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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. Hang over cures....Whats yours?

    NATURAL IMMUNITY... runs from my fathers side of the family. I'm a Scot and as such have been known to drink very heavily on the odd occasion though it has never given me more than dry skin the next day. My cousins on my mothers side however have been known to be laid up for a couple of days after matching me drink for drink.. all of us being more or less the same hieght and build.
  2. was just thinking about this one yesterday, saw a clip about it on the military history chanel: "secret aircraft of the superpowers"" or omething like that. Craig
  3. MB-339A

    thanks Spectre, got the decals and pod showing now. for anyone else having gun problems I had a look at the weapon data for the gun pod and the gun data ini in WOI, the pod calls for "GunTypeName=30MM_DEFA553" however there is no such gun in WOI so I substituted it with "GunTypeName=30MM_DEFA552". Craig
  4. MB-339A

    thanks for this one really lovin this little bird, really sporty feeling, cockpits especially well done having two problems though: 1: the gun pods wont load though they are selectable in the loadout screen and are selectable in flight however no visial model and they wont fire. 2: the decals don't load on the itallian bird and the decals have to be manually selected in the argentine bird to show. flying in September pathed WOI Craig
  5. Air Force Officer Careers

    Now that you mention it Skippy number of applicants for the Navy might just be a factor lol At my P1 pressentation there were 18 or 19 of us applying for RAF officer/Aircrew and 1 for the Navy. Another thing about the navy I liked: in the RAF you need to be trainng by the time your 23 yet the Navy is happy to wait till your 26, go figure Craig
  6. Air Force Officer Careers

    lol quite enjoyed that. had my decision made for me when I failed the pilot medical for the RAF but met Royal Navy standards, for some reason RAF requires 6/6 whereas FAA accepts 6/12 correctable to 6/6. Anyway good luck Bucklehead. Craig
  7. thanks much, I was strugling with this a few weeks back and gave up Craig :)
  8. The Cobra Maneuver

    If the guy on your six is close enough to gun you and you pull a cobra to evade him all you really do is present him with a larger plan form view of you as a target rather than rear aspect, it is bassically suicidal to attempt. Craig
  9. cool didnt realise about the memory stick option anyway I struggled with it for about a week and gave up on the 2nd install, the original runs fine so just making do with that Craig
  10. I raised this a few weeks back but didnt get a reply, using SFP1. The install option is removed from the start up screen afeter only one install is there a way to force it to install? I tried manually copying everything into a new directory and renaming the "install" as per the instructions in the Falklands mod however it refused to load. Craig
  11. F4D-1 Skyray

    forgot to mention, this is in patched WOI and I'm using the September editor
  12. F4D-1 Skyray

    I didnt have any trouble with tanks however Sidewindes are refusing to load, they arent even available in the menu. I went into the editor and noticed that availability was from '69 onwards so i corrected this to '59, also that allowance was set to NATO only so added USN. In the FORD data ini the outer stations are allowed IRM and the loadout calls for AIM-9B, I checked the name of the winders through the editor and they are listed as AIM-9B. So I really cant see why they wont show, any ideas guys? Craig
  13. Memorable Missions

    Had one a couple of weeks ago flyin an Israeli F-4E during Yom Kippur. Locked onto a Syrian Mig-21 while he was about 20 miles of the coast haeding for the Northern Border. Set up an extreme long range shot with an Aim-7E, fired at about 20 miles. To be honest I thought I was probably a bit far out but if it worked I'd have time to take out another 1 or 2 of his flight BVR. After over a minute in the air my missile was about to get a hit maybey a quarter mile out an the B****** ducks behind a hill. Was really looking forward to the kill after watching the missile track for so long... ended up targeting his wingie with another 7 got him then took the lead with a winder. I also vividly remember my firt mission n the 6 day war, bombed a hanger with my two wing mounded 500lbs bombs in Cairo west then used my centrlin 500's to take out a fuel tank and then an IL-28, was hoping to get the bombers on either side of the one I targeted unfortunalty they were to far apart. Made my last pass straffinga row of Mig-21's and got 3 or 4. When I pulled up the control tower was about half a miledirectly ahead so I emptied my guns into it. Craig
  14. I've maybey screwed something up when I exracted the cat file or the folder structure has changed between SFP1 and WOI. I have no weapon folder, everything relating to weapons is in the objects folder, everything stock works no problem. When I installed the Voodoo I ran into problems with the tanks and nukes. I've installed the weapons folder that comes with the Voodoo into the objects folder and added the data entries with the new editor, after this failed I copied the data and lod files for the tanks into the weapons folder (rather than the tank folder within weapon folder) and also into the object folder along with all stock weapons, I have renumbered and saved the new entries corectly yet none of the meathods I've tried work. Craig PS. the 101 kicks ass, been looking forward to this one for years
  15. WOI Weapons

