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Everything posted by allenjb42

  1. Guess who's birthday it is?

    many Happy Returns Kev!
  2. A quick fix should be to Copy and Paste the Desert.cat file from your Desert folder to the IR folder.
  3. Where are we up to with Greek & Turkish F-16s for SF2? And IRL, are they using the latest versions with the big spine & CFTs?
  4. No fly Zone over Libya...

    Maybe we need a thread on how many different ways you can spell Gadaffi. I've heard that this is one of the main stumbling blocks to freezing all of the Colonel's foreign bank accounts...
  5. ok. Looks like I'm doing a new SF2 install tonight then!
  6. Please don't clown me, but could this map be used in SF1? I've already got a Greece vs Turkey install based on WOE and would rather convert 1 mod to 1st Gen than a whole dedicated install to SF2 if possible. What would I need to do to use the terrain in 1st Gen? Thanks.
  7. Mrs. Crab_02 delivers

  8. HOLY s**t!

    Many happy returns!
  9. Nice! I know what you were watching on telly last night! :wink2: Wonder who would take the female lead if it was a Brit flick?
  10. No fly Zone over Libya...

    It's almost like an episode of the legendary Yes Prime Minister: Prime Minister David Cameron gets off the phone from the UN PM: Right that's the no fly zone sorted. I've told them we can get a carrier off the coast of Libya and start launching some raids on the Mad Colonel in the next 24 hours. Defence Minister: Yes Prime Minister, but we retired HMS Ark Royal last month. PM: Blast! Forgot about that. OK, then we just fly the Harriers to Bengazi and they can fly from there and support the rebels at the same time. DM: Of course Prime Minister, but we retired the Harriers too. PM: Oh, OK. Well we've got those new Typhoons, they can bomb the cr*p out of Gadaffi's forces can't they? No sense in letting the French have all the fun is there? DM: Yes Prime Minister, but the Typhoon's air to ground capability isn't fully operational yet. They'll have to be used in the air to air role. We'll use Tornados for air to ground work, but you are of course aware that the Tornados are based in Scotland so they'll have a 3,000 mile round trip, costing about £200,000 per aircraft. PM: Right, OK then, so we double the types of planes we're sending and make the deployment bigger and more complicated and more expensive. Still, never let it be said we couldn't punch above our weight with the best of them. Anyway, at least we've got those new Nimrod spyplanes that'll be able to tell us where the Libyan's have got their forces and where Gadaffi's hiding in case we want to send in the SAS to get him. DM: Yes Prime Minister, but we scrapped the Nimrod's a few weeks ago. PM: Well unscrap them. Are they in one of those desert boneyards the Americans are so fond of retiring their aircraft to? DM: Unfortunately not Prime Minister. We cut them up and turned them into scrap metal. They're probably razor blades or baked bean tins by now. However, we have saved £2 billion over the next ten years by scrapping them. PM: But they cost us £4 billion already and we've not even flown them! Do you mean to say that we've totally cocked up the Defence Spending Review? DM: Yes Prime Minister......
  11. Libyan Mig shot down over Benghazi

    Rafales according to the BBC. Also, the downed MiG 23 may have been a rebel bird. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-12795971
  12. No fly Zone over Libya...

    Apparently it's not just 'no fly' but no attack, so allied forces will be free to engage Libyan ground forces that threaten the civilians. Looks like it might have started already. BBC are reporting a Libyan fighter downed over Bengazi: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-12794623 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-12794589 From the pics it looks like a MiG 23. from the film there don't seem to be any AAA bursts around the plane before it explodes, so maybe hit by a missile. So the next question is SAM or AAM?
  13. A Hebrew name for the F-35I

    How about Ruach = Ghost? Plays on the stealthyness of the plane.
  14. Happy Birthday Nesher!

    Many happy returns! Yom Huledet Sameach!
  15. Happy Birthday Sony!

    Many happy returns!
  16. What if The Final Countdown had been a Japanese movie... (Hint: Checkout the name of the B-29 )
  17. When I saw the title of the thread I thought it was from TK about the Tomcat sim!
  18. There are some Desert Storm repaints here http://www.ukmil.org.uk/download.php?list.61 Including one of a reserve aircraft XX893 that looks to be an unmarked pink skin. You could also try contacting the modder who did them to see if he's got any templates?
  19. Looking forward to downloading them!
  20. More BIrthday's

    Many happy returns guys!

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