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Everything posted by Peugeot205

  1. Operación Invencible

    Version 1.0


    Operación Invecible for the Falklands MOD A "What If..." Scenario Important requirements July 2013 path Strike Fighters North Atlantic Falklands Redux MOD by eburger68 Readme , credits and more info in the readme.pdf file of the .rar file Enjoy Cangas
  2. Coming soon to Combat Ace , Operación Invencible , 30-5-1982
  3. The spanish air force does not have any tranche 3 aircraft yet, and the ones they will recieve will be of the tranche 3A.
  4. Cast of Star Wars 7 announced

    The saga should have finished with the six chapters that already exists. Sincerelly , if in the seventh film I found a resurrected Palpatine after 40 years of his original death in the saga fighting agaisnt a 70 years old Han solo.... we have a problem.. And also, in my opinion mister J.J Abrams is a master of the improvisation, and I don't like this , for example LOST , a TV series that was born very welll but that degenerated with a black smoke called John Locke, time traveling without a De Lorean , a guy called jacob that is as old as Caesar Augustus and many other things, The Star Wars fans really wants this? I don't.
  5. Portugals new drone

    Epic Fail
  6. My name is Jean-Marie Balestre

    I was fed up with my original name so I changed it .......................... More info about the guy here: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Marie_Balestre And his most famous quoute:
  7. Enjoy... http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=eb9_1385675645 :)
  8. Desert Storm - Mission 08 - Mirages

    About the Jaguar A , all of us will enjoy it in a future in the new version of the operation DS. The work that what are doing is amazing!!! Thanks to Jeanba for share with us that incredible plane!!
  9. Desert Storm - Mission 08 - Mirages

    This is just a "fake" version made by me..... The good one will me amazing...
  10. I totally disagree with the AIM-9B , I have dozens of kills using them from the Mirage IIIC , I like it very much, for sure, you must shoot it within a range of less than 1Nm , you must be right behind the bandit, and for sure no huge turnings. Anyway , I like it.
  11. Well , in SF2 you can use jpg textures, in that case you must convert them into 24 bits .bmp and this it.
  12. This one from 1980... This one from 1979
  13. I think that Sundowner was trying to tell us something related with Guiness... but I found other thing , very british by the way.. ;)
  14. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    uhhh The USS Donald Cook , her current home base is Rota , Spain, as part of the missile defense in europe... The russians did on purpouse and trying (as always) to generate troubles..... They are nothig but they still want to be "importants".
  15. Force de Frappe in action with the EC 1/4 Dauphiné in early 80's.
  16. Frisian Flag 2014

    The French F-1's are going to be retired this summer. The last flight is going to be held at the 14 Juillet parade at Paris. If you can go there you can still take them some pics.
  17. I totally disagree with you. It is an old, but very good cockpit.
  18. Frisian Flag 2014

    No French airplanes? :(
  19. Iran`s new Aircraftcarrier

    Iran's new film or show feautring an aircraft carrier....
  20. If we had the terrain.... You have my MOD (Operation Oddysey dawn) with Italian bases and units

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