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Everything posted by SUICIDAL

  1. Muchas Gracias Chicos ;) Saludos Marcos
  2. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Gracias Por el MP cocas ;) Bueno esto seria casi casi el Definitivo , con alguno retoques..... MAZ-537 Con el MAZ/ChMZAP-5247G semi trailer Ultimando detalles y probando el largo y ancho del carreton...
  3. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Avances del MAZ , el skin esta medio trucho y es lo que le da ese efecto de .... Extraño , pero Zafa.... La idea es armar un Pack con estos Bichos.... Ya termine una Versión mas Del MAZ Y Aca tengo ya el Carretón en Avance , supongo que para mañana tengo los restantes del Pack que quiero Armar

    HECHOS CIENTÍFICOS: - Si gritaras durante 8 años, 7 meses y 6 días, habrías producido suficiente energía como para calentar una taza de café. (No parece valer la pena) - El orgasmo de un chancho dura 30 minutos. (¡ 30 minutos!) ... - Golpear tu cabeza contra un muro consume 150 calorías por hora. (Me quedé pensando en lo del chancho) - Una cucaracha vivirá 9 días sin su cabeza, antes de morir de hambre. (¡Qué envidia lo del chancho!) - Algunos leones se aparean más de 50 veces al día. (Igual prefiero ser chancho, calidad sobre cantidad) - Las mariposas saborean sus propias patas. (Algo que siempre quise hacer pero me falta elongación.) - El elefante es el único animal que no puede saltar. (¡ 30 minutos, qué loco el chancho!) - La orina de un gato brilla bajo una luz fosforescente. (¿ Se dan cuenta ? ¡ 30 minutos !) - El ojo de un avestruz es más grande que su cerebro. (Conozco gente así) - Las estrellas de mar no tienen cerebro. (También conozco gente así) - Los osos polares son zurdos. (Los perros Pastor Alemán son nacionalistas, la ballena franca es franquista, y el chancho, ¡ El chancho es un maestro !) - Los humanos y delfines son las únicas especies que tienen sexo por placer. (¿ Y el chancho ? ¿ Y si un delfín tiene sexo con un chancho ?) Es un fenòmeno !!! Al fin entendí por qué las mujeres dicen: ¡ Sos un Chancho !
  5. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Thanks Carlonchoo Bueno son las 03:33 , y no me llega el señor Sueño. Asi que me puse a boludear con algunos camiones rusos. Un MAZ 537 04:57 Algunos avances y modelo del tractor prácticamente Listo. Agregándole un skin momentáneo.
  6. Ist Part of the RWR sistem. I do not know if you already have these magazines.<BR closure_uid_lu9wmx="367">But they are very good drawings and<BR closure_uid_lu9wmx="368">The information. This are IAI-DAGGER By Nuñez Padin http://www.mediafire.com/?wtmwyynm2hv Mirage of the World http://www.mediafire.com/?yvqdwjwzhzm Saludos
  7. BEAUTIFUL IDEA PAULO !!!!! I Love The Deltas ..... These beauties came after the Malvinas War., to replace those deltas lost in combat. They had two different camouflages, one clear tone. To operate in the desert of Patagonia. And another to operate in the jungles of northern Argentina. The M-5 "Mara" Patagonia Skin Mara Pictures: http://galeria.mirageargentina.com.ar/thumbnails.php?album=6 Jungle Skin This Are the M-5 Dagger. They had a single camouflage, which then was changed during the war.But that's another story This would be his original skin, before the conflict. Dagger Pictures: http://galeria.mirageargentina.com.ar/thumbnails.php?album=7 And M-5 VF Finger http://galeria.mirageargentina.com.ar/thumbnails.php?album=5 Saludos Marcos
  8. ScreenShots Sueltos

    JAJAJAJA SOS UN TREMENDO ZONDA !!!!!!!!!!! Muy bueno
  9. Iran displays captured UAV

    By ASSOCIATED PRESS | 12/13/11 9:59 AM EST Seychelles drone crash under investigation NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — U.S. officials say an American military drone has crashed at an airport on the island nation of Seychelles. The U.S. Embassy in Mauritius said the U.S. Air Force MQ-9 Reaper drone was not armed and that the crash on Tuesday morning caused no injuries. It said that the airport's runaway has reopened for normal traffic. The U.S. military and the civilian aviation authority of Seychelles are coordinating to remove the debris of the drone. The U.S. has used drones from the Seychelles to target al-Qaida linked militants in Somalia.The cause of the crash is under investigation
  10. Iran displays captured UAV

