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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. FSX

  2. MS Flight Simulator Screenshot Thread

    Gustav you may already be aware but there was a slew of CVL's released over at Simouthouse recently including HMS Ocean, HMCS Magnificent and HMAS Sydney... all prime Sea Fury nests... same guy also has a rather sharp looking Majestic class in public beta - HMCS Bonaventure and HMAS Melbourne 8) Might add a couple shots of my own latter tonight If I get some sim time tonight, would that be the Flying Stations Sea Fury? Kinda tempted to pick it up now that there are suitable carriers for her. Edit: A-4G & Melbourne http://combatace.com/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&section=img_ctrl&img=26347&file=max edit2 I give up... the insert image button refuses to work Craig
  3. Probably a new Supermarine Scimitar & DH Sea Vixen. Craig
  4. it's a boy

    I prefer the name "yet another blood sucking leech" myself... Craig
  5. it's a boy

    allow me to be the first to say whoopdie friggin do... Craig
  6. Hey CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox News!

    I thought I just might have been able to get away form the constat barage of BS here :( A BBC reporter a few days ago: "I'm standing outside the hospital where kate is being taken, doctors tell us she will be having either a boy or a girl...." - You don't say.... Craig
  7. Not if you approach perpindicular to the runway at <100 knots before slowing, turning into wind, stopping and landing vertically it isnt :D Gotta wonder who had the bright idea to buld an airport/field there though. Craig
  8. Am I to guess that an attempt in a Harrier dosn't count? :P Craig
  9. "Alpha Velveeta Knuckle Underwear, you are cleared for take-off. When you hit that nuclear weapons plant... drop a bomb for me!" Craig
  10. Tempting... been watching a series of vids on youtube recently, from the comentary whether it runs well or not on a given rig still seems to be a lotttery with comparable systems having vastly differing performance. For £7 or £8 it might be worth the gamble I guess. Craig
  11. A long time ago

    I'd thought about that as well, just might be enough space for something the wing root(s), not really much space to plant a gun on this one though. As for missiles, 2 Firestreaks/Redtops matches the lightning at least, perhaps a tad light but again this jet really wasn't big enough to carry much more unless it went up without external tanks. I also never really understood why the canopy framing on the .177 was so heavy, was planing on replacing it with something more akin to the SR.53's canopy* had I managed to get that far. In the case of the FD2 it was purely a research bird so I guess visability wasnt as important, could always just "what if" something similar to the F-104's canopy? * SR.53, small mixed powerplant tech demonstrator that served as the forerunner of the SR.177: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saunders-Roe_SR.53 Craig
  12. A long time ago

    Thank you :) Tried to make an SR.177 myself a few years ago but didn't get very far, quite interseted in the rest of those birds as well especially the VG Phantom. Craig
  13. Never heard about this before but I suppose it makes sense for the PoAF. From what I've just read they very nearly did operate the type, two III's aparently evaluated in Portugal and still in museums there, then an order placed for 79 V's that were never delivered. Craig
  14. A long time ago

    Thanks for that, went back through the WIP board as far as November without seeing the thread. Yeah, the naval version was a 2 seat variant, he mentioned in his thread that he intended to model this after he had the RAF variant done. :) Craig
  15. F/A 18H

    That would be SwatKats and their Turbokat :) Loved that show when I wasa kid Re. engines close together, the F-14's were spaced wide due to experience over Vietnam of F-4's having both engines knoked out at the same time. Craig
  16. A long time ago

    The P.1154 was being worked on late last year, for the life of me though I can't find the thread :( Also can't remember who was working on her, would I'd love to see the naval interceptor varient in game some day :) Craig
  17. Is it fixed then?

    Did we manage to hide the nuclear ban stick this time or do we all need to duck and cover again? Craig :P
  18. Is it fixed then?

    Don't know if thats a joke or not, either way it made me laugh... sombody get the man a beer already :) Craig
  19. Jet Thunder - back from the dead...................

    I'll be on the lookout for flying pigs and the four horsemen. I'd love yo see this released but having looked at the FB page: " When I thought it would be done in months, its been over a year - when I thought there was only weeks left, there was in fact months - now in my head its read for beta any day - so maybe by my record, realistically - a few more weeks. 28th September 2011" They thought it was going to be ready in in a few weeks 2 years ago, think they've lost touch with reality :( Craig
  20. How to deal with a Sniper in Vietnam...

    Not saying its noble or anything, but as you said the simple presence of a sniper is enough to give the other guy an advantage. If you play fair you loose, nothing wrong with sneaking up behind and killing someone who didn't know you were there same logic goes for air power, snipers and Submarines... the sneaky b*****d wins. Craig
  21. How to deal with a Sniper in Vietnam...

    Not really any more cowardly than using CAS against an opponent who has no means to deal with the attacking aircraft. They have their place and are disturbingly effective. Craig
  22. I was getting myself "re-qualified" on the Sea Harrier earlier just flying circuits about the Invincible and got thinking if it would be possible to set up a splash target. For those that havn't seen one, they are small floating structures towed behind ships; designed to kick up a large wake for the purpose of providing something for aircraft and ships to train their gunners on. Perhaps an indestructible or very tough, small, friendly boat set in formation behind a carrier? Or attached to a carrier model in the same manner as deck parked aircraft (though some distance aft and in the water). Craig
  23. Splash Target?

    Tbh unsinkable isn't so bad for what I have in mind, the real ones are so small that they are almost never actually hit. The idea is just to give something to aim at and the case of the sim record accuracy, the longer it survives the more practice/data I get. ^ Apparently the last Sea Harrier flight before disembarking permanently :( Craig
  24. If its convoy escort then presumably MPA's - Bears and Badgers. If Blinders and Backfires come into the picture though then it could be a problem. Don't imagine the Invincible class with their FRS.1's would have lasted too long had things gone hot unless they served as part of or under the protection of a US carrier group. Sidewinder armed Skyhawks would have had the same problems the FRS.1's faced with the added disadvantage of no radar. A pair of sidewinders is enough to deal with the MPA's but theres no way a subsonic light armed fighter could hope to do anything about a full strength Maritime strike package. Always liked the design of the CVV myself, a pint sized conventionally powered baby Nimitz to replace the Essex class, the idea being you could have two of these for one Nimitz. Probably on the small side for F-14's but big enough for a couple of squadrons of Hornets and a squadron of S-3's. Craig
  25. Stands to reason since there are folk still flying S-2's today that S-2 derived aircraft could have been operated into the 80's. In which case why not just use S-2's and E-1's for ASW & AEW? Perhaps retrofitted with turboprops as the Argentinians and Brazilians have done? Regarding the A-4 and Sidewinders, I don't see why not since many export clients had their Skyhawks tote around Sidewinders, though personally I'd be inclined to look into the feasibility of operating Hornets from the Essex class. Craig

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