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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. Revising My Ozzy List

    Ozzy: Mr Crowley Crazy Train Bark at the Moon Dio: Holy Diver Kill the King Heaven and Hell Craig
  2. Cool, will have a look into it next weekend.... theres a couple of birds I'd love to see that have a slim to nil chance of being made elsewhere :P Craig
  3. Anyone know if the student version of Max is compatible with the exporter? I've got the license or about another 6 months and wont be able to renew it, nor will I be blowing a months salery on a full license.... if it works though perhaps I could have a crack at producing something before my time runs out. Craig
  4. Forgot? Check the history books.

    Politicians not having a clue what theyre talking about? Never....... Craig
  5. RIP Jim

    Jim Marshall passed on Thursday morning http://news.sky.com/home/showbiz-news/article/16203679 Off to play a 100 Watt salute Craig
  6. Ammo for my Argument

    Had to hit the books to make sure, but it looks like TK is right on this one. I can't find any reference to FAA Tooms carrying chaff, and what was in that clip was pyrotechnics. I've shot an email off to a couple of guys who were around in the Phantom days to verify as they were a tad before my time (read 33 years :P) so I could be wrong... will let you know when they get back to me. Craig
  7. ranged

    From the album SF2NA

  8. rollingout2

    From the album SF2NA

  9. runin

    From the album SF2NA

  10. cat0008

    From the album SF2NA

  11. Buccdownwind

    From the album SF2NA

  12. King25

    From the album SF2NA

  13. The last thing he said to me,,,,,

    "My orders came through. My squadron ships out tomorrow. We're bombing the storage depots at Daiquiri at 1800 hours. We're coming in from the north, below their radar. When will you be back? I can't tell you that. It's classified." Craig
  14. Sounds good, this game is just begging for a Bucaneer campaign Craig
  15. AF Finance NCO awarded Bronze Star

    WTF I take it she didn't have the decency to refuse the award then? Regarding the Humvee IED incident, I don't really know much about US awards however I was under the impression that if you are wounded as a direct result of enemy acton that a purple heart is an automatic entitlement? Craig
  16. Given how often TK patches his games you can't really hold Ron at fault for not updating his models, payware just dosn't work with this series thanks to patches screwing up as much as they fix. If a developer were to continually update old models they would have no time for new material meaning that the have no source of revenue meaning that its a dead end. Having said this Ron has said on numerous occasions that when/if this series reaches a stable format he will revisit his models and update them, until this happens though it isn't worth the effort. Craig
  17. Just spent some time flying te AV-8B, is it possible to set it up to only fly from the LHA's rather than the CVN's? Craig
  18. Its taken a couple of weeks but I've finally managed a missile kill, with a gun of all things Flew the Yak-141 against a flight of A-6's: bagged one before launch another shortly after then started a wavetop supersonic chase before scorring a cannon hit on a Harpoon.... which then proceded to blow up and kll me Craig
  19. Anyone else see something a little odd here: I've flown 4 nuke sorties against the ruskie fleet (Bucaneer/A-6E), I've increased incrementally from 10kt up to 1MT and the worst I've done to the Kiev is blow 4 Yaks off the deck, Hell one of the nukes was a direct hit and it still only killed the Yaks... and myself... . The only way i've been able to sink her is with massed volleys of Harpoons, generally 5 or 6 getting through the picket screen is enough. On a related note how the hell do you get multiple flights to actually engage, somethimes the flight leads will launch as instructed however I'm finding myself giving up and going back to the boat with pacifist squadronmates who are carrying apwards of 36 Harpoons between them Craig
  20. Ridley Scott's Prometheus trailer

    Rekon it gives away a little bit too much for a trailer... still bouncing off the walls with anticipation though Also all the talk of it not being an "Alien" film but simply set in the same universe.... who's Ridley kidding? From what I've just seen this is Alien 0.5 Craig
  21. Reagarding fleets engaging each other, I've seen them fighting at a few miles guns only. Asideaside from lots of explosions not a lot seems to be happening... 15 minutes of them pounding away at each other scoring ht after hit and not a single ship was any worse for wear.... aside from my carrier which had fires on deck where the volley of SAMs trashed my flight 5 seconds after spawning Craig
  22. Spotted a minor bug: the USS "Sapian" Craig
  23. Going by Google maps it looks about 70-80nm SE of Keflavik, don't know if the map is 1:1 scale though. Craig
  24. Anyone else spotted this: "Hover Islands" Craig
  25. flyingislands

    From the album SF2NA


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