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Everything posted by riccisj

  1. Does anyone know which files need to be copied to get the Razbam cockpits to work with the SuperPack addon? I know the cockpit directory but what about the other .ini files?
  2. I figured out the blurry problem with the Razbam cockpit, set cockpit detail to high not unlimited.
  3. Update: I deleted the cockpit folder and replaced with the Razbam version along with the cockpit.ini. I now have the cockpit in game but things are looking a little blurry, I did have this working earlier with clearer gauges but cannot remember how I got there.
  4. snapper 21 - I'll give that a go. What about the folder and files in the cockpit directory from the A-6 Superpack install. Did you let those remain (looks like they have something to do with the CCIP addon) or delete the cockpit directory and replace with the Razbam. Thanks for your help.

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