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Everything posted by Peugeot205

  1. I used the pack which was previous to the one you metion. So unfortunately there is no possible "easy" and "fast" solution to your problem unless you rename the weapon files you have matching the ones in the loadouts. I'm very sorry for that,and that makes me that I must update the loadouts according to the new weapon pack.
  2. Le Foch fully loaded at early 70's
  3. Thak you Eric, now all works fine!!!
  4. Operation Odyssey Dawn Part 1

    That happens because there is a problem (caused by me , and being solved also by me) regarding some bases at the map limits. So if you want to avoid this problem just start from air if your home base is Decimomannu, Giogia del colle or Souda bay. In the other bases you won't have any problem at all. Furthermore, I have mentioned this bug at the readme: "Decimomannu , Giogia del colle and Souda Bay bases are on the limits of the map, so you may hit the "Wall" , in order to avoid this just start the mission from air." I'm sorry for the problems, but the MOD is as it is, by now.
  5. Version 1.0


    Opération Harmattan---------Operation Ellamy---------Operation Odyssey Dawn--------Operation Freedom Falcon----------Operación Amanecer de la Odisea---------Operation Mobile Finally here It is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Opération Harmattan for SF2/Europe/Vietnam pathched at least april 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (VERY IMPORTANT) | |Features: | Dinamic campaign with French, British, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Belgian etc.......................units. Carrier operations suported , specific speech for each country as well as medal pack. Countries and means you will find in this MOD: FRANCE ------------------------- Armée de l'air Mirage 2000D Rafale C Mirage 2000-5F Aéronautique Navale Super Étendard Rafale M Armée de Terre Gazelle UK --------------------- RAF Tornado GR6 Typhoon Nimrod ITALY -------------------- AMI Tornado Italian Navy Harrier II PLUS SPAIN -------------------- C-15 Hornet BELGIUM -------------------- F-16 The Netherlands --------------------- F-16 NORWAY --------------------- F-16 DENMARK --------------------- F-16 UAE --------------------- F-16 Mirage 2000-9 Qatar --------------------- Mirage 2000C Canada -------------------- CF-18 Greece -------------------- F-16 Sweden ------------------- JAS-39 Gripen USA ------------------ USAF KC-135 USN F-18 Growler Aircraft Carriers: R-91 Charles de Gaulle Giussepe Garibaldi Landing ships: BPC Mistral | |Known BUGS: | Decimomannu , Giogia del colle and Souda Bay bases are on the limits of the map, so you may hit the "Wall" , in order to avoid this just start the mission from air. Solenaza air base, although mentioned, it does not exist so the french units based there in the real life, in the mod operate from Italy. No weapons and effects are included, so please download the lastest weapon/effects pack. | |Important Remarks: | Most of the missions are just Strike missions against warehouses etc , so if you had expected a super intense campaign this is not your mod. French and european air forces have the dominant role in the MOD , US presence is purely testimonial as well as Libyan forces. | |INSTALATION: | Drop all the contents in your MOD folder and in order to install the medals you must go to flight folder and open the file: "MedalsNationname.ini" , you will find for example in the case of France: C:\Users\***************\Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Flight\FrCGuerre.txt In *************** just put your directory and it is done, remenber that you have to do it for each nation!!!!!! | |Credits: | Wrench----Libya Terrain Aleks1-----R91 Charles de Gaulle and BPC Mistral Bobrock----Giussepe Garibaldi and Harrier II plus Toyota Hilux------ (I Did not find who did it, so please if you are reading this, tell me who you are!!!) thereg--------Multinational Speech pack BUFF------Medal Pack V1.3 Bongodriver------Typhoon ianh755, Dave, Sundowner ----- British and Italian Tornados Foxmonter and Wrench---- SUper Entendard with Original's Foxmoter cockpit CadetaBra-----Rafale C Veltro2k----Nimrod ace888 and others (See original readme) -----Mirage 2000 UAE and Qatar from Mirage-2000 Foreign Operators pack. From NATO fighters 4----------Mig-25PD eburger68 (Uploader) Lindr2 , TMF and others (see original readme)-------Mig-23 JAT81500 and Amokfloo-----------Mirage 2000D Mirage Factory------Mirage 2000-5F, KC-135 Stratotanker and F-16 (belgian and dutch taken from Nato fighters 4) Brain32-----Gripen Dave and wpnssgt ---- F-16E Viper Team--------Norgewian, Danish and Greek F-16 Veltro2k-----------Breguet Atlantique dtmdragon---------CF-18 Hornet Kesselbrut-------- Gazelle Blackfish and Sordo------------C-15 Hornet EricJ--------------------------EF-18 Growler Campaign data files............. Cangas Music........................... Cangas New Menu Files.................. Cangas Rafale M........................ Original Model by CadetaBra, new Skin by cangas and new (fake) arrester hook by cangas New Pics----------------------- Cangas New Spanish Speech----------------- FX interactive Intro Video---------------------Cangas Intro Video Music----------------Whitchcraft by Pemdulum Finally, if I've forgotten to mention someone in this readme, please, just tell me and I will add it. Have fun and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!! Cangas
  6. Mirage F-1 para Argentina

