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Everything posted by Peugeot205

  1. Nothing special , all the planes are different , you must get to know how to fly them, it is not the same thing to fly a Mirage III than a B-52. Moreover you must learn how to deal with weapons , how they work and how they behave, because all the weapons are different etc etc etc
  2. General Background: We are in 1985 , China started from Indonesia and Malaysia an expantion movement in order to attack and control Australia by it huge amount of natural resources , however the USS Constellation which was under her west pacific cruise byt that time alongside the Royal Australian Air Force, are ready to avoid any menace in the region. All the USS Constellation air wing is 100% historical , I'd like to know if some of you could give me information about the escort ships the carrier had during its deployement in the west pacific in 1985. Pics:
  3. Not at all. I'm using TMF F-14 which is much much much better that TK's Tomcat
  4. Thank you very much by your information. I've just updated the campaign with your information. New pics:
  5. Tic tac tic tac..... I want to know what it is!!!!
  6. No , it was the J-8 introduced in 1980.
  7. Thanks vy the info B52Strato . Here you can see the new things I've just added: Australian River Class Destroyer Adelaide Class Frigate American Battle group Bandits!!! But we are ready to destroy them!!!
  8. Oh guys, please, I need your help !!!
  9. Do you agree with me? I need your opinion it is very important for the accuracy of the campaign
  10. For sure Centurion!!! especially if your campaign has working strategic nodes. Could any US naval expert tell me which are (More or less the ships represented in this pic, apart from the Constellation) EDIT: B52STRATO (I don't know the reason but when you uplodaded the pic for the first time I could not view it, so that's why I've duplicate it)
  11. Problem solved about the decals ;) (Just an error at .ini editing) This is the site were I found the information about the air wing, I'll go deeper on it. Thanks!!
  12. I'm having a big problem.... Stock aircraft in this campaign does not load the decals, however it loads them when I fly a single mission. Any idea?
  13. Do you also have the French one?
  14. François Pignon

    As my other "nick" was a bit confusing , I say confusing because It was intended to be a parody of the guy and not a way to show you that I really like him when that was not true at all, so I changed to this other name , that I really like. It is a character of my favourite film. If you want to know more you can go here for the film: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_D%C3%AEner_de_cons Here for the actor who performs the role of François Pignon: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Villeret And finally a part of the film (I'm sorry it is in French)
  15. The Tornado at the operation Granby giving it all....
  16. François Pignon

    No problem at all
  17. I think that this is the best way to recover from an HD crash... still WIP More to come!!!
  18. Opération Serval

    It is at flight.cat file use the Cat extractor utility to get the file
  19. Nice contribution Wrench, I'll do it.
  20. I agree with you , In fact I've noticed about this problem with the IIIR. I think that the game by default when it parks aircraft if parks it without pilots , so I think that the possible complete solution it at the game core. Just what I think. I agree with you , that the easiest solution is to put the avaibility as "very_rare" , my IIIR's I think that are in "rare" avaibility , I may update this as soon as possible. Cheers and thanks for posting Paul ;)
  21. Couple SF2 Vietnam vids

    Oh yes that man is amazing !!!!
  22. USMC Harrier around the boat

    Here it is another one that I've found from the spanish navy, very nice too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=DlmnLB722uI As somenone from a country that does not have that kind of machine I must say that I really admire Harrier pilots by their skills. Chapeau!!
  23. Couple SF2 Vietnam vids

    Opps so you were not the guy who made them? Ok thanks anyway

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