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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. fantastic, off to buy my new rig, the Road to Hell missions were great though my comp was on it knees :( managed 19 kills on my first pass.... CBU's are great aint they lol Thanks guys Craig
  2. 100 things to do before you die

    81 Pass Aircrew selection 82 Skydive over the Grand Canyon 83 See Japan 84 Get CQ'd on a real carrier... none of theis STOVL nonsense lol 85 See my friends return from Afghanistan in one piece
  3. Sorry to hear that dude, been there done that and it wasn't fun. hope things heal like their supposed to. Craig
  4. thanks for clearing that up, I'd been having pretty much the same idea as SayWhat.... navalised hawker hunters :blush2: Craig
  5. yeah, I'm kind of curious how you managed that as well :) Craig

    Metallica * Megadeth * Motorhead * Iron Maiden * Ozzy * Black Sabbath Black Label Society * Dragon Force * Anthrax Slayer Pantera SOAD * those marked with * I have seen Craig
  7. I've resumed work on a Jaguar M (ini dance not a new model) and have more or less got it ready to release however I'm having trouble getting it to work properly with carriers in post Oct 08 installs. If flying from land then thers no problems and if flying from a carrier in pre Oct 08 then theres no problem however in a post patch install the aircraft will either rotate to the right around the long axis while on the cat wating to launch or will pitch up violently / yaw 90 degrees to the right as soon as it clears the cat. I dont get this behaviour with other aircraft so its not the carrier causing the problem. I tried a search but didnt ome accross anything simillar being reported, any ideas guys? Craig
  8. Oct 08 Carrier anomoly

    Thanks, just gotta sort out the hud and port airbrake then its good to go. Craig
  9. Oct 08 Carrier anomoly

    Yeah, like I said, pre Oct 08 installs don't show the same behaviour on carriers. Craig
  10. New Rig, opinions welcomed

    Hi, I've got a big juicy tax rebate heading my way and my current comp is on its last legs, was wondering if anyone more enlightened than I would mind having a look at the following system just incase I'm off the mark for what I need. Its designed with FSX in mind, however I'd like a second opinion. http://www.wired2fire.co.uk/build.php?systype=14&fsb=30 I made a few changes myself after reading other similar threads (PSU, cooling, HD, optical 2, and card reader). PSU Thermaltake Toughpower 650W Pro Core2 Duo E8400 6MB Cache CS Thermaltake Golden Orb Cooler GC BFG GeForce 9800 GXT+ OC 512MB PCIE Me 4GB Corsair DDR2 800MHz C5 Twin2X MB Asus P5Q Pro Socket 775 HD 250GB Cavair SE16 SATA 300 OD1 DVD-Rom X16 OD2 DVD-RW 20X RSt All in 1 Card Reader USB 2.0 Vista Home Basic it now comes in at: £951.71 I appreciate any insight you may have. Craig
  11. New Rig, opinions welcomed

    thanks, yeah It would be in 64 Bit. Sent them an Email enquiring about upgrading to the E8600 since it isnt on the options list.
  12. If its the one I think it is then its a Vampire FB.5 masquerading as a Sea Venom. The Vampire FB.5 was a land based single seat light attack aircraft, whereas the Sea Venom was a naval two seat all weather fighter. For anyone interested in FSX the old alphasim model looks like its going to reapear on the designers own site along with a new HMS Eagle: http://mark-harper.co.uk/ Craig
  13. DH Sea Venom Fairy Gannet (long shot...) think that would pretty much cover the post war FAA :) Craig
  14. nice one :thumbsup: just took out 4 IL-28's.. with 4 Aim-4's.... Lucifer must be skatting to work this morning :S Craig
  15. try swapping out for one of the Mirage Factory F-16A pits its pretty straight forward, copy the "cockpit" folder and the avionics and cockpit files, then rename the aformentioned cockpit and avionics files to the file names called for in the F-16B config ini. Craig
  16. Theres a work around to simulate the clearing of a jam, most of the way down : http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...46&hl=unjam Personally I think its a bit overmodeled, the 27mm Mauser in the Typhoon should be way more reliable than i is in game. Every single time I use it I get off between 4 and 7 rounds on my first burst and thats it... Dosnt really seem to happen often to me on other birds. Craig ps. if you try it and it dosnt work try here as well: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...02&hl=unjam
  17. Iron Eagle the glory years

    At 5:14 someone pointed out that the altimeter is inverted.. upon closer inspection our intrepid pilot is loosing altitude... in a flat climbing spin... While on screen he falls from 18,900 to 19,100 :) As inaccurate and terrible as they are I still kinda have a soft spot for the Iron Eagle films... so bad their good lol Craig "Just gimmie fried chicken"
  18. Which countries did you visit, when and how was it?

    Live in Scotland been to: England Wales, lots of hills, lots of rain... felt like home lol France, Paris twice, Normandy once. Spain, Canaries twice, Belearics twice, Madrid once Germany, road trip... lots of beer... don't remember much :) Greece, a couple of islands but too young to remember which ones, want to go back though Norway, weekend in Oslo Italy (in a couple of months) Japan, Canada and Mexico are on the hitlist... :) Craig
  19. Nice one, only been able to look at her though :( Anyone else having trouble getting her to take off? I'm using WOI Sept'08, best i can do is get her up to 170 knots on the deck, the moment I rotate I roll violently left and crash, AI seems happy enough to rotate around the 145 knot mark. Craig
  20. Chinook

    wow, not really big on whirly birds myself but I'm really looking forward to this one :) Craig
  21. There was a WIP somewhere of a B-52/X-15 combo so depending on how that got on it may be possible to have Mistel combos. Craig
  22. I've never seen anything relating to Oribital flight in WOX however there is an NF-104 in the DL section to wet your apetite Highly recomended, had some of my most memorable flights in her :) CRaig
  23. NIMROD MR1

    Used to have a lecturer who worked on these up at Kinloss. Gave me a few horror stories about the cavernous intakes, one of a poor chap that got a little to close infront during preflight, crew couldnt see him from the cockpit and the engines were already running. Craig
  24. Interesting, I'd always assumed that given the obvious similarities to both the F-22 and F-14 that this bird had been intended as an F-14 replacement to serve along side the A-12, didnt realise that it was a replacement for the A-12 and therefore ultimatly an A-6 replacement. Craig
  25. Lay Offs

    Got mine at christmas, still looking for even a temp job to see me through to entering the Navy. Have pretty much come to the conclussion that the "advisors" at the Job centre are a waste of space, every two weeks I need to meet them to discuss what I've been doing to find work.... and every time their advice is to try what I've already been doing since November (saw what way the wind was blowing before we went bust). Fact is there is very little to be had and my "new car fund" is taking a beating through living costs... :( Craig

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