    for reasons that are frankly beyond me my weapons now show...havnt done anything new since the last time I tried and they wernt there... go figure lol
  16. woohoo blakburn banana jet
  17. Saw something a while back, don't remember where, about an Australian program to equip their 111's for A2A as a stop gap before signing a deal for te F-35/F-22. Bassically the idea involved a new radar and about 10 Amraams. Craig
  18. WOI Weapons

    using the 02.20.08 editor so i need to copy the format of the weapons found in the F-101 pack: Weapon folder - Tank folder - ini, lod, bmp? for all weapons? the thing that has me confused is that until I installed the F-101 I had no weapon folder, the objects folder is full of ini, lod and bmp files. Along with the aircraft ini files. I dont remember having to move everything manualy into a weapons folder with my old SFP1 install, so thought maybey I've missed a step somewhere installing the game itself? btw thanks for the promt replies, had this same post in the mod discusion board for a couple of days now with no replies. Craig
  19. I've maybey screwed something up when I exracted the cat file or the folder structure has changed between SFP1 and WOI. I have no weapon folder, everything relating to weapons is in the objects folder, everything stock works no problem. When I installed the Voodoo I ran into problems with the tanks and nukes. I've installed the weapons folder that comes with the Voodoo into the objects folder and added the data entries with the new editor, after this failed I copied the data and lod files for the tanks into the weapons folder (rather than the tank folder within weapon folder) and also into the object folder along with all stock weapons, I have renumbered and saved the new entries corectly yet none of the meathods I've tried work. Craig PS. the 101 kicks ass, been looking forward to this one for years
  20. I'm asuming you mean air to ground as air to air its simply point and shoot the guns and watch the shafrir slide past your target without going off. (personally only managed about 3 kills out of 63 with the Shafrir) Bombing: try diving on your target at roughly a 45 degree angle from around 8-10,000 feet and roughly 2.5 miles from target. Put the pipper on the target and aim to release at around 2-2500 feet. Rockets try a 30 degree dive from around 5000 ft place the pipper slightly behind the target and fire at around 0.8 miles. try this link for a more in depth explanation: http://bunyap2w1.com/SFP1_Wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page (left hand side "weapon delivery manual") Craig
  21. I raised the issue with the canopy on default aircraft a few days ago, still no joy though: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=32351 I havnt had time to try the high lift meathod however the animatin ID seems to have no effect whatsoever.
  22. I bought WOI 2 days ago and this is myfirst attempt to Mod it, however I have been using SFP1 for many years so have some familiarity with the game structure. Regarding the animation mod: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7225 It is my understanding that the following code taken from the Mirage III: [canopy_frame_rear] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_1 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL AnimationTime=6.0 AnimationID=7 is the section that allows the user to open the canopy, as such I have C&P this section from the most recent pre September patch into the Data file for the Mirage, the animation keys are assigned however the animation dosnt work. I've chosen not to compleatly replace the Data file with that in the downlaod incase there has been anything added in the September Patch. Anyone see any obvios mistakes on my part? Also on extracting the objects Data file I discovered that unlike SFP1 the files are extraced into the objects folder rather than a weapons, decal, aircraft, ground etc folder, is there a way to exract the files automatically into said folders or has the file structure been altered for this title? Craig
  23. WOI Canopyanimation

    having looked at various models the canopy is not always reffered to as "Canopy" A-4=Canopy F-4=canopy_front_outer F-15=Canopy_Rear F-16=canopy_frame_outer Mirage=canopy_frame_outer Mirage5=canopy_frame_rear Kfir=canopy_frame_rear Mystere=canopy_hinge having tried changing the system name and number to both match "canopy" made no difference. Animation keys have been assigned since I set the game up after install. kinda running out of ideas now. Craig
  24. WOI Canopyanimation

    heres what i have for the Mirage: [Nose] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=Fuselage_Front ShowFromCockpit=FALSE DamageRating=DESTROYED MassFraction=0.246 HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE MinExtentPosition=-0.44, 3.15,-0.70 MaxExtentPosition= 0.44, 7.14, 0.70 CollisionPoint[001]= 0.00, 7.12,-0.36 CollisionPoint[002]= 0.00, 4.01, 0.69 CollisionPoint[003]= 0.00, 4.95,-0.68 SystemName[001]=Pilot SystemName[002]=NoseGear SystemName[003]=canopy_frame_rear [canopy_frame_rear] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_1 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL AnimationTime=6.0 AnimationID=7 no luck getting it to work though, perhaps something changed through th patch?
  25. still using a 9600, most features work ok at med to high settings except the flickering water on stock terrain think I can live with it until I start adding carriers to WOI

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