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Everything posted by Bounder

  1. After the Suez war Egypt got replacements for its losses during the war and in 1958 the EAF became super sonic when it purchased Mig-19 fighters. Also in 1961 the EAF joined the mach 2 club when it ordered the Mig-21 fighters. In this period also the EAF purchased its Tu-16 bombers and As-1 kennel air to ground missiles and during this period the Yemen war took place where the EAF made a lot of transport missions and some ground attack missions using armed light prop trainers. In late 1966 Egypt received its first batch of Su-7 ground attack fighters. Also in this period Egypt started its aerospace industrial plan and Ha-100 primary trainers and Ha-200 advanced trainers were built and entered service, although the Ha-300 fighter programme was going on the arousal of financial problems seized the project. It was 8:45 in the morning of the 5th of June 1967 the Israeli air attack started and in less than 3 hours Egypt lost more than 227 military airplanes on the ground. The Egyptian reaction was so tough but in fact it came to late and due to its high losses the EAF couldn't change mush of the course of the war. In six days of fighting the Egyptian air force flow a lot of sorties in both air to air and air to ground missions and scored more than 25 aerial victories and it destroyed a lot of Israeli ground targets. In the end of the war the EAF succeeded by the help of the air defense in downing about 72 IAF fighters. During the war a lot of Egyptian pilots made heroic actions made a great effort to prevent the IAF from entering the Egyptian air space and trying to guard the returning Egyptian armies. Algeria sent some Mig-21 fighters to support the EAF and some were downed in combat. The EAF conducted some long range attack missions against Israel itself using Il-28 bombers, but most of these missions failed and at least one Il-28 was shot down in combat. Between 1967 and 1970 it was not a period of peace for the EAF. The EAF went in a large construction plan to build air bases to increase its survivability and for the first time in its history the EAF planned and made a lot aggressive attack mission and it all first began when Egyptian Mig-17 escorted by Mig-21 fighters flew massive destructive attacks on the Israeli positions along the Suez canal in the 14th of July 1967 only one month after the six day war. During this period also Egypt received replacements for its loses during the six day war. The EAF was the first branch of the Egyptian army to return back to the war. Flying photoreconnaissance missions and attack missions all over Sinai using hit and run tactics the EAF regained its self-confidence. And proved its self as a tough foe for the IAF. Beginning of 1969 the battle of Egypt rely began when the Egyptian air defense forces (EADF) began deploying its Sam sites along the Suez Canal. Israel lunched an air campaign to destroy Egyptian air defense network using its newly supplied F-4E phantoms so the Egyptians had no option and their fighters engaged the Israelis in devastating air battles were the Egyptian fighters scored a lot of victories including the shoot down of the first F-4E over the north of the gulf of Suez in the 9th of December 1969. Following this Israelis began deep strike missions ending this period with the electronic summer of 1970 were the EADF succeeded in downing more than 13 Israeli fighters in one week. One of the most important events of the war of attrition was the battle of Egypt when Egyptian fighters were the only defense of Egypt against the Israeli deep striking missions, during these days Egyptian fighters went in large air battles against attacking Israelis and shot down more than 50 enemy fighters in less than 2 weeks. Also some Russian fighters pilots were sent to Egypt to support the Egyptian crew and they did a great work although some of them were killed in air battles with the Israelis. Although the EAF lost large some of equipments and personal it configured out its problems and needs and gained experience which helped the EAF to have the upper hand during 1973 war. ref: http://www.angelfire.com/nb/eaf/history.html http://www.geocities.com/egyptianairforce/history.html THEY DONT DENY IT THEY TOOK OUT ALMOST 300 aircraft ON THE GROUND ALONE
  2. If you still need ppl let me know I do have a mid range machine Nvidia 8800 amd 64 3800 =2.84 ram 3 gig vista 32 bit.
  3. D-Day June 6th, 1944

    SALUTE to then all MAY THE NEVER BE FORGOTTEN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHXTbBdcfEg...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2B4NXV8qyg4...feature=related
  4. some may know what it is (I dont), but maybe if you add more info. There are alot of great modders,and they can make anything(even flying fighting sky sharks) but alot of plates are at max capacity. it may take some time.
  5. THANY YOU V man well surprize get my RTD/FFD orders still have a proflie iI need to work off but being deemed fit fot duty.even limited id better then what I been doing Again VIPER 6 ty.
  6. Gary Kasparov attacked by flying penis-copter

    GOOD you see the WTF look on bodyguards faces roflol
  7. Wov Top Gun

    going through old snaps this is all I could find, tried with the enemy AC but they all got "splashed",so did it with the winger.
  8. as long as its for your use go for it
  9. not familur with this AC so I dont know if its doing as it should ,but seems fun to fly. so as I stated prior upload it here as Beta. Iam sure there are a few here up on this AC that can help. (I reduced theskin to 512 and painted it for grin's.)
  10. why dont you just upload it here as a Beta?
  11. good talent

    http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...ideoID=34070713 shows neet skill ,not needed unless ya landing during rushhour traffic
  12. can you put this in the DL section I like it
  13. Yeah Right! Video

    even thought its jaded this one is at least better written IMHO
  14. sent you one in return No Problem
  15. np text a list here I have meny of the DL stored on an externel HD let me know what ya want.
  16. Happy birthday Israel.

    Salute to the IAF, IDF ,and the people of ISRAEL
  17. sometimes they show additional files of the same kicd,by the same maker. Not the case here though
  18. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5094 is all I can find right now you check the DL section?
  19. hummmmmmmm give me sometime back on duty now with profile so not as much time to play as before,but will check in on it.
  20. Attack Riding Mule

  21. thank you for your efforts,terrain is not a easy thing to do.
  22. http://www.lead-pursuit.com/downloads.htm

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