    The story of 106 is known, there are several more like that.
  11. Noticias Militares

    Muy Buena Nota Ace , Sip , al parecer es el Fin del Rafale. Demaciado caro , Los franchutes no quieren hacer el traspaso tecnologico , ni tampoco te dejan meter mano En el Software del avion , repuestos en euros , y la hora de vuelo tambien muy cara. No es la mejor Opcion. Me mato de risa el ultimo parrafo de la nota. jaja Muy buena. Ahora si mal no recuerdo en el Ultimo o ante Ultimo Red Flag , se comio crudo a los aviones Yankes de 4° Gen....
  12. Type 23 Frigates

    Gracias Fedee, Te mando un Abrazo
  13. Guys thank you very much !!!! Un Abrazo para todos. Saludos Marcos
  14. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Lista para la descarga la fragata tipo 23 con las configuraciones de la ARCH y las UK-NAVY http://combatace.com/files/file/12502-type-23-frigates/
  15. Iran displays captured UAV

    Photo taken in 2010. You can clearly see the color .... Source http://www.militaryp...d-a-role-change One More Source http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/blogs/defense/index.jsp?plckController=Blog&plckScript=blogScript&plckElementId=blogDest&plckBlogPage=BlogViewPost&plckPostId=Blog%3A27ec4a53-dcc8-42d0-bd3a-01329aef79a7Post%3A088e4448-9e53-492f-8a14-7671361e1743
  16. Iran displays captured UAV

    RED ARROW: Why nobody has taken the high-resolution photo files and put them into Photoshop to blow out the details is beyond me. A huge tell in whether or not this thing is real or a fake would be what lies behind the intake radar diffuser. In this case it appears to be exactly what should be there, a jet motor with possibly some type of radar blocker covering the fan face. If this was a hastily designed mockup I seriously doubt the Iranians, who had full control of what images were released, would have formed such a smooth inlet and actually placed a motor inside. This is possibly the largest piece of evidence found during my analysis, and you have not seen it anywhere else but aviationintel.com! Sometimes it actually pays to be a professional photographer in these matters because you can utilize basic editing tools to bring out details that are not apparent in the images in the state that they are distributed. ----------------------------------------------------- This picture highlights the smooth lines of the specimen, it has well-formed continuous radius edges. When the same picture is filtered, converted to black and white and cropped down we see some sort of seam filler covering something that seems to be designed into the airframe’s leading edge. The black tape is also a mystery but this contoured covering material is there for a reason. Is there a radar array imbedded behind this, similar to the B-2? Or are these possibly antennas for the aircraft’s ESM suite? This is the top of the same picture blown up and heavily filtered. Blue Arrow- The “access panel” and fine details on the spine of the machine do match the fuzzy pictures we have seen of the Sentinel flying out of its home base at Kandahar airfield. These broad lines actually appear to have some dimension to them, very reminiscent of the tape and gap fillers used on the F-117, B-2 and F-22 around access points and radar reflecting edges, although even then they a look a little “drawn on” in this picture. Frankly, from this angle its hard to tell. Orange Arrow- At first I thought this was truly the tell that would determine that this thing is a bogus specimen. Those screw holes and that access plate looks totally drawn on, in fact it looks like they actually drew one line to long and abruptly stopped once they went past the corner. We have all done that when stenciling as kids right? The screw holes look totally fake, like they were just sharpied on the thing to make it look like a functioning machine. At first glance, this evidence really had me convinced that this was a prop of sorts, built in haste by the Iranians to satisfy a propaganda need at home and the world’s hunger for evidence that they actually did have a Sentinel in their grasp. But then I was able to capture the picture below… Blue & Red Arrows- Once again, in this picture you can see that stray line that emanates from the bottom left hand side of the access hatch closest to the intake. But on closer evaluation it is apparent that this is most likely a piece of tape sealer that is come up on that edge. Further, an outline of some degrading tape sealer seems to be viewable along the area where the black “screws” are visible. In other words, it looks like these apparent defects are actually just that, defects, and not “drawn on” to the machine to make it look more realistic and representative of the photos available on the net. There may very well be an operational use for indicating where the panel and it’s screws lie underneath a sealant of some type for future maintenance access. So basically this went from a deal breaker for me to an area in question, but in no means a total disqualifier, as the photos available do not show close enough detail to rule one way or anoth Fuente: http://aviationintel.com/?p=4322 I think the Avtobazar 1L222 Sold by the Russians to Iranians are working. Creating cuts links with the "pilots"` Russia has transferred a number of Kvant 1L222 Avtobaza Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) systems to Iran in October, RIA Novosti news agency announced. Each 1L222 system includes an passive ELINT signals interception system and a jamming module capable of disrupting airborne radars including fire control radars, terrain following radars and ground mapping radars as well as weapon (missile) data links. 1L222 operates over the Ku and X bands (8-18 GHz frequency range) and its effective range is 150 km. It covers 360 degrees hemisphere, monitoring up to 60 targets simultaneously.
  17. Iran displays captured UAV

