! One tight manouver and then the sounds of destruction began!The lower wings disintegrated in an instant. So i wish you good luck in the air battle.Bebe's construction is tougher,i hope.
  14. Raine! Finally the two-seater campaign could become interesting. Actually you must do something when take photos. AlbertTross Agreed with you that single seater is top number one yet! Ps.Beatrice's shoes are comfortable at least!

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