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Everything posted by Peugeot205

  1. Do you agree with list? Top 10 Aerial Movie Dogfights

    Have you ever seen this?
  2. Do they have the needed fire power? The needed range? The needed electronic protecion? No.
  3. Stratos, you are losing time. TK is not going to give us anything about the game code. You should be very happy with the SF2 series and this amazing comunity improving every single day our SF2 gameplay. So I don't understand your point.
  4. France hits ISIL

    And Denmark too
  5. Favorite Tom Clancy Book's

    The hunt for the red October A classic.
  6. Germany to the front? OOOps!

    Well, today, readiness state in current european countries is really poor in most of them. In France , although right now, almost all the capabilities in the military work "more or less ok" , if you take a look to the situation in 2004 for example and you compare it with today's situation you can apreciate an relatively important regression in means and budget. And then you go to the UK...... An you start to cry, no carriers, no Anti Radiation Missiles , no anti shipping missiles , decreasing budget , decreasing units, and just 20 years ago the UK was the third or fourth military power in the world. An what can I say about southern europe coutries , like Italy, but especially Greece and Spain which a few years ago had relatively good military capabilities now have an almost 0 readiness. And when you read Germany's situation you don't really know what to say. What's the NATO? If they have rules about budget and readiness... Why every country does whatever they want? I don't understand anything. And the world is as dangerous as it always was.
  7. Did you get it work? Could you please show us here the code of both the flyable unit and the naval unit?
  8. Dear ISIS/ISIL

    We also feed them....
  9. Hello guys I'm not a professional skinner however I decided to create this tutorial to help specially people who wants to get started with this. What do we need? 1) A program , Gimp is the one I use: http://www.gimp.org/ 2) Patience So we start opening Gimp.... And then, we must go to file , create new image , and then we choose the size of the image and the "background" that it is called as "Fill with" , in that option we choose "Transparency" and press ok. Then we go to the right part of the window , click with the right button and choose New Layer, Then we call the layer in this case we call it: Layer_1_Background And then we have the new layer if we select it we will be able to manipulate it and if we select the "eye" we can hide the template, then you will see that this is very important. Then , in this case is an example and in a real project this is never done , i'm going to paste from another pic, in this case from CadeteBra's Rafale the "bakground layer" that it is obtained unwrapping the 3D model , so I've copied it from the original source anf them paste it into the layer "background" with the right button and the option paste: And then..... Important remark: You can create the template from an already existing skin, which is more flexible Then we create a new layer called "color" and then we are going to paint it with the main color of the plane , in this case "white" To fill the layer with the color you just have to choose the rectangle select tooll and select the whole image. Then once we have done this we select the option fill bucket with the white color. And then with the left button we press int the image and........ But if we press the "eye" button on the "color" layer... The color disapears , so that we can choose the layers we want to see or not. Then we create a new layer called "panels"
  10. [LeftWingStation2bis] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=9 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-1.995,-0.702,-0.24 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1300.0 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,TER,2BR AttachmentType=NATO,FRANCE ModelNodeName=LeftPyl PylonMass=91.0 PylonDragArea=0.03 [RightWingStation2bis] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=10 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=1.995,-0.702,-0.24 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1300.0 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,TER,2BR AttachmentType=NATO,FRANCE ModelNodeName=RightPyl PylonMass=91.0 PylonDragArea=0.03 [Attack] Loadout[01].WeaponType=r-552 Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=r-552 Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType=Phimat Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=Barrax Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[09].WeaponType=SAMP250 Loadout[09].Quantity=2 Loadout[09].RackType=2BR_FR Loadout[10].WeaponType=SAMP250 Loadout[10].Quantity=2 Loadout[10].RackType=2BR_FR Loadout[11].WeaponType=Tank_RP35 Loadout[11].Quantity=1
  11. You made a mistake with the campaign editing. By the way this version of the Midway was not used during the gulf war.
  12. No where. The Beta version here: http://combatace.com/files/file/12534-ef-2000-typhoon-beta-for-sf-2-series/ And the "original one" : http://combatace.com/files/file/9332-ef-2000-eurofighter-sf2/ PD: Hold on .
  13. Avast. The problem is called Avast. Take a look here http://combatace.com/topic/83840-all-my-sf2-installs-ctd/
  14. The model It is not still avaible, however, It will be ready in the future. Still WIP,
  15. Bobrock did like 6 years ago. A Cavour model will be much appreciated.
  16. independent Scotland?

    And...... Independent Catalonia?
  17. For just.......... 4.65278 euros!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woah!!! Just like the price of a F-35B!!!! And if you have the DLC you can enjoy this superb aircraft:
  18. What scares me it is that many "new members" that have arrived here during the past 7 or 6 weeks, quite often, the first thing they do is: 1) Asking for models or complaining about existing ones 2) Asking for other people's accounts (especially from the A-team) 3) Asking for other people's DLC products (this topic) 4) Downloading other people's work , and then upload it again with a new signature. So , Monsieur mephisto , read this carefully: Lo que quiere no cumple las normas de CombatAce y puede ser expulsado. Bien, cordialement FRPignon
  19. What? Are you talking seriously? So... you are demanding us to send you a dlc product that some of us have bought from tk? And therefore you can enjoy it for free? I can not believe it. PD: Escriba en ingles
  20. No. It adds a sight that changes its position with respect of the position of the aircraft , similar to the sight in the A-A mode, so that targeting with bombs is easier.

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