    RED ARROW: This is very reminiscent of the radar diffuser/mesh grill found on the first generation stealth F-117A Nighthawk. This is a key point as the RQ-170 most likely was designed using rapid prototype efficiencies, commercially available subsystems, and a balance between low observability and risk to national security in mind. This is what I call “expendable stealth.” BLUE ARROW: Although the airframe is generally intact, the leading edge has been scuffed and even perforated in some areas. This is a tell-tail sign of a hard, but flat landing.
  18. Noticias Militares

    uy Buenas Noticias por chile , Recuerdo haber leído varias artículos militares , de revistas chilenas sobre la dificultad que tenían con las municiones y la logística. Dado que no había un fusil estándar dentro de las FFAA de chile. La verdad que el SIG es hermoso. La Fuerza Aérea Argentina el CONAE y CITEFA , retomaron los proyectos de Lanzadores Suborbitales y los Misiles balísticos. Después de mas de 30 años seguidos en donde los Gringos y la OTAN nos impusieran sus restricciones para desarrollos militares, de misiles balísticos. La argentina retomo la senda y de a poco esta presentando y mostrando a la luz sus nuevos proyectos. De los cuales muchos tienen fecha para el 2013. La fuerza aerea desarrollo dentro del plan de acceso al espacio para la defensa el lanzador suborbital fas 1500. En la ultima revista aeroespacio se menciona que la faa esta desarrollando motores de plasma para el sostenimiento de la orbita de microsatelites y motores hibridos para la desorbitacion de los mismos. tambien el diseño y construccion de vectores sonda e inyectores de satelites livianos basados en combustibles solidos. Estos son los proyectos que hay en carpeta hoy en dia. CITEDEF: GRADICOM + ORBIT (Combustible Solido HTPB) 560 mm de diámetro. FAA: FAS 1500 (Combustible Solido HTPB) 280 mm de diámetro. CONAE: TRONADOR II (Combustible Liquido) FAS 1500 Los GRADICOM y ORBIT El TRONADOR II También esta este que no conocía el T-4000
  19. J-20 Beta 1.0 released in the UAV foros , By Aludcat. In this forum share only Betas models The finished models and their problems solved. Are upload to CombatAce. Must register to see the Download Link
  20. ScreenShots Sueltos

    El Beta del J-20 Ya esta para la descarga en UAV , Excelente trabajo de Aleducat !!!
  21. Feliz Cumpleaños a .....!

    Feliz Cumpleaños Espektro !!!!!

    También anduve visitando la Sección de Aviación del Ejercito Y la Sección de aviación de la Gendarmeria nacional.

    Esto es lo unico que tiene para la descarga..... http://marcfighters....m/Aircrafts.htm Dejo Algunas fotitos , ayer estuve con algunos Helos. y hoy con el movimiento de los Hercules con el material para la antartida. Un Eurocopter EC-135 Un AS-355 Aerospatiale Los Hercules Esta fotosla saque con una Análoga , Por eso ese matiz de fotografía de época
  24. Atlántico Sur

    Coincido con Ariel , Excelente trabajo Rober , Muy bueno.

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