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Everything posted by Peugeot205

  1. uhmmmm Pierre Sprey a man who took place in the development of the F-16 (General Dynamics) and F-15 (Mcdonnell-Douglas)....... So the F-35 (Lockeed Martin) is not a good bird according to him.... uhmmm May be because of this? The F-35 Is going to replace in the USAF, USN and USMC these type of aircraft: F-18 Hornet (Mcdonnell-Douglas now Boeing) Harrier (Mcdonnell-Douglas now Boeing) F-18 Super Hornet (Boeing) A-10 (Fairchild-Republic now Elbit I think) F-16 (General Dynamics) To be honest I think that Monsieur Sprey is given more a corporative opinion rather than a "professional" one . At least this is what I think.
  2. File Name: Operación Pelayo update 1.1 File Submitter: cangas File Submitted: 06 April 2014 File Category: User Made Campaigns This small add-on adds the weapons needed for the Operación Pelayo MOD as well as it erases some bugs of the original mod. Credits: Cangas Bongodiver Ravenclaw_007 Click here to download this file
  3. Could you give us more information about the meshes to decal this aircraft? Thanks in advance.
  4. Merci Eole.......... I've modded a little bit the Rafale M, there is still a long way as the decals needs tons of work but I like the result...
  5. Could you share with us the decals? Merci ;)
  6. Excellent!!!! A great addition . Congratulations!!
  7. Where did you get this plane? Just wondering if it has something to do with a version of the Rafale M that was pirate and therefore banned from CA. Just wondering
  8. Map Viewing

    Use the mouse right and left bottonns
  9. Testing the new version of the classic EAW terrain with an exotic Phantom
  10. I agree with Fubar you should give us more information.
  11. Did not work? Does the weapons show up in the game?
  12. Yes fo sure it can be created from the planningmap.bmp and activate it via "terrain_name.ini"
  13. And the World Cup has begun

    He does not sing La Marseillaise but for me he is the boss!!! He will be the maximum buteur of the tournament!!!
  14. World Cup 2010 For Old Times Sake

    Oh!!! Anelka VS Domenech !!!!! "Va te faire enc... sale fils de p..." Even Sarkozy had to take part in the affaire to impose order..... Horrible
  15. Problem solved. Thank you very much Wrench
  16. Economic crisis , and It was a very old airframe.
  17. About the spanish air force Ala 14 Typhoon: Just a few comments about the numerals (within my little Knowledge of the Spanish Air Force) , this First Ala's 14 Typhoon [with its numerals] (The one on the pic) has in the tail the code C-16 31 , that means that it really was an Ala's 11 aircraft with the number on fuselage 11-11 , so although It has the Ala 14 markings it was really an ancient Ala's 11 aircraft. I've read that the spanish air force is having lots of trouble with the Typhoon , that they fly very little and that they have lots of difficulties to operate the aircraft . Futhermore they have reduced the orders from 87 to 73 , and right now there are 15 Typhoons in a warehouse waiting to be paid and they won't be delivered until the cash arrives. And I've also heard that the they are considering to sell the Tranche-1 Aircraft.
  18. Thank you Wrench I'll take a look at it and I'll tell you how it works.
  19. I hope it will come as soon as possilbe.... Europe Total war...
  20. No effect. I have a very powerfull computer.
  21. I thinks that it is not the same issue Stratos , because the effect seems to be different..

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