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Everything posted by Peugeot205

  1. I think that the russians have so many internal problems that they shouldn't do this kind of cold war games, they must focus on keeping their own (internal) security rather than doing this stupid things.
  2. You mean this? http://combatace.com/topic/80793-wings-over-africa-phase-ii/ For a campaign it can be done at any module yo don't need to have SFNA, however to make it work at single mission you must have the NA module.
  3. Hi guys As you know, in 8 days, it's going to be the anniversary of the operation Odyssey Dawn over Libya. So ,a few days ago I said to me , What if I try to make a campaign over it? And I did it, well, I did a "beta" one, only with 3 French and 3 British squadrons. And I will like to make a "Super one" with your help and knowledge. Ok, let me tell you what I'm planning: I would like to add the next planes: Mirage 2000D, Mirage 2000N, Mirage 2000-5F, Mirage F-1CT*, Mirage F-1AZ, Rafale M*, Rafale C*, Rafale B*, Super Entendard, Tornado Gr4, Typhoon, EF-18, CF-18,F-15 , F-16, Mig-25, Mig-23, Soko Galeb. Ok I have all the planes except, the ones with and * I've seen in the forum photos of them (The CT, Rafales M,C,B), and I would like to talk with their modders in order to add them in the MOD. Moreover, it would be nice, if we could rework the Libya terrain in order to have Solenaza and Decimmomanu air bases, and also nothern Tchad, were the french have some bases. Ok? Here you have some photos of the work I did.
  4. I don't have any specific weapon pack I just have the weapons provided by the different planes and MODS i've got from here. Please read and do the things they have wrote you there: http://combatace.com/topic/81176-weapons-pack-help-please/
  5. Yes, you need a weapon pack, it is said at the readme.
  6. A sidewider in a Su-15... imposible, it may be and adder or an archer.
  7. Moreover, this F-1 pack will be freeware.
  8. Brazil chooses Gripen

    But the Rafale needs a catapult to operate, and the new Indian Aircraftcarrier is a STOBAR one.......
  9. Brazil chooses Gripen

    French Goverment? Or Dassault? *What about the Exocet anti-ship missiles that were boycotted to Argentina military in the 1982 conflicts? They were boycotted during the war, the boicot only stopped the deliveries of the missiles, the exocet was used and two R.N ships were sunk, later on the boycot was stoped. * What about Dassault / French gov. denying the Mirage 2000 to anyone who ask's for it, since they're trying to foist the Rafale to everyone ? Deny a plane whose manufacturing was stoped in 2005? * What about the exorbitant prices Dassault asked for Taiwan Mirage 2000's maintenace / upgrade ? The same with India Air Force Mirage 2000's upgrade ? A Mirage is not a MIG, as well as a Lada is not a Peugeot. *What about the Scorpéne submarine deal with Brazil, which was a major monetary rip-off, at least comparing with the German U-214 offer ? Brazil chose the Scorpéne , It was their decision , and if it is more expensive than the U-214 they should have considered it before buying it. *What about the desagreements between Brazil and France govs. about the Scorpéne technology transfers not happening after the deals have been signed ? Pure politics, we will never now who is guilty with that issue. *What about the recent Dassault's / French gov. refusal to effect maintenance on Spanish Mirage F1's ready to be sold to Argentina, unless Argentina buy instead the French reserve ones ? The AdA offered their Mirages to Argentina, however, France never denied the maintenance of the Spanish F-1s. Going back to this: without any limitation to it's costumers, not like other countries you know... France, has never sold military equipment from a junk yard , not like others............(Remember the Spanish Phamtoms, the Portuguese A-7s, Greek Delta Darts , Turkey's huns...... etc etc etc)
  10. Mirage F-1 para Argentina

    Pues nada a ver si este culebrón llega a buen puerto.
  11. In real life, French Navy considered to buy some Phamtoms but..... they were too big for the Foch/Clemenceau, so we chose the F-8 instead.
  12. August 1988, Djibouti, the Vexin changes machines...
  13. Brazil chooses Gripen

    We will see what happens with India, the UAE is also interested on the Rafale..., we'll see.....
  14. Brazil chooses Gripen

    Horrible decision.... May be because I'm French ;) ? Perhaps.... The Rafale should be the right decision.... It is true that Brazil is not a NATO member and that it has not been involved in recent conflicts, however, for a country of it's size, and with the huge economy it has , only 36 planes , and gripens, it is not a good decision. The Gripen is a good plane, nevertheless, it is just a low cost fighter , good enough for a small air force , but not for the air force of one of the most important countries in the world like Brazil. Reasons for buying the Rafale: * Much powerfull platform * Used in combat (Afganistan, Lybia, Mali, etc..) * Carrier-Base capable (The Brazilian navy operates obsolete A-4's from the Foch, the Rafale can be operated from the Foch , in fact it was tested there , M version from 1993) * First foreign user of the plane, with possibility of having a technology exchange. * In 2009 Nicolas Sarkozy signed with the Brazilian goverment a securty procurement. * Dassault has always been one of the best manufaturers giving the best products without any limitation to it's costumers, not like other countries you know... Summing up, from my point of view a bad decision , however at least Brazil buys modern fighters , not like Argentina.... ,
  15. A war at Iberia during the cold war? Why not? ________________________________________________ Estado mayor del ejército del aire de España Ministerio del Aire Alto Secreto ________________________________________________ After the Carnation Revolution, the pro-comunist portuguese army took the political power in that country. The conservative spanish goverment lead by prime minister Arias Navarro considered the change of the political sign of portugal, as a menace agaisnt the stability of Spain, europe and NATO. At late 1974 spanish armed forces supported by western powers such as the USA, France , UK and the NATO started an invasion agaisnt Portugal with the objetive of finishing with the new socialist portuguese goverment. However, the soviet union , decided to support both military and economically portugal in order to defeat the western effort. It is expected that soviet military means will operate from north africa , extendig the war into that region. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ US forces at spanish bases will also contribute to our effort. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ El ministro del aire: General Mariano Cuadra Medina
  16. 1 December: Well, i've made a few changes in the campaign, now the action takes place at 1976 so historicaly the use of Harriers is correct as well as the use of the Mirage F-1
  17. At last, we did it...

    We will see what is going to happen with the F-35, if a country like France with budget , experience and resources has problems with a "Less sophisticated fighter" (The Rafale) , the F-35 may become a nightmare in countries such as The netherlands , Italy or Norway.... However congrats anyway.
  18. I agree but as you may know.............. This is fiction...... just a "What if"
  19. problema con calcas y numerales Mirage F1C

    Mira mi mensaje privado.
  20. A new campaign over Africa with French navy and USMC forces: I hope you like it.
  21. Deviant Art , French Navy

    I don't know maybe saomething related with "ratatouille"..... No it is not and F-1 is a SUE. Btw it is my post 200!!!

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