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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. most of the time, only really skip through long legs if I'm testing something
  2. I'm a bit unclear on creating a new install as the option to do so isnt available thtrough the start up screen, so I copy and pasted my already patched install and replaced the original files with those in the Falklands campaign. I've renamed the game folder as stated and altered the medal folders as instructed. The new instal begins to start up but quits to desktop after a few seconds. Running SFP1, any ideas what the problem may be? Craig
  3. Multiple Installs

    yeah only step I wasnt 100% on was the new install, as i said it was a manual C&P job due to the option to install automatically is restricted once the game has been installed once, so i dont know if theres maybey something behind the scenes im missing. Once I had the "new" install I patched, replaced and edited as per instructions yet nothing happens. I try to launch the game, the screen goes black for a few seconds then I'm back at my desktop.
  4. I'm a bit unclear on creating a new install as the option to do so isnt available thtrough the start up screen, so I copy and pasted my already patched install and replaced the original files with those in the campaign. I've renamed the game folder as stated and altered the medal folders as instructed. The new instal begins to start up but quits to descktop after a few seconds. Running SFP1, any ideas what the problem may be? Craig
  5. Hi, just flown the Gulf of Sidra mission set and my wingman, after being ordered to cover me, has a habit of deciding that an Airbus 80 miles away is a more pressing threat than the pair of Mig-23's 10 miles off our nose. I've checked the Ini for the airbus and its set to friendly though the mission file has it set to Iranian, Ive tried editing both to neutral however he still goes off and hunts airliners. Anyone know how to get hm to behave himself?
  6. Neutrality

    sorry, keep forgetting theres so many versions lol its SFP1, was just bugging me as in mission one of the set you are supposed to intercept and esscort the migs clear of the CVBG rather than actually engaging them... then my wingie starts an international incident by firing on the deadly A-310s...
  7. I've looked in all the usual places (here, Avsim, Column 5 , Capun's etc) and can't find the model, I've also checked the released list just to mak sure it exists anyone know where to find it?
  8. Sea Harrier Frs Mk.1

    I thought It would be in the campaign though my conection right now cant handle a 220meg download, router has a nasty habit of cutting out every 15 minutes or so
  9. I'm trying to install the Gulf of Sidra mission set available here however it states that the carrier CVA-63 is required and available here however i cant find her, anyone know where or if it is still available? If not I'll just replace the entry with the Forestall or Nimitz. Craig
  10. Gulf of Sidra

    sorry should have said, its SFP1, guess its going to be the Nimitz or Forestal then
  11. hi, recently returned to strike fighters and have it fully patched. I am however receiving limited audio, there is little in the way of engine noise from the pit unless i look left and externally engine sound is only normal from the rear left quarter. Comms, explosions and other aircraft are normal only my own jet. I've had a look through the knowlege base but cant come up with anything, any ideas suggestions? Craig
  12. sound issues

    thanks guys, got it sorted now now I've just to sort the weapons files and carriers and I'm more or less back on track I think
  13. sound issues

    think its something else guys, I'm using headphones and this only happens in SFP1. I've tried altering the in game options but none seem to have any effect.
  14. I noticed this model on Secret Projects from a year ago, was wondering if anyone knew if it has ever been released? for those unfamiliar with the design it was intended as a supersonic harrier replacement. http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/inde...pic,308.30.html

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