    Parece que al final rien de rien http://www.revistatenea.es/RevistaAtenea/REVISTA/articulos/GestionNoticias_15734_ESP.asp
  7. When you have the MOD folder , let's say "avaible" , when the game starts, it takes as reference the files at the MOD folder, and those wich are not there are load from the game main installation, but some times this issue can be "problematic", so I recommed yo to not use the fligh folder, or, if you want to use it, take the flight files from the CAT file at the game main installation and put them in the MOD folder. With this modifications all should work.
  8. At checksix.fr there is a very very old balkans terrain (I think it covers mainly Kosovo)
  9. Mirage F-1 para Argentina

    El problema es que 12 Kfir Block 60 salen por 300 millones , Sin hablar de las armas!!!!! el precio de las cuales habría que añadir al anterior.....
  10. Mirage F-1 para Argentina

    La capacidad BVR se obtendría a través del misil Derby, no?
  11. Mirage F-1 para Argentina

    A nivel de sistemas no creo que un Kfir C-10 los tenga mucho mejor que un F-1/M/CT/CR, no obstante me parecen una compra mucho mejor que los F-1.
  12. Mirage F-1 para Argentina

    Pfff los M-2000 brasileños....... desde luego que serán una mejora espectacular respecto a los M-III pero ténganse en cuenta que se trata de aviones de tercera mano, y de los estándar S1, y S2 , muy inferiores al estándar S4 que es el mínimo que tiene a día del hoy l'armée de l'air, y decir que estos , la versión S4, no se consideran unos aviones excesivamente sofisticados. En cuanto a los su-30 Indios yo me olvidaría al 100% , es material ruso y la FAA sólo tiene experiencia en aviones de caza occidentales, sería aún más problématica la situación , al menos, a mi parecer.
  13. Very very nice job, the original plane had an amazing appearance, but yo are making it even better!!!
  14. Mirage F-1 para Argentina

    Francia no va soltar ningún Mirage 2000C, y menos los 5F, dado el retraso manifiesto y recortes del programa Rafale , por lo que lo de tener M-2000 "medianamente modernos" en la FAA , nada de nada. Lo mejor, ha día de hoy , ya dicho anteriormente por mí, sería comprar varios F-16 con MLU a Bélgica u Holanda, de hecho Holanda va a poner en Stock este año un escuadrón de F-16 por recortes presupuestarios. Además el F-16 es una aeronave mucho más evolucionada que el F-1.
  15. Ruido que molesta

    Con el extractor CAT descomprimes los sonidos, dichos sonidos los pones en la carpeta "sounds" del MOD folder, los vas escuchando todos para identificar el que molesta, y una vez encontrado te lo cargas. Sinceramente, entre cajones, pistas que se van a la izquierda (Llevo 7 años jugando a este simulador y nunca ví algo así), sonidos etc.. Encuentras algún punto positivo a este simulador? Porque , no te lo tomes a mal, tienes unas dudas y problemas bastante surrealistas.
  16. Mirage F-1 para Argentina

    La sensación que me da es que la FAA va a seguir hundida en la práctica inutilidad durante muchos años más. Una pena , para la que en su día fue la mejor con muchísima diferencia , fuerza aérea de la región.
  17. Quiero quitar esto....

    Hasta dónde yo llego esos cajones vienen por defecto en el "motor del juego" , osea que veo que dificile que los puedas quitar. No quiero parecer "toca narices" pero creo que para el porcentaje de tiempo que se emplea en esas partes de las bases mientras se juega,....................no veo porque tienes tantas ganas de quitarlo....
  18. Operation Odyssey Dawn Part 2

    See my PM
  19. Operation Odyssey Dawn Part 2

    Do you have the correct path level?
  20. Great job guys,, très jolie!!!
  21. Once you have tried tell us what happened.

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