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Everything posted by allenjb42

  1. Version


    He 111 Skins Readme These skins are for the A Team He-111H6 and are conversions of the skins created by CFS3 Ground Crew Design Team for their He-111H series for CFS3. To install, just extract the file to your ObjectsAircraftHe-111H6 folder and go fly. It's that simple! The skin should be available in the drop down menu of the He-111H6 Hangar Screen loadout section. Thanks must go to the following: CFS3 Ground Crew Design Team for their work in creating the skins (I just converted them for use in SF) and for their kind permission in allowing me to bring the skins to the SF community Capun and his A Team, for bringing us the He-111H6 to play with. TK for SF/WOV, WOE and who knows what else. Have fun, and good hunting! Allen (allenjb42) Burton Any problems, find me at combatace.com, simhq.com or column5.us
  2. Ok, thanks for the info.
  3. I like the way you're reorganising the SF skins by aircraft type. Is the exisiting database going to be done, or does this just apply to new skins uploaded?

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